Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1120: Don't care anymore

Therefore, fighting is something they must go through. They cannot be kept out of danger because they care about it. This is not for their good, but to harm them.

It turned out that Li Meng was too worried.

Although Shayue's foundation is a bit weak, her use of the power of death is not worse than that of the guards. When facing the threat of devil blood, she also used "ghost fire", with a steady breath and no pressure.

Although the small, delicate body dancing with the huge sickle was a bit awkward, it was equally powerful, and countless demons were cut by her.

During the battle, she did not show her tail. Although Li Meng told her not to care about her identity as a demihuman, she still intimately concealed her demihuman appearance, just to reduce it. unnecessary trouble.

How could Li Meng not understand Shayue's little thoughts.

Thinking of this, in speechlessness, Li Meng stretched out his hand and rubbed the little head.

Shayue just raised her head and glanced at her master suspiciously for the master's sudden attack. Li Meng didn't say much to that light gaze, but just smiled faintly, pulled Shayue and continued walking.

When I came to the restaurant, lunch was already ready. In the restaurant, there were also a few stranger figures.

There are more than twenty members of the guard, and Li Meng does not know all of them.

Only a few people who often walk around are aware of it.

The dining process is monotonous. Because Li Meng doesn't like to be disturbed when dining, the restaurant is often quiet at this time, and the only sound comes from the collision of the tableware.

After half an hour, Li Meng finished his meal.

After the meal, Li Meng left the restaurant and went straight to the office where Natasha was.

"not here?"

When Li Meng brought Sha Yue into the office, he found that there was no Natasha in the office.

Although a little disappointed, Li Meng didn't care too much. It was the time when Natasha was busy recently, and sometimes I couldn't see her for a few days, and I wouldn't be surprised when I left Li Meng.

"Huh! This is..."

When Li Meng was about to leave, he saw an electronic tablet, or tablet computer, on his desk.

The tablet is turned on, and the data terminal has been entered on the screen.

Natasha would not be so careless.

After thinking about it, Li Meng did not leave, but took Shayue and sat down on the chair behind the desk.

Even the tablet computer is not turned off, presumably people have not left the military government, and should be back soon.

Idle and bored, Li Meng looked at the screen of the tablet computer on the table.

This look was incredible, and Li Meng was slightly taken aback, showing curiosity on his face.

What could make Li Meng so surprised?

It turned out that Li Meng saw an issue to be resolved on the screen. The course and reason of the matter attracted Li Meng's attention, and Li Meng wanted to finish the story.

"the host?"

At the door, a slight sound of footsteps sounded, and Natasha's vigorous posture appeared, seeming to be surprised by Li Meng's arrival, and her voice was a little surprised.

In a look of surprise, Natasha walked into the room.

"Oh, it's Natasha!"

The arrival of Natasha caused Li Meng to withdraw his gaze from the screen. At this time, Li Meng could almost see the content of the message.

His expression was slightly straight, Li Meng looked at Natasha, and said, "The election of the parliamentarians, has the result come out?"

At the table, Natasha stopped slightly. To the owner's inquiry, she replied: "It has been terminated. Two hours later, the result will be announced before dark."

Standing up, Li Meng got up from the seat and came to the window sill.

Looking at the courtyard outside, Li Meng said calmly: "Tomorrow is the election of the president of the parliament, and the day after tomorrow is the day of the conference. As the capital, Marani city cannot be chaotic. Is it difficult to clean up the sewer demons?"

"Yes!" Natasha answered truthfully this time. She explained: "The sewers in Marani City are a bit complicated, with many routes, and the space is particularly small. Heavy vehicles cannot enter, and the weapons carried by soldiers are difficult. Too much damage to the devil, forcibly attacking will cause a lot of casualties."

Speaking of this, Natasha spoke slightly, and then continued: "In order to have a good environment for the upcoming convention, tomorrow morning, twenty third-level non-commissioned officers will enter the sewer from twenty different entrances. The crusade against the devil, if it goes well, the battle can be over within 24 hours."

Hearing this, Li Meng turned slightly, leaned back against the window sill and looked at Natasha, shook his head and said: "Since you know that things cannot be violated, don't do it recklessly."

"Sacrifice is inevitable, the master doesn't need to care." This is Natasha's answer, her voice very cold and determined.

Just like what Natasha said, there are no undead people in battle. You can't avoid fighting against them because of some factors and disadvantageous reasons. Although some battles may face desperation, as a soldier, you must go face to face. Yes, there can be no fear at all.

Li Meng did not refute Natasha's words.

Because he knows Natasha’s temperament, Natasha is a soldier. Of course, he will use a soldier’s way to solve this problem. The enemy will be destroyed. No matter how powerful the enemy is, as long as the enemy can be destroyed, the loss will be great. worth it.

Li Meng had no good way to deal with the devil in the sewer.

After all, the environment of the sewers is too special, and the powerful steel torrent of the First Army has lost its effectiveness, and can only use the infantry front to fight the dangerous and powerful demons.

After thinking about it, Li Meng groaned: "This matter is not in a hurry. Although the sewer environment is special, it is closed enough. As long as a few gaps are sealed, the devil can't go anywhere. Don't worry about destroying them. The blockade slowly moves to the center. Advance, use a defensive formation to destroy them bit by bit, and let soldiers equip them with more explosive weapons, such as grenade guns, which are easy to carry and powerful. In this way, the loss can be Greatly reduced."

This is also a way...

In the hood, Natasha thoughtfully.

Natasha didn't expect this, but compared to the owner, Natasha cared more about time.

The day after tomorrow will be the day when the conference will be held. If there are still fighting in the city at that time, it may cause panic.

Although the fighting is underground and isolated by the earth, the sound of fighting will be heard more or less.

However, with the master's answer, Natasha didn't care.

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