Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1154: survivor

When Tyra plucked up the courage to open his eyes, the first thing he saw was that ordinary face.

It was too close, almost close at hand, which made Tyra's complexion become ruddy, and she quickly lowered her head, shy, like a little girl.

The appearance of Tyra surprised Li Meng. He didn't expect Tyra of this age to be able to show such a daughter-like expression.

"Hiss!" The sudden pain from the lower body caused Li Meng to take a breath of cold air with a grin.

Perhaps it was too flustered. In the bed, Tyra's right hand moved, and this movement happened to hit the sensitive part of Li Meng's lower body.

Surrounded by three beautiful bodies last night, as a man, Li Meng's lower body reaction never disappeared.

For men, that part is undoubtedly fragile.

Seeing Li Meng's face showing pain, Tyra panicked. When she moved her right hand just now, she did bump into something.

"What's the matter?" Without thinking, Tyra hurriedly explored the place where she had just encountered.

Li Meng was stunned by this discovery, and Tyra was stunned.

Regarding what was grasped by her hand, how could Tyra not understand what it was, which made her whole body stiff and her expression stunned.

The tension, panic, and shyness in her heart made Tyra at a loss what to do. She wanted to withdraw her hand, but her stiff body made her twitch.

Although she retracted her hand, Li Meng was miserable.

"do not……"

The severe pain made Li Meng let out a cry of exclamation, cold sweat on his forehead.

This was the first time that Li Meng had suffered such a great deal of pain. The taste was not easy to take. The great pain made Li Meng's entire face distorted.

Tyra is a martial artist, and the power can be imagined, even if it is accidental, it is not something Li Meng can bear.

Seeing Li Meng in so much pain, when she was ashamed, Tyra panicked. She understood how rude she was just now.

She asked nervously: "Mr. Li, are you okay?"

How can it be okay?

But Li Meng could not say clearly.

Can only reluctantly said: "No...nothing."

There is nothing wrong. Although the pain is uncomfortable, the slowness will pass.

Listening to Li Meng's answer made Tyra feel uneasy.

Tyra was also a little bit dumbfounded about the development of things to this point.

She didn't expect that she couldn't let go of her age, and she was as shy and nervous as a little girl.

In Tyra's apologetic gaze, Li Meng took a while to relax, and his tight expression also relaxed.

When the pain disappeared, Li Meng let out a sigh of relief and lay relaxed on the bed.

Perceiving Tyra’s apologetic gaze, Li Meng smiled slightly, and reached out his hand to stroke the cheek subconsciously. As soon as he stroked it, Li Meng smiled awkwardly, and quickly retracted his hand, saying apologetically: "Sorry, I used to ..."

Speaking of this, the two looked at each other tacitly and smiled, and everything was silent.

At this moment, there is no need to say extra words.

In the bed, Tyra followed her duty and warmed the people around her with her body.

Li Meng also put away his thoughts and waited quietly.

It was not until noon that Chen Yan and the stranger she both returned.

She was very careful, and when she came back she brought a set of clothes for Tyra.

At this time, the ice crystals covering the floating boat have melted, and although there is still a chill in the air, it has reached the range that ordinary people can bear.

Tyra didn't have any strands all over her body. In order to avoid suspicion, after Li Meng got dressed, he left the room and went to the aisle outside.

The space in the ship is small, and the aisle is certainly not ample.

"How is it? There should be people still alive."

During the period from waking up to noon, Li Meng could hear a lot of voices from outside the door, including footsteps and voices.

The subject Li Meng asked was Chen Yan who was following behind him. Chen Yan left the room very early and should have some understanding of the floating boat.

Leaning against the wall, Chen Yan smiled slightly and nodded: "Yes, there are a lot of people alive, about 20 people, there are ordinary people and martial artists. Now they are all gathered on the deck to discuss what to do next. ."

More than twenty people?

For this poor number of survivors, Li Meng felt a little in his heart.

As far as he knows, there are about 300 or 400 passengers on this pontoon, which means that most people lost their lives in natural disasters, and more than 20 people survived the entire pontoon.

Are there more than twenty people? Of course not much.

Thinking of this, Li Meng asked again: "Where is the floating boat?"

Counting from the time when the cyclone pontoon left Marani, the sailing time was about eight or nine hours.

The cyclone pontoon cruises at a speed of 80 kilometers an hour, which is more than 600 kilometers in eight hours.

Although the northern coastline of Bentley is very close to the mainland of Kyoto, only more than 300 kilometers, the city of Marani is located in the middle of Bentley. Even if it sails in a straight line, it is more than 1,000 kilometers away from the mainland of Kyoto. Still in the sky over the South China Sea.

Of course, the sailing speed of a pontoon is not uniform. If it goes downwind, it will be faster and headwind will be slower. Where it is now, if you only use a numerical formula to calculate, it is impossible to draw a conclusion.

Chen Yan said with a little bit of speech, "It's not far from the mainland, it's about two hundred kilometers away."

Two hundred kilometers?

This distance is not close.

Li Meng had a hunch that this trip to Kyoto might not have been as smooth as expected.

At this moment, a slight sound of footsteps sounded from the side, and Tyra walked out of the room, of course, she was stranger.

Compared with the leather armor before, Tyra now undoubtedly shines.

Her gaze was undoubtedly good, and she chose a black dress for Tyra.

The skirt is very short, reaching up to the thighs, underneath are black stockings, and a pair of black leather boots. When Tyra puts on this set, it looks a lot younger, and the whole body is full of youth. breath.

Li Meng's gaze was immediately attracted.

Seeing Li Meng's gaze staring at him unabashedly, Tyra smiled slightly, not paying attention.

She knew what Mr. Li Meng was surprised about, and she was also very uncomfortable with this outfit.

After all, her age is no longer suitable for wearing these young and fashionable clothes.

Look back, but you can't keep staring, keep staring, that would be a disciple.

Moving his eyes slightly, Li Meng looked at her beside Tyra.

She faintly smiled at Li Meng's gaze, and said softly: "My last name is Li and my name is Yanran. Don't doubt my purpose. I just want to help you. Even if I do, I won't hurt you."

There are some things that cannot be said yet. Li Yanran does not intend to tell the truth until the facts are clarified.

Because Li Yanran understands that before there is a valid basis, the world is full of too many variables, maybe the final result will still disappoint her.

It's just similar, which doesn't explain much.

Li Yanran?

It turned out to be the same sex.

Li Meng didn't care about Li Yanran's purpose.

No matter what her purpose is, her heart to help him this time is sincere. Knowing this is enough for Li Meng.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said, "My name is Li Meng."

After speaking, Li Meng introduced the two women beside him to Li Yanran: "This is Chen Yan, my close girl, and this is the martial artist "Tara", the guard accompanying this trip to "Kyoto". "

Li Meng?

The same surname made Li Yanran's eyes brighten. Although she was excited, Li Yanran still suppressed her inner impulse.

Li Yanran understands that some words can't be said too anxiously, they must be taken slowly.

Moreover, now is not the time.

After some introduction, several people finally knew each other's name.

Knowing the name reduces the sense of strangeness, and the relationship becomes more harmonious.

With a faint smile, Li Yanran said: "Meeting is fate. My destination is just like you. Why don't you go to Kyoto together? After this change, the road to "Kyoto" may not be smooth for the floating boat. I am A martial artist, one more person will have more strength."

Of course, Li Meng would not refuse Li Yanran's initiative request, and he readily accepted it.

With a slight smile, Li Meng said softly: "Ms. Li Yanran will be troublesome for this journey."

Since you pretend to be an ordinary person, of course you have to speak like an ordinary person.

A martial artist asked to join the team, how could Li Meng, an ordinary person, refuse.

Seeing that her goal has been achieved, Li Yanran said: "Let's go! Now the floating boat is hovering at a height of one thousand meters, moving with the wind, what to do next, you need a charter, the number of people is strong, and those who survived People are essential."

Human beings are very complex creatures that kill each other, and unite as one when necessary in a specific environment.

At this time, people who can survive on the floating boat will not be fools. Getting through the cold does not mean that they are safe. Only when you leave the floating boat and step on the ground can you really survive the crisis.

Subsequently, under the leadership of Li Yanran, the four left the high-class cabin and headed to the fore deck of the floater.

The journey was short, but within a few minutes, the four came to the deck.

When he walked out of the cabin, his eyes suddenly became vast. While looking at the endless sky, Li Meng also saw two figures on the deck.

The foredeck of the pontoon is quite large, with more than 20 people in it, and it seems very sparse.

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