Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1165: come down

Worry should be right. In the air, as long as they stay in the floater, they are safe, but in the forest sea, their own safety cannot be guaranteed.

Especially at night, without a shelter, even martial artists can hardly survive in the forest at night.

Li Yanran knows Kyoto better than anyone. Although she doesn’t know the most correct position of the floater at this time, there is one thing that is beyond doubt. Once the floater falls, they cannot arrive within the limited hour or two. Yuandu.

In other words, the survivors on the floating boat must spend a long night in the forest.

For all survivors, this is not a good thing.

Turning his head slightly, Li Meng looked at Li Yanran beside him and asked, "Are you worried about tonight?"

Some things are not hard to think of. Why Li Meng doesn't understand what Li Yanran is worried about.

In the forest sea, the night is indeed the enemy of mankind, including martial artists.

No matter how strong the martial artist is, he can't resist the continuous attacks of the polluting beasts, and there will always be exhaustion.

Nodding lightly, Li Yanran said solemnly: "Although martial artists often enter the forest sea to hunt, they are carried out with complete preparation. The hunting area will not be too far away from the sanctuary of humans. For humans, The forest sea in the dark night is too dangerous, no matter how powerful a martial artist, he will not sacrifice his life in the forest sea at night."

"Once the floating boat falls, the survivors will also be exposed to the threat of polluting beasts. Whether they are leaving or staying, tonight is destined to not be calm, and it will be the most dangerous night."

Speaking of it, Li Yanran glanced at the busy martial artist on the mast and sighed: "After tonight, I don't know how many people will be alive. They should all understand their own destiny."

Li Yanran's words silenced everyone, even Li Meng turned his head, quietly looking at the distant coastline.

After all, this world is still a world of fierce beasts and demons, and humans can only live behind the tall walls.

From the dark ages, I don’t know how many days and nights have passed. For hundreds of years, mankind is still at a disadvantage.

When will we usher in a new dawn for mankind?

There is no answer, and no one can know.

Li Meng knew very well that the threat of the fierce beast was a hurdle that humans could not overcome. Humans could not, and neither could the First Army.

In Bentley, regardless of the fact that the First Army seems to ignore the polluting beasts, they often set up temporary camps in the forest, but that is because Bentley is only an island country and its area is not large enough to support a complex ecological environment. To put it simply, it is In Bentley, due to the small ecological circle, there is no too strong polluting animal group.

But the mainland of Kyoto is different. Eurasia is vast, with a territory of more than tens of thousands of miles. The resources are rich enough to give birth to countless powerful groups of polluting beasts. Its huge ecological circle is also very amazing.

In the huge ecological circle, although the footsteps of human beings are all over the world, they play a very low role.

In this world, human beings are just survival speculators, living behind high walls, lingering under the threat of beasts.

Time went by little by little. Thanks to the efforts of the survivors, the huge sail finally adjusted its direction toward the wind. In the sky over 600 meters high, the huge floating boat slowly sailed southwest.

Stand high and see far, the distant coastline is obviously very close, but it is still far away.

The sloping route to the southwest also increases the distance between the pontoon and the coastline.

It was not until three hours later that the floating boat broke away from the sky above the sea and entered the forest sea.

At this time, the height of the floating vessel was already less than 100 meters.

The wind is howling, the forest is turbulent, and the canopy of the trees is swaying, making the green forest sea look like a rippling sea.

Compared with the endless sea, the undulating forest sea is even more shocking.

One side is the sea, and the other is the forest sea.

Above the forest, at an altitude of several tens of meters, a floating boat was crumbling.

It sailed slowly, and the hull made a "creaking" sound under the wind.

It came from a distance, slowly, descending at a speed visible to the naked eye, and fell towards the forest sea.

The hull of more than a hundred meters long made it seem extremely tall. Under the sunlight, a huge shadow swept across the tree canopy, and the huge floating boat was weighed down by the raging forest sea.

"Sixty meters, fifty meters, forty-five meters, everyone is ready to avoid collision."

On the ship's side, Girus looked nervously at the forest that was getting closer and closer, and he gave a loud warning in his mouth.

This caused a commotion on the deck of the pontoon, and everyone clung to the fixed objects beside them, showing tension on their faces.

After all, the important moment came. At this moment, everyone's hearts were praying.

Pray for the smooth landing of the floater.

Although the posture of the pontoon when it fell was very stable, the moment of impact was full of uncertainty. Once the pontoon rolled over, not to mention death, the injury was certain.

Injury at this time is not a good thing, because the biggest crisis has not passed.

At high altitudes, the pontoon looks very small, but when the height is above the treetops, the pontoon becomes extremely large.

Thirty meters, twenty meters, ten meters, five meters, one meter.

As the height of the floating boat gets lower and lower, a shocking scene is happening somewhere in the forest.

The huge floating boat was like a big mountain pressing down towards the forest, and huge shadows passed over the treetops.

At that moment, when the bottom of the boat touched the treetops, only a groan of "creaking" trees broke, and the huge floating boat plunged into the forest sea.

The impact was not strong, and there was no excessively exaggerated picture. After rushing forward only more than 20 meters, the huge floating boat became calm, stuck on the tree canopy, and two-thirds of the hull fell into the trees .

Behind the pontoon, there was a trace more than 30 meters long. The tall tree canopy was broken and collapsed, forming a sunken cavity in the forest.

The trees are too dense, and the bottom of the hull does not touch the earth, dozens of towering trees bear the weight of the hull.

The impact was only an instant, the vibration on the ship did not last long, and the intensity was not intense.

When everyone on the floating boat did not feel it, all the shaking has disappeared, and the floating boat successfully landed on the ground.

"Unexpectedly it went so smoothly!"

She patted the dust in her hands, Li Yanran stood up and looked outside, with a very surprised expression.

Li Yanran originally thought that when the pontoon fell, the impact should be violent, but he didn't expect it to be so slight.

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