Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1182: Predict

Although the mansion is big, it is much smaller than the military government in Marani.

After arriving on the second floor, Chen Yan took Li Meng into a room without taking a few steps.

"Master! This is my room. When I was in Kyoto, this was where I would rest at night. This is the lobby and this is the bathroom."

Armed with the host, Chen Yan took Li Meng around the room, seeing where he should be.

Finally, he opened the door of the inner room and entered the bedroom.

If the lobby and bathroom are not so impressive, the furnishings are ordinary.

But the bedroom in front of him was a real surprise to Li Meng.

Because the bedroom in the eyes is pink, although it is not all a color, Li Meng is surprised by the feminine atmosphere. It is obvious that Chen Yan has carefully decorated the bedroom.

As soon as she entered the bedroom, Chen Yan fell silent.

Obviously as the dead, she still has the heart of a girl.

She lowered her head, and seemed to be very ashamed of her master being in her boudoir.

Chen Yan's reaction can greatly benefit Li Meng.

With a slight smile, Li Meng pretended to hit Hatch and sat lazily by the bed.

Looking at the people in front of him, Li Meng smiled and said: "I said Yaner, the master is tired, do you want to sleep with the master?"


This sudden invitation caught Chen Yan by surprise. She didn't know where to put her hands. She stared at her master blankly, she looked very cute.

Chen Yan's dumbfounded appearance made Li Meng smile. She couldn't help but stretched out her hand to grab the slender wrist, and pulled the soft body into her arms.

With the tender body in his arms, Li Meng's hands naturally held the tender body in his arms.

Chen Yan reacted when she was held by her master.

She smiled lazily, gave Li Meng a blank look, and said coquettishly: "Master! Yan'er can accompany her master anytime, but my father should be back soon. If the master doesn't care, Yaner will accompany her. Yes."

How could Li Meng bear Chen Yan's obsession.

In Chen Yan's coquettish smile, Li Meng unceremoniously kissed the rosy lips and demanded fiercely.

During the request, Li Meng hugged Chen Yan and fell onto the bed, pressing tightly on the soft body.

Faced with the host's bullying, Chen Yan catered to her with a flattering expression, allowing her to prey.

After some frivolity, Li Meng let go of the rosy lips.

Looking down at Chen Yan under him, feeling the touch of the full mountain peaks on her chest and the soft body, Li Meng's breathing became a little short.

But Li Meng ended up being enough.

Turning over from Chen Yan, Li Meng panted and lay beside Chen Yan.

The departure of her owner caused Chen Yan to roll over lazily, looking sideways at the owner next to her.

There are not many expressions on the white face, and the eyes in the pupils are tender.

For a while, the bedroom quieted down, and both of them lay quietly on the bed, and Li Meng's breathing calmed down.

Looking at the ceiling unconsciously, Li Meng's thoughts drifted far away.

As the highest head of the First Army, many things are hidden in Li Meng's heart. No matter when and where he is, he can't help but think about the solution.

"Master! What are you thinking?"

Lying on her side next to her master, Chen Yan's eyes were tender and she was uttering words.

The bedroom has been quiet for a long time, and Chen Yan's expression also let Chen Yan know that the owner is thinking about something at this time.

What are you thinking about?

Although Chen Yan could guess some things, there were also some things she couldn't think of.

Chen Yan also has a desire to learn about unexpected things.

Chen Yan's whisper in her ear gradually restored Li Meng's thoughts.

The lying body turned slightly, Li Meng lay on his side, facing Chen Yan.

Facing Chen Yan's soft gaze, Li Meng stretched out his left hand and gently stroked the beautiful curve of the delicate body, from shoulder to waist, and then to the attractive buttocks.

Chen Yan was unmoved by her master's frivolous behavior. She just stretched her body lazily, making the dress tighter, and highlighting the beautiful curve of the body.

For Li Meng, this is simply an invisible temptation.

Facing Chen Yan's temptation, Li Meng was not polite, and felt the wonderful curve with his hands.

While stroking the beautiful curve, Li Meng said calmly: "I'm just thinking about the timeline. Now the First Legion has a big business, and many things have to be done, and they have to be dealt with one by one, but this It takes time. Among these things, some things need to be dealt with as soon as possible, and some things can be put aside first, and the primary and secondary matters should be sorted out clearly."

Speaking of this, Li Meng smiled slightly, looked at Chen Yan's face close at hand, and said softly: "Take the case of the fall of "Sri Erlin" as an example. Although the authenticity has not yet been confirmed, this The particularity of the matter must be resolved first."

What the owner said made Chen Yan thoughtful.

It turned out that the master was thinking about this.

Indeed, if Sri Erlin falls, it is not a good thing for the First Army. Not only will the layout of mainland Austria be affected, but also the territories outside Austria will also be affected.

If there is an invasion of the Demon Legion, the fruits of the First Legion this year will become the gateway to the human world to block the Demon Legion. The First Legion can be said to bear the brunt. By then, the First Legion will face a dilemma To the point.

Either go to fight a war with no chance of victory, or withdraw from the South China Sea and give up all the fruitful results.

Of course, there is no absolute thing. The First Army faces more than these two choices. How the situation will develop in the future is just an expectation. The only thing the First Army can do is to adapt to the situation as the situation develops.

Thinking of this, Chen Yan smiled softly and whispered: "Master! If this matter is true, the news will definitely be hidden. Besides, there are our people in the Heroes' Association. Father should know something."

What Chen Yan said was what Li Meng thought, and a long conversation with Chen Qi was indispensable.

Time is almost up...

Without further ado, Li Meng stood up.

Chen Yan also sat up closely, looking at the master standing by the bed.

"Let's go!"

No need to say more.

When he came, Li Meng followed Chen Yan, and when he left, Chen Yan followed Li Meng.

Leaving Chen Yan's boudoir, it happened that when she walked to the hall, she happened to meet Chen Qi who had returned.

Needless to say, the three of them came to the welcome room in the lobby.

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