Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1193: termination

But she was destined to be disappointed.

Soon after the movement in the hall calmed down, there was a slight rush of footsteps in the bedroom.

At the door, Li Meng was refreshed and entered the bedroom with a comfortable expression.

Although Li Meng vented well on Chen Yan, Yan'er had to finish her task.

The adjustment of Luo Luoxin is not over, but he will be the final finishing touch.

At the bedside, Li Meng stopped, and Luo Luoxin, who was on the bed, was desperate at the moment.

She knew that the hope in her heart had been shattered.

Looking at Luo Luoxin, who had a seductive posture on the bed, Li Meng sat down by the bed.

Li Meng didn't know what Luo Luoxin's expression was at the moment, and he didn't need to know.

For Li Meng, the person in bed, whether it was before or now, is the target of exploitation.

Before that, Luo Luoxin's value was still very low. Although she has the identity of the daughter of the Grand Duke of Ense of the Kingdom of Barron, Li Meng did not intend to use her identity to do something.

But now, after Chen Yan's reminder, Li Meng has awakened.

Although the Kingdom of Barron is a certain distance from the South China Sea, it is necessary to make some preparations in advance.

Li Meng never thought that he was a good person. Li Meng would never be vague about matters related to the future of the First Army. If the First Army needs Li Meng to be a villain once, Li Meng will not refuse.

Will be willing to be this wicked person, and will also be good at this wicked person.

For Li Meng, tonight is a long one.

For Luo Luoxin, it was a humiliating night, but she couldn't resist her fate and could only obey, because all the cause and effect were caused by her.

However, to Luo Luoxin's surprise, what made her desperate did not happen.

The person beside the bed does exist, although Luo Luoxin can feel it without looking at him.

With the sound of slight footsteps, he disappeared in the bedroom.

This made Luo Luoxin very puzzled, lying on his side curled up on the bed, staring at the door in a daze.

At this moment, in the hall outside the door, Chen Yan looked lazily at the owner who walked out of the bedroom.

The passionate warmth has not yet dissipated. At this time, Chen Yan's lazy figure is still beautiful.

She smiled faintly, and said lazily: "Master! If you let her go like this, she will be free tomorrow. This person, if there is no pressure on him, it is easy to think carefully."

Li Meng didn't understand this truth, but Li Meng really didn't have that thought tonight.

Before the bed, Li Meng stood for a long time, thinking a lot, after thinking about it, Li Meng gave up.

It's not that Luo Luoxin lacks charm, but on the contrary, it is difficult for Li Meng to refuse Luo Luoxin who is naked.

However, in the end, Li Meng did not proceed to the next step.


There is not much reason, perhaps it is because of the pity in the heart, or perhaps it is because of Chen Yan’s indulgence, not wanting to be involved with other women in front of her, or it’s just a whim. In short, Li Meng did it. this decision.

Li Meng sat down beside Chen Yan.

Looking at Chen Yan, Li Meng stretched out his right hand and picked up a few strands of hair on Chen Yan's forehead.

With a faint smile on her face, she said softly: "This matter won't end so easily. For her, the various experiences she has experienced in these days by your side are unforgettable. She will never forget that since the "root" has been Once you have planted it, don’t do the unnecessary things. You must know that once you have done some things, they will backfire."

Oppression and resistance are close neighbors, and people's hearts are uncontrollable.

From beginning to end, Li Meng never thought of completely controlling Luo Luoxin, because this is impossible.

In the face of a powerful enemy, she might succumb, but this kind of surrender is not permanent. A little spark can start a prairie fire. Li Meng understands the complexity of people's hearts better than anyone else.

If you want to control people's hearts, just oppression is not enough, and the importance of it needs to be handled appropriately.

Chen Yan would not object to the owner's decision.

She smiled lazily and said indifferently: "Since the master has made such a decision, then I will send her back. I hope she understands the master's painstaking efforts, otherwise, this matter won't be left alone."

At the end, Chen Yan's face and tone were a bit cold.

Of course Li Meng understood what Chen Yan said.

In Kyoto, the Kingdom of Barron has an embassy, ​​and there is a certain amount of power in the embassy. If Luo Luoxin is allowed to go back like this, Luo Luoxin is likely to use the power of the Embassy of the Barron Kingdom to deal with Chen Yan, maybe even Will use the official power of Kyoto to deal with the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce.

For the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce, although Luo Luoxin currently does not know, once you go back, just find someone to ask, the identity of the mansion where Chen Qi is located will not be a secret, Luo Luoxin will naturally know Li Meng's identity as a pedestrian.

In this regard, Li Meng looked very lightly.

He patted Chen Yan's white forehead and smiled: "Don't worry, although the Kingdom of Barron has an embassy in Kyoto, it is a foreign country after all. The relationship between us and Luo Luoxin will not be involved in Kyoto. Come in."

Kyoto is notoriously neutral. It doesn’t think about outsiders or excludes outsiders. For hundreds of years, it has been developing peacefully. The matter between the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce and Luo Luoxin is probably just one thing for Kyoto. It's a trivial matter, how can they care about it?

"I hope so."

Although I don't know where the owner is confident, Chen Yan does not want to worry too much.

For Chen Yan, some troubles are not troublesome. If it is a trouble that can be solved by a killing, Chen Yan is still happy to accept it.

It has to be said that as the dead, the ghouls also inherited the undead's disregard for life.

This is a bad thing, but it is also a good thing.

Because in the future, waiting for the First Legion will be a way of killing. On this road, the First Legion will not stop, and will move towards the end until the far end of the starry sky.

Time passed quickly, and the first night after arriving in Kyoto was a very peaceful night for Li Meng.

Although there was a small episode like Luo Luoxin, after being sent away, in the long dark night that followed, Li Meng finally spent the night with Chen Yan warmly.

Li Meng did not forget the purpose of coming to Kyoto.

Early the next morning, early in the morning, the huge mansion became lively.

With the preparation of the temporary maids, several people enjoyed a quiet breakfast in the dining room.

What happened last night, Luo Luoxin seems to have not recovered, his mental state is not very good, his face is very bad, and he obviously lacks sleep.

Last night, Luo Luoxin seemed to have had a very long night.

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