Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1206: Variety

Li Meng didn't refuse her initiative, smiled faintly, and naturally hugged the soft waist.

Sitting in Li Meng's arms, she held tea in both hands and said softly: "Master! Drink tea."

With his head down slightly, Li Meng took a sip of tea.

The temperature was moderate, and a refreshing fragrance rolled into his throat, making Li Meng's spirit uncontrollable.

"Good tea!"

Li Meng complimented.

After speaking, Li Meng smiled slightly, stretched out his right hand, squeezed her white face gently, and said softly: "Of course, people are also good people."

With beauty in her arms, it's almost like being drunk as a song. Although there is no wine, tea is not bad.

Although the action was a bit frivolous, Li Meng would not do too much.

These family members of his are usually cold and uninteresting. As the master, Li Meng's task is to bully them occasionally when he is bored, to invigorate the atmosphere, and to narrow the distance between each other.

Li Meng's family members are all intelligent. They have the ability to think for themselves and their own cognition. As family members, they can only give Li Meng loyalty and nothing more.

Li Meng also knew this well, so he treated his family members very emotionally. He didn't treat them like a skeleton without the slightest wisdom, and treated them as a usable tool.

While sipping tea and enjoying the service of beauties, Li Meng's life at this time is undoubtedly enviable, and the emperor's life is probably nothing more than that.

However, this wonderful enjoyment will not last long.

He who didn't even know her name was so tired and crooked, a rush of footsteps broke the warm atmosphere in the welcome room.

A slim figure walked into the welcome room, not Chen Yan, but another maid.

She is the same as the maid in Li Meng's arms, the same dress, the only difference is probably only that face, even the hair is the same length and color.

Looking at the two people hugging each other on the sofa, the maid who entered the welcome room looked calm, without any fluctuations in her eyes.

She just bowed her head slightly and said softly to Li Meng: "Master! There are guests visiting."

The guests?


Li Meng asked unexpectedly.

Today should be a very peaceful day. Who would look for him at this time?

Li Meng was very curious.

The maid replied: "It's Miss Luo Luoxin!"

is her?

With a slightly startled expression, Li Meng was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, Luo Luoxin is here, how can she come?

As if thinking of something, Li Meng smiled slightly, and the surprises and doubts on his face were swept away.

Luo Luoxin's purpose for coming here is already obvious, Li Meng just didn't expect that she would come in person.

Slightly letting go of the soft body in her arms, she stood up in her arms clearly and stood quietly.

Since she is here, she must be there to meet. Now in the huge mansion, as the host, he is the only one, even if it is not Luo Luoxin, Li Meng must personally welcome the guests.

Li Meng thought so to the maid at the door: "Take her in."


With a soft response, the maid at the door turned and left.

Li Meng didn't wait long, and as the footsteps disappeared, it didn't take long before the footsteps rang again.

This time it is denser, which means there is more than one person.

In a moment, two slender figures entered the welcome room, one was the maid who had left before, and the other was Luo Luoxin.

Today's Luo Luoxin is different from the past, the clothes on her body have changed, and she is more energetic. Compared with the appearance of two people when she left.

She wears a long white and green dress, a white hat, and a small box in her hands. Not only does she look much smaller, she also gives people a very unique feeling, a bit expensive and exudes. With the breath of youth.

Looking at the impressive Luo Luoxin, Li Meng realized that Luo Luoxin should not be very old.

He glanced at the welcome room, and when he found Li Meng alone on the sofa, Luo Luoxin's face was obviously relieved.

Although she came here again today, Luo Luoxin didn't want to see that woman.

After eye contact, the two looked at each other, Luo Luoxin's face was a little unnatural, while Li Meng was very calm.

Li Meng gently waved his hand and pointed to the sofa beside him, "Sit down!"

Luo Luoxin looked very restrained at Li Meng's invitation, lowered his head, lightly stepped on his feet, and silently sat on the sofa beside Li Meng.

When Luo Luoxin sat down, Li Meng turned to the maid beside him and said, "Go!"

Hearing what Li Meng said, the maid turned around and left.

When leaving the welcome room, he also closed the door intimately.

When the door closed, Luo Luoxin, who was very restrained, seemed even more nervous.

How could Li Meng fail to notice Luo Luoxin's tension.

However, he couldn't say more at this time, otherwise, the two would not be able to communicate normally.

With a faint smile, looking at Luo Luoxin in silence with his head down, Li Meng said with a slight surprise: "I didn't pay much attention before, seeing you like this, I realized that you should not be very old. how old are you?"

Saying these words, Li Meng's expression was very natural, as if the various things before did not exist. At this moment, the two were just people who knew each other and were more familiar, chatting.

Such an atmosphere made Luo Luoxin quite uncomfortable, but he enjoyed such a complicated relationship in his heart.

She whispered: "Sixteen."

Sixteen years old?

Li Meng was slightly surprised, and sure enough, he was still a child.

Why didn't you find it before?

Looking at Luo Luoxin's body again, Li Meng had to admit that it was not that he missed his eyes, but that the martial artist was too precocious, sixteen-year-old Luo Luoxin. Regardless of temperament or appearance, it is impossible to see that it is a person of this age.

Looking at Luo Luoxin who was nervous, Li Meng smiled and said, "You can't solve the problem like you are now. If you don't hurry, she will be back."

She is coming back?

Hearing this, Luo Luoxin raised his head in amazement, and a panic flashed in his eyes.

When she saw Li Meng's smiling eyes, her face suddenly became abnormally ruddy.

Seeing Luo Luoxin who looked like this, Li Meng felt a little in his heart.

This person is really changeable. Not long ago, what kind of person Luo Luoxin was, Li Meng was very clear, coquettish, rude, with all the inferiorities of aristocratic eldest lady. I did not expect that in a short time, It's completely changed.

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