Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1208: Expeditionary Intelligence

For Li Meng, today was a leisurely day, but the arrival of Luo Luoxin added a small episode to this ordinary day.

After the episode, Luo Luoxin's matter was completely resolved, and for Li Meng, it was also a matter of resolution.

The world is very big, and it is also very small. To Luo Luoxin, Li Meng did not seem to have done anything, but actually did everything. No matter what her future life path is, she can't completely cut off contact with Li Meng.

Li Meng didn't need to do too much, and he didn't need to do too obvious. Having this relationship is better than anything.

After the episode, Li Meng still comfortably enjoyed the rest of the day.

Chen Yan left early in the morning, and Li Meng didn't know where she went.

It was not until the afternoon, when night was approaching, that Chen Yan returned to the mansion.

Time is slowly passing by, unconsciously, the dark night enveloped Kyoto.

Leaving early, returning at night, this is probably a portrayal of Chen Qi.

The two father and daughter seemed to have a tacit understanding. Soon after Chen Yan returned, Chen Qi also returned.

In the clean house, it didn't appear to be a little more active until night.

Under the soft light, after a lot of busyness, the maids put delicious dishes on the dinner table.

As usual, in the absence of outsiders, although the two would not eat, they also went to the table with Li Meng.

The restaurant was a little quieter. Li Meng was the only one eating food on the table. The collision of the tableware made a "clank" sound, while Chen Yan and Chen Qi sat silently, looking forward, their expressions were very indifferent. Occasionally I would lift the glass in front of me and take a sip of sweet wine.

Li Meng, who has never liked to talk at mealtimes, made an exception tonight and stopped the movements in his hands.

Looking up at Chen Yan in silence, she naturally asked, "How did you get today? Is there anything worth paying attention to?"

Although I don't know where Chen Yan went today, Li Meng can still guess some things.

As a ghoul, Chen Yan's mind is very delicate. She knows Li Meng's purpose and also knows Li Meng wants to know more information. Without Li Mengdo's words, she will do it consciously.

Although it is a guess, what else can she do besides this?

The master's sudden inquiry caused Chen Yan's expression in the silence to move slightly, and her eyes turned to the first Li Meng.

She spoke slightly, Chen Yan shook her head, and said softly: "There is no useful news. Today I went to meet Yalan to learn about the recent actions of the Heroes Association. Humans seemed a little passive about the Aegean Devil. After Erlin was captured by the demon, he lost the source of intelligence in the Aegean Sea. What is happening in the Aegean Sea today is unknown. As for whether the demon will cross the Aegean Sea and invade the mainland of Austria, it is also unknown. In fact, although the ecclesiastical empire intends to regain lost ground, it is far away and powerless. Now representatives of various countries in the Heroes Association have two views."

Speaking of this, Chen Yan paused, and then said: “One is conservative, the other is radical. Some people think that the devil is too dangerous to be completely wiped out. A line of defense should be established on the mainland of Austria. Here to resist the demon's invasion."

"The other is more radical. For the southern continent, the Order Empire has not given up the idea of ​​regaining. After years of preparation, the formation of the expeditionary army is nearing the end. Some people think that they can take this opportunity to sweep them all. Threatened by the devil."


After an unexpected look at Chen Yan, Li Meng let out a chuckle.

Then he asked curiously: "Is there any information about the expeditionary force?"

Being able to say "sweep out the threat of the devil" must have a source of confidence.

Li Meng was quite curious about this expeditionary army.

Ever since the First Legion entered the South China Sea, there has been an expeditionary force of the Order Empire.

Since the Order Empire is at the northwestern tip of Eurasia, not less than 10,000 miles from the South China Sea, although I have heard about it, I actually know very little.

Facing her master’s gaze, Chen Yan nodded lightly, and said, “I went to find out about this. About five years ago, the cult empire launched a call to regain the southern continent. Although the East Asian countries responded to the call, I won the cult empire, but didn’t have much enthusiasm for regaining the southern continent. I only wanted to give some support to the expeditionary force in terms of materials. As for the strength of the expeditionary force..."

Speaking of this, Chen Yan smiled coldly and said disdainfully: "According to the intelligence analysis obtained, although the scale of the expeditionary force is large, its strength is very limited, because the sect empire is a religious country with many different factions in the country. Without a real ruler, the power is in the hands of the cardinal. Although the cardinal controls a diocese, the power is not centralized, because there are often one or more independent countries in a diocese. These countries are only attached to faith, not a single individual. Among the 500,000 expeditionary forces, most of them are knightly regiments composed of followers of various sects, and only a small part are regular troops from the dependent countries."

Is it only half a million?

In his heart, Li Meng muttered this number.

This number is too far away from Li Meng's guess.

An army of 500,000, although the scale is huge, it is far from possible to regain the southern continent.


Because the Yunan Continent is really too big, even if the one-third of the glacier area connected to the Antarctic is removed, the area of ​​the Yunan Continent is second only to the American continent.

Don't say 500,000, even one million is not enough.

This is not only because of the vast land of Yunan Continent, but also the biggest factor.

That is the devil. Yunan Continent has fallen for hundreds of years. No one knows what is happening on this continent. Are the humans who once lived on Yunan Continent still there?

There are also demons. After more than a hundred years of development, no one knows how far the demons have developed.

Once a war starts, it must be a great battle, a great battle concerning the future of mankind.

In this war, how can it be only half a million?

The people who launched this expedition are too ignorant. With the strength of today’s human beings, they are already very reluctant to survive. They must do things that cannot be done as a result of self-destruction. This is not a hero, but a brainless. .

Li Meng is very curious, where is the confidence of the Order Empire?

Do they really think that only a 500,000 army can recapture the Southern Continent and drive out the demons?

Thinking of this, Li Meng smiled faintly, jokingly said: "They are really confident. If the demons on the southern continent are followers of Sharis, the **** of desire, they might really have a chance."

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