Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1212: Heroes of the Dark Ages

But at this time, Li Meng would not go to places that he shouldn't see.

While looking at her white and beautiful face, Li Meng also noticed a very eye-catching presence on her neck.

That is a small white dragon tattoo.

Although small, it is vivid and very clear.

Looking at the white dragon tattoo, Li Meng was lost in thought.

For a moment, Li Meng asked suspiciously: "What is your relationship with Snow Country in the Northern Territory?"

The Northern Territory is also the Arctic before the Dark Age. Due to changes in the earth's environment, humans have a certain adaptability to the cold, and the temperature in the Arctic has become suitable for human habitation.

In the Dark Ages, under the ravages of polluting beasts, when the survival of mankind was at stake, the Arctic was a paradise.

Because it is located in the Arctic, the temperature is low, and it is covered with ice and snow all the year round, so polluting beasts have no living space here.

Only threatened by a king beast called "Frost Snow Dragon", but Frost Snow Dragon has a weakness, this weakness is fear of fire, wherever there is flame, if there is no inevitable factor, it will generally not approach.

Such a paradise, of course, will be missed by mankind.

When he is usually bored, Li Meng likes to read books. What he likes most is some folk histories, and some travel notes recorded by unknown people. Among the books related to the Dark Ages, Li Meng has read about the Northern Territory. Record.

At the end of the Dark Age, the Northern Territory has traces of human activities.

But the human beings that were active in the Northern Territory at that time were just vagrants trying to survive for refuge, and their scale was small.

The reason why the Northern Territory has become a paradise for mankind is one of the factors related to Kyoto.

In the dark ages, threats from all sides caused mankind to fall from the dominant position to the end of the food chain. At that time, mankind was almost annihilated and on the verge of destruction. There were no human beings all over the earth. The living environment of mankind Being oppressed to the extreme.

In this era of crisis, martial artists appeared, as did those with various abilities.

The power of extraordinary people has brought heroes to mankind, and the emergence of heroes has also rekindled the hope of human rejuvenation.

Under the leadership of the hero, the humans scattered in the forest were gathered, and slowly developed from tribal settlements to the city-state era.

The era at the end of the Dark Age was the era of human renaissance and the era of war of blood and fire.

The war with the fierce beast is also a war with mankind himself.

In less than a hundred years, human beings have grown from scratch, from the lower end of the food chain, to a higher position, not only have the ability to protect themselves, but also thrive.

At that time, mankind confidently announced that the dark age had passed away, and mankind entered a new era, an era of great human development.

During those one hundred years, a great change took place in Kyoto, and this change also led to the current pattern of decentralized power in Kyoto.

At the end of the dark age, two heroes were born in this land of Kyoto.

Heroes are arrogant, no one wants to be under the fence.

However, in the end, the war between the two heroes did not happen, but joined hands to build a huge city.

This is also the origin of Kyoto.

The two heroes in Kyoto are not of the same sex, but of opposite sex. Although there is a saying that opposite **** attracts each other, they sometimes develop in the opposite direction. The opposite **** also means that contradictions will be more easily touched.

For the people of Kyoto, of course, it is hoped that their heroes can come together so that they can better protect them, but some things cannot be taken for granted.

Things that clearly didn't exist were taken for granted by everyone, and when the trusted person took it for granted, she finally broke out.

The hero is arrogant, she has done something that no one can imagine.

Although it was not a war, it was undoubtedly a war. During those ten years, Kyoto was plunged into darkness.

These are not all private records, and there are also records of these things in official Kyoto books, but they are all taken in one stroke.

As for what happened, these are not what the folks can know, and there are only a few words mentioned in the official books of Kyoto.

I only know that in the end, the current chief consul in Kyoto stayed, while another hero went to sea with hundreds of thousands of people and never returned. As for where he went, Kyoto officials have records.

The heroes who left Kyoto took their children to the North Pole, which is now the Northern Territory, and established a country, which is now the Snow Country.

At that time, the thirteen golden families of Kyoto left one by one, and built one city after another in the vast forest.

Although I don't know why the owner asked about this, Long Qiaoer didn't think much.

She had a very calm expression. While moving her hands gently, she said calmly: "Snow Country is my home when I was a human."


Withdrawing his gaze from Long Qiao'er's white face, Li Meng was thoughtful.

The Snow Country is not close to Kyoto. It is separated not only by the Shaka Republic but also by the North Sea. The straight-line distance is no less than 10,000 miles.

Because of the great grievances between that hero and the chief consul of Kyoto, Snow Country generally does not set foot in East Asia, but is very close to countries in Western Europe and the American continent, and has a good relationship.

It is rare to see people from Snow Country in Kyoto. Li Meng was very puzzled that Long Qiaoer was anyone who came to Kyoto.

Why did Chen Qi fall in love with him and become a ghoul?

And her surname, Long is the Royal Family of Snow Country, her identity...

Although I was a little curious about the origin of Long Qiao'er, Li Meng didn't ask much.

What can I do if I know it?

Maybe it will be a troublesome thing. For Li Meng, no matter what identity Long Qiaoer was in her lifetime, she has now become a ghoul, and everything in her lifetime has nothing to do with her.

This is not just what Li Meng thinks, but Long Qiao'er also thinks so.

Although she still has memories of her life, she will not have any feelings about any identity during her lifetime, nor will she have a little souvenir. This is not a lack of emotion, but a different identity, a different perspective on the world, and the same She will become extremely sensible, coming from a spiritual connection, and she will have a great sense of belonging to the ghoul family.

With memory, there will naturally be independent thoughts, but this is only for humans. Although the dead are born in humans, they are not a species after all. Like demons, they are unnatural creatures, and of course they cannot be compared with ordinary people.

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