Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1214: Dovetail skirt

But now wearing a black dovetail dress, Li Meng finally knew what was missing.

There is a lack of elegance and nobility, but also a heroic atmosphere.

Swallowtail skirts, generally speaking, female martial artists like it very much, because this kind of dress that looks like a skirt but not a skirt is specially designed for female martial artists. While ensuring gorgeousness and beauty, it does not affect the physical activities of female martial artists.

"What? Master! Isn't this kind of dress good?"

Seeing the master staring at her was a little strange, Long Qiao'er, who entered the hall, was a little nervous, very concerned.

Shaking his head slightly, Li Meng smiled faintly, and said, "Very well, this suit is very suitable for you."

The so-called swallowtail group is composed of tops with dovetails and stockings. Although the tops are like skirts, they are only as long as the thighs. On the back, the corners of the skirts that look like dovetails cover the arms. A complete skirt suit.

Seeing that the owner liked it, Long Qiao'er was relieved.

Going to the meeting with the host was something Long Qiaoer had never thought of.

This sudden decision made Long Qiao'er unprepared, so she had to put on a decent dovetail skirt.

"Ding Dong!"

At this time, the crisp doorbell suddenly appeared, echoing in the hall.

Listening to the ringing of the doorbell, the two of them were taken aback for a moment, then smiled at each other.

"Coincidentally, she really came at the right time, so let's go, it's not early."

With that said, Li Meng got up from the sofa, took a step, and walked outside.

Long Qiaoer followed closely behind.

When the two left the mansion and entered the courtyard, outside the iron gate, the "roar" of the car's engine suddenly greeted their ears.

Outside the iron gate, through the iron fence, Li Meng also saw the blue and slim figure outside the gate.

Only Yalan could come to the mansion at this time.

Unsurprisingly, when Long Qiaoer opened the iron door, Li Meng saw Yalan smiling outside the door.

She is dressed in a sky blue dress, the color is like the blue sea, very pure and beautiful.

Behind her shoulders, her black waist-length hair was slightly tied, making her a lot more beautiful than yesterday.

She stood in front of the door with her slender figure, looking at Li Meng who walked out from behind the iron door with a light look.

When Li Meng came to meet her, she opened her mouth slightly, smiled, and said softly: "Your Ambassador is ready. Today's meeting may take a lot of time, and it is expected that it will not end in the afternoon."

In front of Yalan, Li Meng stopped, looked at the bright black and bloated car parked on the side of the road, and then looked at Yalan.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said with a deep meaning: "With you here, I have nothing to worry about."

Regarding Li Meng's trust, Yalan smiled lightly and said softly: "Then thank you Ambassador for your trust."

After speaking, Yalan gave in to her side and said in her mouth: "Then let's go, the council will begin soon, and we must arrive early."

Arran didn't say much to Li Meng taking Long Qiaoer.

Arran originally thought that for this meeting, Mr. Li Meng would bring the beautiful maid next to him, but he did not expect to bring the maid he saw yesterday.

Looking at her dress, is she a martial artist?

The dovetail skirt on Long Qiaoer attracted Arran's attention. In the eyes of ordinary people, dovetail skirts are not common. Only female martial artists have a great preference for this kind of clothing.

Although there were some doubts in her mind, Yalan didn't ask much.

At the invitation of Arran, the three got into the car.

There is no welcoming convoy and no police cars to open the road, everything seems too simple.

As soon as he got on the bus, Arran said to Li Meng apologetically: “Today’s exorcism meeting, the people of Kyoto have already known that at this time there are already crowds of people in the city near the Heroes’ Association. In order to ensure that envoys from various countries can go smoothly. Arriving at the Heroes’ Association, we cancelled the welcoming convoy. Everything is kept simple. We will go straight to the Heroes’ Association from the road opened by the guards. Please don’t mind if there are any irregularities."

"It's okay."

Li Meng would not care too much about etiquette. With a good reason, Li Meng would naturally understand.

With a slight smile, Li Meng turned his head to look at Yalan next to him, and said softly: "Don't be so strange between you and me. The ambassador is just my identity in the First Army. You should know my name. Call him. Name is fine."

Is it just an identity?

Arran had some doubts about this.

She is no stranger to the First Army, and Nanlin Island has been back and forth several times.

Arran was a little confused about the identity of the young man in front of him.

She and Claver met him when they first went to Nanlin Island.

At that time he was called a commander by his subordinates, and the generals in the First Army were only his subordinates.

At that time, they thought that the young man in front of them was the highest authority of the First Legion.

Although this may seem incredible, after all, he is too young, but his position in the First Army gives people an impulse to think about it.

In some subsequent contacts, his identity has become more and more mysterious. Until now, he has the most clear identity, that is, the ambassador, the ambassador of the First Army.

But is he just an ambassador for the First Army?

Arran doubted this very much.

Although she was puzzled in her heart, Yalan also understood that she couldn't ask him directly.

Because his various actions show that, and that the First Army never talks about the highest authority, it is obvious that he is deliberately hiding his identity.

What his status in the First Legion is still a mystery. Who is the real power of the First Legion is probably not known to anyone outside the First Legion.

The thoughts in her heart were only for a moment, and with a slight smile, Arran said happily: "I understand, Mr. Li Meng."

Although a gentleman was added at the end, Li Meng also knew that this was already the limit.

Although the relationship between Arran and the First Army is subtle, the relationship between the two is just a free cooperative relationship.

The first legion needs Arran, and Arran is just to give back to the first legion.

Because her life was saved by the First Legion, there are things she can do, and she won't refuse hypocritically.

And the First Army has never been embarrassed by her. What she asked her to do was just to act as an eyeliner and a convenience.

It does not endanger the Heroes' Association, nor does it endanger herself.

At this time, the powerful engine roar "buzzed", and in the driving position, a silent male driver started the vehicle.

Outside the window, the scenes on both sides of the road began to slowly move back.

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