Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1239: Chaos

Gu Niya stood up from the seat, and walked to the window sill.

The palace is a castle-like building, and it is located on a high level.

Looking into the distance, it is a dense building, a city.

Leaning against the guard in front of the window, Gu Niya looked back at the Prime Minister and looked at Oriana.

"Let's talk about the situation in the kingdom. It's been more than a year, and those old people can understand it? Although the kingdom's wealth has more than a hundred years of savings, there is always a day to eat up and eat.

Under Gunia’s gaze, Olianna’s face showed a trace of sadness, and said worriedly: “It’s okay over the slum. Several smuggling passages were blocked by the guards and lost contact with the outside. The insurgents have enjoyed a lot of peace, and there hasn't been much action in recent months. As for the three veterans of the House of Internal Affairs..."

Speaking of this, Oriana sighed helplessly, and said helplessly: "Your Majesty is seriously ill and bedridden. The three patriarchs are dissatisfied that I have taken over the rights. In matters of the country, even though they keep their duties, I will not be embarrassed. I will act according to the rules. I will report everything to me and seek my advice. But in terms of implementation, I am already a bit lazy. I am also a bit ambiguity on the issue of slum rebels. I have repeatedly asked for city defense. The army assisted the guards in suppressing the rebellion in the city. They all shied away for various reasons. Now the kingdom is still calm, and the demons outside the city have disappeared. There has been no movement for several months."


Gu Niya looked surprised.

Gu Niya has become accustomed to the attitude of the three elders, and has also seen their usual tricks of delaying politics.

If it weren't for the fact that the three elders were too powerful, too many things would be involved once they were removed from office, and it would also cause chaos in the city. Otherwise, the House of Internal Affairs would have been replaced long ago.

Kuniya was surprised by the disappearance of the devil. Those things had been tirelessly torturing the kingdom for many years, and Kuniya would not believe that they would disappear for no reason.

"Wang Hao, have you sent an investigation team outside the city? The devil will not disappear for no reason. The group of fallen people have been staring at the kingdom for many years. It is impossible to give up the persistence these years."

Oriana felt the same about what Gunia was worried about.

She thought and said, "I think so too, but since the demon disappeared, the guards have sent a large number of investigative teams to investigate outside, and the news they received is also some incredible. Farms occupied by the devil. And in the outpost fortress, no trace of the devil was found, and the group of fallen people seemed to have disappeared."

With that said, the devil really disappeared?

Gunia was a little surprised, and she couldn't believe it.

However, if it is true as Oriana said, Gunia also has to believe it.

In the forest outside the city, there are many farms in the kingdom. These farms are not ordinary farms. Their scale has surpassed the village and can be called a small town. Each farm has no less than 10,000 workers. To ensure the safety of these farmers, the housing area of ​​the farm is protected by a wall that is more than ten meters high.

There are nearly tens of millions of people in Darwin City, and all the food comes from these large and small farms. These farms are huge in scale and numerous in number. If no trace of the devil is found on the farm, it is enough to prove that the devil has disappeared. .

Demons will not hide, nor will there be any tactics to speak of. Although advanced demons are wise, they do not think about strategies. For demons, they have only one meaning, that is, fighting, which will be repeated again and again. Charge to the human settlements, as if never tired.

In the past few years, Darwin City has been attacked by demons hundreds of times. Every time the demons are repelled, the demons will come back again in just a few days. This is repeated and it seems that it will never stop.

In the past few years of fighting, the kingdom has suffered heavy losses. In each battle, hundreds or even thousands of soldiers have died. Under the attack of the devil, the kingdom has fallen into a quagmire that cannot be turned over, and its strength has been gradually reduced. Weakening, the turmoil in the city is also accelerating the arrival of the kingdom's end.

Did the devil really disappear?

Whether this is the case, Gunia is not sure.

However, it is certain that in a short period of time, the kingdom will not be attacked by the devil again.

Thinking of this, Gu Niya said in a puzzled way: "Since the devil has disappeared, why not take this opportunity to destroy the rebels in the city?"

Gunia asked, making Oriana wry smile.

She shook her head and said: "Several Guards generals also had this plan, but reality made them give up. After the demon disappeared, the rebels in the city were also quiet. The rebels are not regular troops. They are just a group of civilians holding weapons. They are rebels with weapons, and they become citizens of the kingdom if they put them down. There are more than one million civilians in the slums? You can't treat them all as rebels."

This is also true. After hearing Oriana's words, Gunia has understood the problem.

The slums are located in the third ring city. In the expansion of the city, the outermost slums have become victims.

Although there are also high-wall guards, the second city wall also limits them to a small world.

The gap between the poor and the rich exists everywhere, but it has been infinitely enlarged in Darwin.

The reason is very simple. The Kingdom of Austria has only one city and bad relations with other countries. It can be said that land trade exchanges basically do not exist. It is also reasonable in terms of sea trade. In industry, all basic resources are basically imported from abroad. The location is remote, and there is no decent country overseas nearby. The resources are extremely scarce. The resources are scarce, and the productivity will naturally not be very high. If the productivity is insufficient, it will not be able to provide enough jobs. There are not enough jobs for some people living at the bottom. For civilians, the security of life is lost.

Darwin has a population of close to 10 million, and if you want to feed such a large population, you must have enough jobs.

However, because the Kingdom of Austria is too closed, with insufficient resources and insufficient productivity, this has led to a pitiful lack of jobs, coupled with poor trade, creating a terrible phenomenon.

Among the nearly 10 million civilians in Darwin City, two-thirds of the civilians are unemployed vagrants, and only a small proportion of the civilians have their own jobs and careers.

This means that nearly five million civilians are supported by the kingdom.

Under such circumstances, it can be said that the system of the Kingdom of Austria has long been messed up.

Once the system is messed up, many things will happen.

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