Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1246: Red devil

The air is cold, and if there is no flammable liquid, the fire is difficult to burn.

The burning residential building, the fire is weakening.

The streets were completely chaotic. Numerous figures gathered to the place where the incident occurred, and hurriedly rescued the people trapped in the car. At this time, the fire brigade in Kyoto was on its way to the place where the incident occurred.

However, this impact is not just a simple meteorite fall.

People who join in the fun on the street do not know that the danger has come.

"what is this?"

There was something in the pit melted by the high temperature, which attracted the attention of everyone around the pit.

It was a big thing, and because of the billowing smoke in the pit, people could only see a red shadow.

"It moved..."

The rubble was falling, and a touch of red appeared in the smoke.

The instinctive crisis made the onlookers feel comfortable, and some people couldn't help but step back.

"Hurry up, it's dangerous, get out of here."

Some people felt the crisis and reminded them, but it was too late.


That is the howl of the wind.

I saw smoke disturbance, and a touch of red swept out.

There was no touch, only an explosion, and the air was torn apart.

The strong wind tore everything around, and as soon as it touched, among the flying gravel and dust, the crowd watching by the pit flew out.

The strong wind even pushed the vehicles on the road.

Some people fell on the ground, and some people fell on the car. The broken glass was accompanied by a scream.

The strong wind swept several tens of meters before disappearing, and the scene was chaotic.

People were screaming, screaming, and calling for help.

Just as the scene fell into chaos, from the smoke, a huge red figure walked out with heavy steps.

It is very strong and hideous. It has a human body shape. The skin is red. There is no skin on the whole body but muscles. On its ankles and back, there are several symmetrical red corners, especially on the head. The two black horns have human-like faces, but they are just like images.

It is very big, more than five meters high, its strong body seems to be burning, and some muscle lines seem to have lava flowing.

It was holding a giant sword, a red lava giant sword.

"Weird, monster, run..."

The huge red monster that looked like a demon was enough to make people scared, and the crowd on the street fled in panic.

It did not move, but looked at this new world with its eyes.

"In the post-nuclear era, the starting point of evolution is very good, very good. The queen will be satisfied. Let's start, let the killing fill the world and welcome the queen's arrival."

"Boom!" The ground cracked.

It jumped up, and this jump was tens of meters.

In the air, a flash of red flashed by, falling like a meteor to the people who were not far away.


It fell from the sky, and its huge body directly crushed several civilians who fled.

It waved its sword, chased after the fleeing civilians, beheaded one by one, mercilessly.

It slaughtered, slaughtered the lives seen on the road.

"Don't kill me, don't."

He was greatly frightened, and the huge demon in front of him made his legs weak and paralyzed to the ground.

The end of life scared him and frightened him.

But the demon just looked at him with golden pupils, expressionless, and coldly waved the giant sword in his hand.


The red giant sword was swung down heavily, and he was directly cut in half in the splash of blood.

The expression on his face was stiff, and in the blood, the last tear came out of his pupils.

"What monster dared to make trouble in Kyoto and kill it."

A group of martial artists encountered it.

This is the third ring city, a necessary passage out of the city, and it will be a matter of time before you encounter martial artists.

There are not many martial artists in this team, there are only five, but they all hold weapons and are well equipped.

"Go on, I attract its attention from the front, you attack from the side."

With a roar, the martial artist holding a huge silver shield charged the demon.

The speed was extremely fast, and he approached the demon with an unrelenting aura, and on the sides behind him were his companions.

Some of them hold long swords, some hold axes, and some hold guns with the strongest penetrating ability.

The approach of the martial artist attracted the attention of the devil, and a trace of malicious interest was revealed in its golden pupils.


The ground cracked, and its huge figure rushed towards the attacking martial artists at a speed beyond reach.

I saw a flash of red shadow, and the huge figure of the red devil had appeared in front of the martial artists.

It waved the giant sword in its hand, and the speed was very fast, like a thunderstorm, sweeping past the martial artists.

The battle was short-lived. Under unbelievable gazes, in the sprint, the upper body and lower body of the martial artists separated and fell to the ground one after another.

The martial artist holding a huge shield is even more miserable. The huge shield is like a piece of paper torn by the huge sword in the hand of the devil, and his head is cut off without any reduction.

Looking at the martial artist who had fallen on the ground, the red demon paused.

"The most elementary power, with zero genetic enhancement, is really a weak world."


The red figure flashed past, and it jumped up again, this time directly over the high-rise buildings, and fell further.

It can feel that the breath of life over there is more dense.

Kyoto is in chaos, completely chaotic.

An unknown monster descended from the sky and fell to Kyoto, wantonly killing all the lives he saw.

At the beginning of the riots, the huge machine in Kyoto came into operation.

"This is the official news TV station. Please pay attention to the public. There is an alien invasion in the third ring road. Please return home as soon as possible. Do not travel. The security team has been dispatched. Please wait for the incident to subside."

"This is the Martial Artists Association broadcasting TV station. The Chief Archon has just issued an order to make all martial artists of the blue realm and above immediately gather at the court to discuss the crusade against the alien beasts."

The news could not be kept, but within half an hour, the news of the alien beasts' invasion spread throughout the city.

Reporters from major news departments rushed to the third ring city to broadcast scenes of alien invasion.

For them, this is a great time to increase the amount of broadcast.

However, they do not know that this is a way of no return.

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