Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1255: Stone knight

A slight sound of footsteps sounded, and on the other side of Wang Yanmei, a thin figure appeared in the ruins.

He is dressed in black, his steps are not hurried, he does not have a handsome face, everything is ordinary.

He seemed very indifferent to entering the battlefield.

"Master Li Meng?"

The sound of footsteps on his side caught Wang Yanmei's attention. When he turned his head and looked around, he saw Li Meng standing on a piece of wreckage.

Thinking about the attack just now, Wang Yanmei understood.

Although she did not understand the strength of Lord Li Meng, looking at the entire Kyoto, only the mysterious Lord Li Meng could surpass her 100% in strength.

Staring blankly at Li Meng standing on the wreckage, for a moment, Wang Yanmei opened her mouth slightly and said with difficulty: "It's very strong."

This is a reminder and a piece of advice.

Li Meng was fearless. When he entered the battlefield without listening to the advice of his master, Li Meng was ready to meet death.


Probably it's an upset in my heart.

This is the earth, the territory of mankind, when is it the turn of the alien demon to arrogantly.

Although he is the **** of the dead, this body and consciousness are all humans, with human thoughts.

In terms of belonging, Li Meng is biased towards humans.

She glanced at Wang Yanmei lightly, she was beautiful, but beauty was not the reason Li Meng could look at her high.

"Perhaps I should let this city be destroyed. Once, there existed a great nation on this land, but now, in your hands, it is divided."

Li Meng's words silenced Wang Yanmei. She opened her mouth slightly, trying to say something, but couldn't say it.

Ignoring Wang Yanmei's reaction, Li Meng jumped off the wreck and looked at the ruins in the distance, where the devil fell on the ground.


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and from the splashing rubble and dust, the huge red demon jumped up, fell heavily in the ruins, and appeared in everyone's eyes again.

This time, everyone was finally able to see what hit the demon.

It was a black giant sword. The demon who jumped out of the wreckage of the building still had the black giant sword inserted.

The black giant sword is very large, probably four meters in length. The huge and sharp blade pierced the devil's chest, almost submerged in half, and golden blood flowed out from the wound.

This is the first time everyone has seen the blood of the devil.

"Who is he?"

Although it is not certain whether the attack just now was made by the young man next to the chief consul, I am afraid it can only be him.

The devil had suffered such severe damage, which made Tarf a little unbelievable.

He knew how amazing the devil's defenses were, but the huge sword pierced the devil's body, causing the devil to suffer severe damage.

"Isn't that Ambassador Li Meng? I participated in the exorcism meeting on behalf of the First Army not long ago. I remember the president said that he was very young and looked so uncomfortable among their old men."

Tarf was slightly startled by the words of the martial artist's companion behind him, the ambassador of the First Legion?

Although the appearance of Li Meng has changed the situation, it does not mean that mankind has the certainty of victory.

Li Meng is very clear about his abilities.

The biggest killer is of course the spirit body, which is also Li Meng's strongest combat power, but in this battle, Li Meng will not use it, even if the body is destroyed, Li Meng will not use it.

In other words, in this battle, Li Meng can use only mental power.

Fortunately, the injured spirit has been restored and strengthened a lot, and Li Meng has the confidence to fight the devil.

Looking at the demon not far away, Li Meng's expression was very solemn, and the thoughts in his heart quickly became active.

It is very strong. There is no doubt about it. It is unrealistic to pinch it to death with mental power. Maybe it will hurt oneself. Although mental power is magical, direct attacks on the enemy are not strong.

The strength of psychic power lies in its "control", which can adapt to changes and confront the enemy in different ways.


With a light breath, Li Meng had an idea in his mind.

Although it was strong, it was not weak. From the moment it gained the power of death, the things that scared Li Meng no longer existed, whether it was a demon or a god.

Taking a step forward, the wind disappeared and everything seemed to be still.

The ground under his feet trembled suddenly, and a stone pile rose from the ground to support Li Meng.

The surrounding building debris suddenly floated up, whizzing towards Li Meng.

First the feet, then the body. At this moment, Li Meng is a master sculptor.

Countless building debris swarmed in, as if spiritually wrapped Li Meng's body.

It was a bit rough at first, and countless building debris mixed together to form a huge stone lump.

The height of this stone lump is the same as that of the devil, it is also five meters.

But as Li Meng moved forward with each step, the stone bumps changed gently.

As the fifth step was taken, followed by a burst of scorched powder flying, a five-meter-high stone knight suddenly took shape.

It is five meters high, and both armor and helmet are alive, especially the hands, which are moving like human hands, and the walking posture is full of mighty. When stepping on the ground, it will make a "boom" sound every step of the way. All trembling.

This is simply art.

This scene made Wang Yanmei a long time ago.

Outsiders see it strangely, while insiders see it as the deepest thing.

Wang Yanmei knew that this was an exercise of mind power, but she was far from able to achieve such a subtle application.

No, it should be said that this cannot be done at all.

Looking at the mighty stone statue, even Wang Yanmei, who has hundreds of years of age, showed a flushing color on her face.

Not to mention the people in front of the TV, they were already stunned by this magical method.

What is that, a stone knight, for many people, it simply touched the "G" point in their hearts. The excitement is beyond words.

At this moment, with the appearance of Li Meng, something called "Hope" appeared in Kyoto.

The battle began.

From scratch, the process is short-lived, and the formation of the stone statue takes only a few breaths.

The new enemy?

Looking at the huge stone statue not far away, there was a hint of surprise and solemnity in the golden pupils of the huge red demon.

This time the enemy seemed a bit unusual, it felt a little pressure from the stone statue.

It stretched out its hand and pulled the giant sword out of its chest bit by bit.

It was clear that golden blood was flowing, but the devil was quite indifferent, as if he didn't care about his own injuries.

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