Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1264: Restless ASEAN

"No way……"

With surprise on his face, Li Meng was a little suspicious and uncertain.

In this way, the demons on the southern continent are not demons from the subspace, but some kind of life in the main biological world, or some kind of artificial demons.

In this case, the origin of the demons on the southern continent has a big problem.

Because throughout the history of mankind, there are no moments when demons existed. I don’t know when, they suddenly appeared in the eyes of mankind, and the time of their appearance is also very interesting, because they were after the nuclear war. Appeared in the dark ages.

This means that there is a high possibility that the demons on the southern continent are also alien species.

In this case, it would be quite curious to be a clan of envoys.

Maybe all the secrets can be discovered from behind them.

Thinking of this, Li Meng was a little itchy.

He had never expected that the little earth would hide so many secrets.

Itching back to the heart, Li Meng still suppressed the impulse in his heart.

He is still very weak now, and he needs to act in a low-key manner. Too high-key makes it easy to be targeted. Knowing the benefits of brain development, Li Meng will not easily lose this body.

Now, this fragile body has become Li Meng's greatest "strength" guarantee.

If the body is still in existence for a day, Li Meng's soul will become stronger and stronger. Whether it is the power of the soul or the spiritual body, it is of great benefit. Knowing this, Li Meng will of course cherish his body.

It has been a month, and the merchant ship carrying 30 billion crystal coins should have also arrived at Nanlin Island.

Li Meng who thought this way closed his eyes again, and his mind instantly swept the world.

Nanlin Island, Qingcheng.

Time has passed for a long time, and Qingcheng has also undergone great changes.

In the huge city, one of the walls has been demolished to make room for the Crystal Palace.

A few months later, the huge Crystal Palace is still just a frame, far from being completed.

It is not that the construction progress is slow, but that the scale of the building itself is too large, and it will not be completed in a few years.

Sakuya returned to Nanlin Island more than a month ago.

In this more than a month, she completed her task.

The control system of Nanlin Island has been perfected and is listed as the first district.

The army and politics have been separated. The army has gained greater independence and has escaped from tedious politics.

"Don’t ask me about these trivial matters. Now the fleet is parked in the port. Isn’t there not enough manpower? You should pay attention to these matters. Whether you send patrol boats or let warships patrol, you can control your own measures. Are you afraid? Sooner or later ASEAN is ours. If they are restless, don't be polite."

Sakiya's voice echoed in the chamber behind the main hall of the shrine.

She was sitting at the discussion table, alone, wearing a black skirt and a large tablet computer on the table in front of her.

She is not alone, and there are several nuns standing in the chamber.

After disconnecting, Sakuya let out a sigh of relief.

Are those guys still not used to this world?

There is also the one that uses a peaceful world, and she cringes at everything, which makes Sakiya very helpless.

She is not blaming her subordinates, but instilling the principle of "the supremacy of force" in her subordinates.

Sakiya's face became darkened when he remembered what a certain military officer had just reported.

When did ASEAN have the courage?

Recently, time has repeatedly created conflicts in the waters west of Nanlin Island, harassing fishermen's operations.

Occasionally one or two conflicts can be justified. After all, the sea area west of Nanlin Island is close to ASEAN. Conflicts in fishery operations are inevitable, but this is a contradiction between fishermen. As long as there are no lives, the First Army will not. Doing too many things, the patrol boat is nothing but expelling the fishermen on the opposite side.

However, in the last few days, the contradiction has escalated. Although no lives have appeared yet, depending on the situation in ASEAN, warships have been dispatched. Sooner or later, there will be lives.

It seems that this matter must be paid attention to.

Sakiya, who thought so, put the matter down for a while, and bit by bit on the screen.

Seeing a message that made people worry, Sakiya's expression moved slightly, and he contacted another person.

The picture flickered on the screen, and a soldier in a powered combat uniform appeared in the picture.

"What's the matter with this 1.3 billion fund application? Why are there no details about the use? It gives you the right to use it at will. It does not mean that you can ignore the data backup and immediately supplement the information."

"I'm sorry, General, this fund is used to build the tiankeng project. It is the second phase of fund supplementation. Due to the large amount of materials, the data terminal is generating data, which will take a certain amount of time."

It turned out to be like this...

Sakuya said: "Understood, how is the tiankeng project progressing?"

"The progress is fairly smooth. With the funds in place, it has now been built to about 1,200 meters."

One thousand and two hundred meters, which means that one-tenth of the entire project has just been completed?

No, it should be less than one-tenth. The project in the tiankeng is fairly simple. The most difficult part is the underground space. A hanging fortress factory is not that easy to build.

The screen flickered, the soldiers disappeared, and Sakiya disconnected.

Nanlin Island is small, but there are many things.

The Tiankeng Project, the Crystal Palace Project, these two projects belonged to the First Corps' jurisdiction, and there were many things every day.

Of course, in general, Sakiya is relatively free.

Because there is "Ye" in the data terminal, that is, the brain of Sakiya, as long as it is given certain permissions, it can handle some complicated and small things based on a certain data basis.

"the host!"

At this time, behind Sakuya suddenly sounded soft voices of nuns, and they were half kneeling on the ground.

This made Sakuya momentarily stunned, and then she was delighted.

When she looked back, she saw the "master" on the seat next to her.

It was Li Meng, he just appeared in the chamber so abruptly.

Unexpectedly, the nuns also made Sakiya very surprised.

She quickly got up from the seat and was about to kneel on the ground, but her behavior was stopped by Li Meng's wave.

"Okay, sit down."

With delighted but puzzled eyes, Sakiya sat back in his seat again.

How did the master get in?

She didn't notice anything, could it be a spirit body?

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