Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 127: Outer city

"How? How do you feel!"

Li Meng asked.

The female voice came through the megaphone.

"Slightly affects the flexibility of the body, some places...some are too tight! However, it does not hinder walking!"

This is normal. After all, all the power combat uniforms currently owned by Li Meng are men's models, which are somewhat different from women's in terms of structure. Sakiya feels a little uncomfortable, which is completely normal.

Li Meng didn't intend to let Sakiya participate in the battle, as long as it didn't affect his walking, the others could choose to ignore it.

"let's go!"

After speaking, Li Meng stepped forward to the tail hatch.

Seeing this, the two quickly followed.

When the three came to the tail hatch, a rescue speedboat was already ready.

The mobilization of the guard just left, the two only armed electric eel attack speedboats, one electric eel attack speedboat sent Morgan, and the Alris sisters went to Dirty Valley. They have not returned yet. The other has just launched and left and escorted them. Speedboat transporting mobilized soldiers ashore.

Today, the three can only go ashore in a rescue boat.

Entering the speedboat, accompanied by a small group of mobilizers.

In the sound of "creak! Creak" machinery, the speedboat was slowly dropped into the water.

Outside, the rain "tick! Tick" hit the outer hull of the speedboat, making a dense noise.

In the rain curtain, the engine roared, and the speedboat moved slowly and approached the shore.

The distance of less than one mile passed in an instant, and as the roar of the engine slowed down, the speed of the speedboat approaching the shore gradually slowed down until the bow of the ship steadily reached the shore.

"His Royal Highness! It's raining outside, put on a poncho! Be careful to wet your body and cause a cold!"

The speedboat had arrived at the shore, and the accompanying mobilizers left the speedboat in an orderly manner and entered the rain curtain.

The three people in the back saw that His Highness didn't plan to bring anything to cover the rain and went out like this, Sakuya repeatedly stopped.

Fortunately, she had already prepared. She had prepared a poncho before leaving the "Emperor".

"No need to!"

Li Meng said softly, stepping out of the hatch without stopping.

Walking outside, Sakiya, who was still worried, was completely relieved to see this scene before her.

The rain is still falling. Although the rain is small, the raindrops are enough to make clothes soak in a short time.

Although Li Meng didn’t have any shelter from the rain, he walked in the rain screen, but he did not touch his body. On the surface of his body, a few centimeters away from the clothes, there seemed to be a transparent, invisible shield. The rain fell. On the shield, it slid straight down to the ground.

This magical scene, to the people around Li Meng, although they were surprised, they were not too surprised.

For them, any strange things that happen to the commander are normal.

Walking in the rain, the road underneath is messy, but it is a avenue that leads directly to the destination.

Suddenly, for some unknown reason, Li Meng, who was walking, suddenly stopped.

This stop also brought the whole team to a halt.

Li Meng took the poncho from Sakuya's hand, and put it on his body. The black poncho immediately enveloped Li Meng's whole body.

The invisible shield disappeared, and the raindrops "crackled" on the poncho.

The mobilization soldiers waited and watched in silence for Li Meng's actions. When it was over, the whole team moved forward in silence.

Needless to say Li Mengming, Sakuya and Jevrich both understood the meaning of what His Highness did.

I just don't want to expose the strange ability in the eyes of others.

This is of no benefit to Li Meng, to the entire First Army.

The rare tranquility of the ruins after the rainy night. Last night was neither a long nor short shot. While disturbing the nerves of the people in the ruins, it also added tension to the weakening of the rain.

For the people in Slave City, they no longer think about the situation after the rain. They are enjoying the freedom that is right in front of them and within reach. Compared with the heaviness and almost suffocating atmosphere of other places, Slave City is " "Joy" piece.

After the first army attacked the outer city of the slave city, the rebel army took over the guard of the city wall, and a large hole in the city gate was blasted by a rocket. A few more layers of planks were added to the gate to make the city gate stronger.

Conditions are limited, and people in the ruins have little choice on rainy days. They can only stand in the rain curtain and let the raindrops wet their bodies.

The tall city gate stood in the rain curtain, and many figures on the city wall walked in the rain curtain. They held guns and looked around the rain curtain outside the city wall.

The body is soaking wet, the cold is attacking them, but at this moment they have a fiery heart, and this fiery heart can make them ignore the cold.

The Slave City will soon belong to them, a resistance army. With such a base and a home, their living conditions will be improved, and their relatives can truly have a home, a home that can shelter from wind and rain and is safe enough.

"Look! Those guys are here again!"

In the rain curtain, more than a dozen figures suddenly appeared on the bridge, which attracted the attention of the guards of the city wall.

"Tell the brothers to open the city gate!"

The members of the resistance army knew what the person was, and it was not the first time they entered and exited the city gate.

Not long ago, a team of hundreds of people passed through the city gate and headed towards the inner city. They had obvious characteristics. Wearing a set of beautiful looking iron knot equipment, they could be distinguished as members of the First Army at a glance.

In a way, Slave City does not belong to the resistance army, but the first army that captured Slave City.

At least for now.

How dare they delay.

In the rain curtain, the city gate opened "creak! Creak".

Before the team on the bridge arrived, the city gate had been fully opened.

It's close, it's close enough, when their figures clearly emerge from the rain.

The resistance army on the city wall also clearly saw more than a dozen figures approaching the city gate.

There were fifteen people in total, and 14 of them were very familiar with the resistance army. Although no one knew who was under the iron knot and what face they had, it was enough for the resistance army to know their appearance.

They had never seen one of them. They didn't wear the heavy-looking equipment, but simply wore a poncho. Because they were all covered in the poncho, the rebels on the wall could not see who was under the poncho.

However, the rebels on the wall did not take extra actions. Although they didn't know who the other person was, they could walk with the members of the First Legion, probably someone who had something to do with the First Legion.

It is enough to know this. #####

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