Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1272: South China

China, Kyoto.

Since the grand consul "Wang Yanmei" proclaimed the declaration of national reunification, the situation has become weird in the vast land of Kyoto.

Under the general order of the chief consul "Wang Yanmei", Kyoto expanded its army aggressively, and the shadow of war enveloped the land of Kyoto.

The Twelve Acropolis of Kyoto is under the jurisdiction of "Kyoto" in name. Therefore, this is only a declaration of the founding of a nation, not a declaration of war. The establishment of the army of Kyoto is just in case.

The big consul's order is an attitude, and it is also urging the twelve golden families to make choices.

Either peace is attached, power is centralized, the founding of "China", or war, reunification by force.

Facing the aggressiveness of the Archon, the Twelve Guardians remained silent, did not respond, and did not refuse. The Twelve Golden Clan were all watching each other.

The situation in Kyoto has been maintained for more than a hundred years, and the unified pattern of decentralized power has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. How can the twelve golden families that control the power of the Acropolis willingly give up their rights?

The general trend cannot be violated. In the atmosphere before the war, the history of "Kyoto" is moving forward bit by bit.

Time passed quickly, unknowingly, two months passed again.

With the passage of time, the incursion of demons has brought pain to "Kyoto" and is being wiped out bit by bit.

The destroyed homes were also rebuilt. Two months were not long, and the traces of the storm are still visible.

The weather today is very good, cloudless and sunny.

Since the disappearance of the red world, the sun has also warmed up, and the weather changes throughout the seasons are recovering.

In the 101 hospital, Li Meng has been in the hospital for two months. Although he has not recovered completely, he can still walk on the ground.

In the garden, the greenery is thick, and the bright sunshine brings vitality, and also allows some patients to enjoy the hard-won sunbathing on the grass.

Sitting on a bench by the roadside, Li Meng lazily looked at the sky.

There are white clouds in the sky, blue sky, and floating boats in motion.

He is not alone, nor is the familiar Chen Yan beside him.

"What should I do? There are two voices within the Resistance. One is to continue to resist and build a country that belongs to the ideal of the Resistance, and the other is to lay down their weapons and become a hero who conforms to the general trend. I don't know what to do or how to choose. "

Speaking of this, Li Lanxin smiled bitterly, and said softly: "What is freedom and what is the ideal of the Resistance? Actually, I don't quite understand it. Sometimes I even think, can the Resistance's concept of freedom really build a country. Human beings live under order and need the constraints of order. True freedom is impossible to achieve. If it is truly achieved, it should be a kind of degradation, right?"

Listening to Li Lanxin's whispers, Li Meng's expression was very calm.

She thinks it is rare.

Li Meng could understand the confusion, incomprehension, and hesitation in her heart.

The situation in Kyoto has changed, and the rebels have to think about the future.

From the sky, Li Meng withdrew his gaze and looked back at Li Lanxin.

Today, Li Lanxin is very particular about dressing, a long gray dress, which looks very fashionable.

"What do your partners think?"

Or partners?

After a little thought, Li Lanxin realized what Li Meng meant.

She shook her head lightly, and said: "After the grand consul "Wang Yanmei" announced the declaration of unification, that attitude was somewhat ambiguous. He might think that once the grand consul became strong, whether it was the rebels or the Davids In the city, there is no room for resistance."

This is true. Although Kyoto has not achieved true unity in the past two centuries, in terms of strength, Kyoto has the strength to unify Kyoto. Not to mention other standing forces, only four "guards" can ignore each. If the defense of the city wall was only used for destruction, the guardian god's huge body would be difficult to resist with ordinary weapons.

"He is quite far-sighted and realistic. As the "ambassador" of the First Army, I can't give you much advice in this capacity. Soon, the First Army will officially establish diplomatic relations with Kyoto."

Speaking of this, Li Meng faintly smiled and said softly: "From a private standpoint, you are still young, and your future life is still very long. For you, the burden of the Resistance is still a bit heavy. If you can really let it go, it will be for you. It’s not a bad thing."

Put it down?

Li Lanxin thoughtfully, maybe she really should let go.

At this time, Li Meng said again: "If Kyoto is truly unified, China will be full of opportunities in this new country. With the identity of the instructor of the resistance army, even if it takes advantage of the trend to become a "hero." In the new country, you also have the opportunity to enter the center of power."

"Of course, you also have other options."

Other options?

These words made Li Lanxin a little confused. Are there any other options for the Resistance Army today?

Facing Li Lanxin’s puzzled gaze, Li Meng smiled slightly, lay lazily on the bench, looking at the sky, and muttered: “Go to Nanhua. This country has a common ancestor with China, at least nationally. Acknowledged, in this country, you can also practice your ideals, and the First Army will continue to support you as always. Talk to the Grand Archon. If you have her support, your actions in South China will be smooth. a lot of."

South China?

Li Meng's suggestion made Li Lanxin thoughtful.

Nanhua knew that it was a neighboring country south of Kyoto.

Located to the west of ASEAN and north of the Kingdom of Barron, a small country surrounded by three countries.

Although the country is small, its territory is not small, only a little smaller than ASEAN. Because there is no unified government, South China is still relatively chaotic. Since mankind walked out of the dark age, this country has entered an era of warlord melee, more than 200 Years have passed and there is still no change.

This is a way...

Although Li Lanxin is not keen on rights, she is powerless in her position. She represents a collective, which makes her have to consider the future of the Resistance.

In her hands, the rebel army in the ruins of the swamp has reached 50,000 armed forces. With the size of the army, the system is complicated and the interests involved are more complicated.

She is not Wang Yanmei, or a great consul who has lived for hundreds of years. She is not enough in terms of prestige.

If she chooses to follow the general trend and put down the weapons in her hands, some people will follow her, and some will not.

Once a contradiction occurs, the first chaos will be "inside."

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