Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1283: Whimsical

Although the Kingdom of Culver is small, it also has millions of people. They are distributed in three cities and various crop towns. As the capital, Delhi is undoubtedly the largest city, with more than one million civilians living in the city. .

Just when the city of Delhi was wary of the arrival of the "sky knight", within two hours, a bigger crisis came to Delhi.

Outside the city of West Gate, in the winding Yiluo River, in the distance, at a corner hidden by the sea of ​​forest, huge warships appeared, and they appeared continuously from the end of the river, one after another. In a moment, a long line was formed in the river.

Standing high and looking far, the defenders on the west wall soon spotted the fleet from the river.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

Looking at the fleet appearing in the river with horror, the defenders on the wall panicked and rushed to tell.

The alarm bell that had subsided rang again, reverberating throughout Delhi.

From the invasion of foreign enemies, the strange fleet in the river, this news also quickly spread to the palace.

The city of Delhi is built on the river. Outside the city of Delhi is a pier, and outside the pier is a wide area of ​​water.

When it was close to Delhi, the Yiluo River became very wide, with an average width of about two kilometers.

Compared with the section of the river at the estuary, the deeper the inland, the shallower the water depth of the river.

When we arrived outside Delhi, the river had become slightly turbid, indicating that the water in the river was not very deep.

Because the fleet of the First Corps were large ships with deep drafts, this caused some trouble to the fleet. It could only sail in the middle of the river. Once it docked, it was easy to run aground.

The continent of Austria is not peaceful and full of wars, but the Kingdom of Culver at one end of the continent has been peaceful for a long time. A small country, coupled with its remoteness, no one would be willing to spend unnecessary costs to capture this small country. A small place.

But today, everything has changed, peace is not there, and war has come to Culver Kingdom.

When the huge fleet is moored on the river outside the city, huge warships spread across the ten-kilometer-long river. At a glance, the huge steel ships are densely packed, and their battleship is daunting.

The first to be caught in the riots was the wharf. The wharf outside Delhi is not small. Although it is not as prosperous as the sea port, it is also an important transportation station.

When the fleet blocked the river, the pier where the people were talking was gone, and people fled into Delhi in fear.

The chaos didn't last long, but for a moment, the pier was empty.

Compared with the city walls of Kyoto or Marani, the city walls of Delhi are not high, only about fifty meters high. From a distance, although they are still shocking, they are compared to the one hundred meters high city wall. In terms of that, that feeling is much worse.

"General, do you attack now?"

There is still a period of time before dark, and now the attack is too late. Even if you can’t capture Delhi, you can occupy a forward stronghold in the city. Moreover, the night is not an obstacle to the First Army. If you fight in the night, it’s right. For the First Army, it is advantageous.

In the command room of the fleet flagship, Tan Ya sat peacefully.

The words of Davis beside her made her speak slightly, and said calmly: "Don't worry, give them one day."

Time of day?

In the helmet, Davis thoughtfully, he probably understood the significance of General Tanya doing this.

After speaking, Tan Ya said again: ""Ya", where is the fourth and fifth fleet now?"

On the circular metal disk on the side, as the blue light appeared, the holographic projection of "Ya" appeared.

"Fourth, the Fifth Fleet has found a suitable landing site. It is now landing. It is not convenient to travel at night in the forest. The landing troops will be repaired in the coastal camp for one night. They will depart early tomorrow morning. Lucheng, outside of Rose City."

The city of Bru and Rose are also inland cities, but they are not far from the sea, and the farthest city of Rose is only more than 70 kilometers. The terrain in northern Austria is flat, and marching in the forest is not one thing. Difficult things, the speed of marching can be guaranteed.

The day is not long. The reason why Tan Ya waited naturally had a purpose.

For this war, the purpose of the First Corps is clear, that is, to unify the mainland of Austria, and when unifying the mainland of Austria, it is necessary to reduce unnecessary killings as much as possible.

What the First Army wants is a whole country, not a ruin. A country that has been destroyed is meaningless to the First Army.

Therefore, in this battle, the First Army will not declare war on a certain country. It will only give them a choice. Before the war starts, it will give them some time to think.

When war is unavoidable, the First Army will not show mercy, and will destroy all enemies that dare to resist with the most powerful firepower and the harshest means.

The huge Third Fleet set up its battle under the city of Delhi. The purpose was clear. It was to show off its strength and let its opponents know that their enemies could not be defeated. This was a psychological battle.

Time came little by little, and night arrived as expected.

Just as Tan Ya had expected, facing the huge fleet that suddenly appeared in the Yiluo River outside the city, Delhi City was in chaos. The people were panicked and fearful of war, while the upper-level rights holders were panicked and fearful.

The Culver Kingdom has been at peace for decades. In the past few decades, it has been peacefully guarding itself, without launching a war to the outside world, and not having much ambitions, and living a life on its own one-third of an acre.

Although there is no invasion by foreign enemies, life in Culver's Kingdom is not good.

The same kind is the biggest threat, but the threat of polluting beasts is not small.

The Austrian continent is very large and has a good biological chain. There are powerful groups of polluting beasts, and there are even king beasts. Once the beasts riot, even the city of Delhi with high walls can easily be affected.

In the past few decades, the Kingdom of Culver has suffered several invasions of the herd. Every time the invasion of the herd, the kingdom of Culver will pay a heavy price.

An livelihood has been around for decades, and now the war has suddenly come, and while panicking, it has also caught those in power by surprise.

The foreign enemy soldiers approached the city, and in the strange atmosphere, the long night gradually left.

In the early morning, when everything is recovering, at this time in the past, Delhi has gradually become alive.

But today, the city is silent.

Looking at the city wall, there are changes. There are more defenders, and bloated "guards" are also on the top of the wall.

There are no hands, only two mechanical feet, and a round and bloated body with a 65mm cannon on the body, which is the image of a generation of "guards".

It's dawn, this time is undoubtedly a good time to attack, which makes the atmosphere on the wall very tense.

A large number of soldiers hid behind the battlements, peeping at the fleet on the distant river, their eyes were solemn.

The enemy that the kingdom faces this time is too strong. The fleet in the river can only be seen at a glance, which is despair.

Those battleships were not only huge, mighty, and their firepower was amazing. There were countless turrets on the deck, and the densely packed large and small gun barrels would not doubt that they were just decorations.

Once those steel battleships open fire, can the seemingly tall city wall of Delhi be held?

At this moment, the soldiers on the wall did not have any confidence.

"It's dawn, will they attack?"

"Who knows, since they are here, they must have plans. Today's battle should start."

The tension in my heart made the soldiers on the wall whisper.

The palace was not peaceful last night. The king called an emergency meeting and did not know what was discussed.

What the king and the ministers are discussing, of course, as the low-level soldiers, they don't know.

The only thing they knew was that the kingdom was ready for war. Last night, a large number of soldiers were sent to the western wall. Even the king's "guard" army left the palace and boarded the western wall.

All sorts of phenomena appear that war is inevitable.

"Someone is out of the city, hey, isn't that Minister Chinlman?"

Amid the "creaking" of metal friction, the heavy city gate slowly opened, and an old man in a gray robe walked out of the city gate, which attracted the attention of the guards on the wall.

"That's right, that's Minister Chinlman. How can your Minister go out of town at this time?"

"It should be an envoy to talk to the fleet on the Yiluo River. We don't know who the enemy is this time. Look at those black flags, they are not the flags of the nearby kingdoms, and our neighboring countries do not have this. Such strength, and I don’t know what their purpose is, how can such a military strength be interested in the Kingdom of Culver."

In the voice of the defenders of the city wall, Chinlman gradually moved away.

The dock was just ahead, and under the **** of two entourages, Chinlman boarded a small boat in his old posture.

The river was rippling, and under the paddles of the oars, the boat slowly approached the fleet with three people.

"Master, do you think our mission can be accomplished? They don't look like pirates plundering wealth. If it is a certain country overseas, they won't be dismissed by some money. I think the king is a bit whimsical."

While paddling the oars in his hands, the entourage said, his eyes were looking at the fleet not far away, with awe in his eyes.

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