Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1285: The escaped king

Davis answered this question very simply and clearly.

"The royal family must disappear. The first legion of the royal family can guarantee their safety."

Davis' answer is undoubtedly difficult for Jinelman to accept.

This country is governed by your Majesty. If even the interests of the royal family cannot be guaranteed, how can your Majesty choose to compromise?

Feeling helpless, Zin Erman had to say: "I will tell your majesty what your army means, and ask your army to give us some time to think."

To this request, Davis did not agree or refuse, just saying: "The total attack time will not change, you still have a few hours."

It’s almost noon now. The advance teams of the Fourth and Fifth Fleet should be about to reach their target city. The total attack time is set at 3 pm. If there is no accident, the First Army will attack the Kingdom of Culver at 3 pm Launch an all-out attack.

a couple of hours?

In other words, does the First Army plan to attack the Culver Kingdom today?

Thinking of this, Chinlman quickly stood up, and after saying goodbye to Davis, he hurriedly left.

On the river, the boat was swaying, and at the urging of Chinlman, the two entourages paddled the oars vigorously.

After completing his mission, Davis returned to the flagship.

"General, you can't get too many useful things from the messenger. Whether the Culver Kingdom will surrender unconditionally? There is no result from the change of the messenger's expression. Maybe they will choose war."

To Davis, Tanya's expression is very calm.

Those who can act as messengers will naturally be more stable. How can people see too much from their words and faces.

Looking at the city of Delhi outside the window, Tan Ya said calmly: "Whether it is compromise or war, it does not make any difference to the First Army. Let's prepare. The time of the attack will remain the same, and we will try to invade the city before night. The war is resolved within ten days."


The timing of the total attack is just to provide a good opportunity for the first shot.

Once the battle begins, the main attacking forces against the three cities of the Culver Kingdom will simultaneously launch an attack. At that time, Delhi will find that choosing a war will be the worst decision in their lives.

Before the total attack time arrived, the three fleets of the First Army were not idle.

The two troops that landed in the Arafore Strait have entered the depths of the forest and approached their respective target cities.

The fleet docked on the river outside of Delhi was not idle either. The water surface near the pier was not suitable for landing. The water depth was too shallow, but about four meters, even the “tank landing ship” with a shallow draft could not reach the shore. It will be stranded in shallow water on the way to land, so a suitable landing point is very important.

Several speedboats lowered from the decks of several large transport ships and sailed further forward. Before the battle started, they would find a suitable landing point along the Yiluo River.

Time just went by little by little, how would Delhi choose, how would Culver Kingdom choose, this is not what Tanya can know.

For Tan Ya, she doesn't need to think too much.

As the first stop of the invasion of Austria, the Culver Kingdom has no resistance. Tan Ya has absolute confidence in this. She does not think that the Culver Kingdom will pose too much threat to the First Army.

The level of combat power between the two sides is too far apart. If the First Army is compared to an elephant, then the Culver Kingdom is an ant, an ant blocking the way, can an ant bring down an elephant? The answer is of course no.

While waiting, the total attack time is coming.

In these few hours, the reaction of Delhi City made people very puzzled. It was clear that the First Army would launch an attack, but there was no movement in the city, giving people a strange calm.

The defenders on the West City have not changed much either, they are still the same size as before, and there is no move to gather forces to resist.

Looking outside the city, the city is of course calm, but Tan Ya does not know that Delhi is not peaceful at this time.

When Zinelman brought information about the fleet outside the city back to the palace, the upper level of the Culver Kingdom was completely messed up.

The first legion is here, and that is not an existence that the Culver Kingdom can defeat.

Knowing the identity of the fleet outside the city, and also knowing the purpose of the First Corps, there are two different voices among the ministers of Korea.

One is to resolutely resist. Even if failure is doomed, we must fight to the end. Even if the Culver Kingdom is to be destroyed, it must be destroyed in the flames of war. Only dignified destruction can be worthy of the ancestors who have passed away.

The second is surrender, conditional surrender, but this road is undoubtedly unworkable, because the First Army said that it only accepts unconditional surrender. Even so, there will always be some illusory ministers who are still thinking about The First Legion negotiated terms to fight for more benefits for the Culver Kingdom.

While the ministers were still discussing whether to surrender or fight, Culver's royal family made a surprising move.

While the ministers were discussing how to deal with the threat of the First Army, the king of the Culver Kingdom led the royal family members to leave from the east gate under the guard of a group of guards, and fled to the southeast.

Because the "king" was an excuse to leave halfway, when the ministers in the hall learned that the king led the guards to flee from the city, it was already too late and could no longer stop the king's cowardly behavior.

When the ministers and nobles hurried to the east wall, they could only see the guards leaving outside the city.

The roar of the engine, the roar of cars from time to time, and the guards who hadn't completely entered the forest under the city. Watching this scene, all the ministers on the top of the wall were silent, staring at each other, a little at a loss.

At this critical time, the king actually fled. Although he knew that the "king" was a bit weak in temperament and did not have the talents of an emperor, but in the case of foreign invasion, he did not want to protect his people or resist the enemy. What he did turned out to be fleeing.

While this made the minister at a loss, it was also a little weird, and even more shameful.

The Kingdom of Culver has been founded for nearly a hundred years, and the royal family of Lelda has been passed down for seven generations. Although the monarchs of the past have not said that they have grand ambitions and talents, they can also take care of the family business left by their ancestors. , But this monarch seems to have exhausted all the luck of the royal family of Lelda.

Among the ministers at the top of the wall, Zin Erman was among them.

He looked at the guards who were going away in Lin Hai, shook his head and said: "Your Majesty can take this step wrong. If you have the heart to escape, it is better to agree to the unconditional surrender of the First Army. This will not only keep the royal family safe, but also There is no need to be displaced. If you choose to flee, you will not only be ridiculed by others, but you will also lose the name of a fugitive monarch, so why bother?"

Jinelman's words made the ministers around him feel the same, and they couldn't figure out why his Majesty would do such a stupid thing.

At this time, the minister on the side asked Chin Erman: "What should we do now? Your majesty probably received the news that the city of Bruges and Roselle was also besieged by the First Army, and made such an incredible move, Chin Er Lord Man knows that His Majesty the King has always had no opinion. Someone must instigate this matter. Is it necessary to send someone to persuade His Majesty to come back?"

Chinlman is the Minister of the Interior. Although he is not a first-class official position, he is in charge of the kingdom's finances and has great prestige and great power in his hands.

At this time, here, Zin Erman became the backbone of everyone.

With a slight sigh, Zin Erman said solemnly: "Finally, let him go, even if he is persuaded to come back, it is too late. The First Army's offensive is imminent. Once the battle begins, there will be no chance of surrender. Survival is still unknown. Whether you leave, at least the line of the Lelda family can be preserved. It is not ashamed of the king."

The situation changed too quickly. The First Legion invaded and the king fled. Everything was unexpected and unbelievable. The kingdom has been without war for decades. Why does it suddenly change today?

For the ministers, this makes it difficult for them to accept, but they have to accept it because it is true and is a problem that they must face right now.

"Master Chinlman, what should we do now? The king has fled, and only you in Delhi can preside over the overall situation. Whether the war is surrendered, the adults need to make an idea. Before the war starts, you need to make it as soon as possible. Decided."

"Yeah, Lord Chinlman, you made up your mind. We don't have any opinion. Even if we do, we can't help it now."

Among the ministers, there was no shortage of stubborn people, but the king's escape kept them silent.

They understand that they no longer have the right to choose at this time.

Facing the gaze of the ministers, Chinlman did not hesitate, and immediately said: "I am afraid it is too late to surrender now. I immediately inform the city of Bruce and Rose, let them raise the white flag, open the city gate not to resist, and the city of Delhi. The guards of the West City also replaced the white flags and opened the city gates. All the troops withdrew to their respective barracks. They were not allowed to go out without an order. Hurry, go."


Hearing Chin'erman's order, several soldiers in military uniforms behind the crowd responded quickly and hurriedly ran down the city wall.

None of the ministers at the top of the wall expressed opposition to Chinlman's decision.

In tacit approval of Chinlman's decision.

After giving the final order, Zinerman looked back at the ministers around him and said: "My colleagues, let's go back to the conference hall and wait. The fate of the Culver Kingdom is no longer what we can decide. The only thing we can The only thing we can do is to reduce the killing as much as possible and protect the people of the kingdom, and the other can only pray."

Although the words are a bit heavy, the meaning is clear and reasonable.

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