Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1297: Relatives

Since then, the originally weak body has become more fragile.

Although Li Meng has a congenital defect in physique, if there hadn't been that accident, his body would not necessarily be as bad as it is now.

The relationship between blood relatives will not be faked. In this way, the old man with a low sense of existence in memory is afraid of lying. His parents may have died, but he did not abandon him. As for why he lost his six years old The previous memory, "injury" is certain, but why the injury is probably not caused by "playfulness".

And that "old man" should be the "second uncle" Li Yanran said.

So the question is, what is the relationship between the second uncle Li Yanran's mouth and this body?

Facing Li Yanran's doubts, Li Meng said calmly: "I was injured once when I was seven, and I lost my childhood memories."

That's it...

Li Yanran suddenly realized that Xiao Meng didn't have any impression of the Li family.

The biggest culprit turned out to be the amnesia caused by the injury.

Picking up the teacup on the table again, Li Meng looked very calm and said: "In the past, I always thought that I was an orphan, abandoned by my parents since I was a child, and adopted by an old man named "Li". "Li Meng", now suddenly I know that I still have blood relatives. Although it is a bit unexpected, I don't want to change anything."

Taking a sip of tea, Li Meng looked at Li Yanran, who remained silent, and smiled lightly: “I don’t want to know the past, all grievances, if Miss Li’s purpose is to make me recognize the Li family, or Give up this idea."

Speaking of this, Li Meng put a smile away and said calmly: "Why did my parents both die? Why did the father take me out of the Li family? The reason for this is that I can’t get rid of the Li family. As a son of man, I Although I don't have any impression of my parents, I don't mind revenge for them. I really want revenge. Who do you think can stop me?"


Speaking slightly, Li Yanran wanted to say something, but couldn't say it.

Yes, just as Xiao Meng said, the death of the sister and brother-in-law cannot be separated from the Li family.

Once Xiao Meng wants to avenge his deceased brother-in-law and sister, the Li family may become the target of Xiao Meng's revenge.

By then, who can stop Xiao Meng?

Li Yanran knew the abilities of the young man in front of him. In the incident where the demon invaded Kyoto, the young man fully demonstrated the power that stood at the top of mankind, whether it was a martial artist or a martial artist. Well, whether it is people with various abilities, they are all unattainable, and they are also a kind of power that cannot be defeated.

Since that incident, the young man in front of him has been recognized as the "strongest person" among mankind.

"So..." Looking at Li Yanran with a calm expression, Li Meng said calmly: "While I don't have this idea yet, Miss Li shouldn't let me have any involvement with the Li family. This is for you and for the Li family. All are good."

This is rejection, the most explicit rejection.

From Li Meng's words, that indifferent has already let Li Yanran know the answer Li Meng gave her.

After a moment of silence, she smiled helplessly: "Mr. Li Meng is not an ordinary person. This time I did not expect to achieve my goal. Mr. Li Meng does not want to have any involvement with the Li family. I will naturally not Forcibly, the grievances and grievances in this are unclear. I don’t beg for Mr. Li Meng’s forgiveness. My only hope is that in the future, Mr. Li Meng will not deliberately alienate me, not talk about family relationships, but only as friends intersect."

After speaking, Li Yanran looked at Li Meng expectantly.

After so many years of hard work, she did not want to pass the young man in front of her.

Although Li Meng was just her nephew in terms of seniority, Li Yanran did not treat Li Meng as a junior.

Compared to juniors, Li Yanran is more willing to treat them as equals. For nothing else, she just wants to watch her sister's only child live well. In his life, she just needs to pay attention to it.

With a faint smile, Li Meng couldn't comment: "This is natural, Miss Li is so beautiful and moving, and having such a confidante, I am also happy to comment."


Thinking about the relationship between the two people, this makes Li Yanran a little unnatural. Even if you don't talk about the blood relationship, just in terms of age, the two are one generation behind.

Maybe only the boy in front of him can say this so naturally.

I didn't think too much. Although there was something unnatural in my heart, Li Yanran was more happy.

The sadness on her face was swept away, Li Yanran chuckled lightly: “It’s probably not an easy task to become Mr. Li Meng’s “confidante”. I know this confidante, Mr. Li Meng, don’t regret it. ."

To put it plainly, the two also let go a lot.

Regardless of other identities, just as a friend, Li Yanran and Li Meng are quite recognized.

In terms of temperament, Li Yanran is as gentle as the big sister next door.

At the beginning, she was able to take off her clothes without hesitation and give up her innocence as a woman, and survive the cold current for herself. Although there were other factors in it, she was only one-sided. To be able to achieve this level is not something ordinary people can do.

Since then, Li Yanran's figure has been lingering in Li Meng's mind.

Regardless of the Li family, it would be a good thing to have such a gentle and beautiful relative.

Not long after, the door was opened, and a figure of Qianli entered the room.

It's time to enjoy delicious food.

Huaxia's dishes still suit Li Meng's appetite, and Li Meng is not polite when facing a table of delicious dishes.

In the past few months, in order to maintain a good body, "soup" with high nutritional value has been used every day.

Although it tastes good, no matter how delicious a thing is, once you eat too much, it will taste bad.

"Master, don't eat too much of these greasy and surplus food, or it will be uncomfortable at night."

When the meal was almost done, Chen Yan, who was next to Li Meng, reminded in a low voice.

She was a guest tonight, so Chen Yan was very quiet.

Regarding the conversation between the host and Li Yanran, she had been listening quietly, without a word.

While reminding, Chen Yan picked up the napkin on the table and handed it to Li Meng.

Not just a word, Chen Yan reminded Li Meng with actions.

For Chen Yan's reminder, Li Meng just smiled faintly, put down the tableware in his hand and took the napkin that Chen Yan handed over.

On the other hand, Li Yanran looked at Chen Yan curiously, and then at Li Meng.

Li Yanran has always been confused about the relationship between the two.

Although Chen Yan has always called Xiao Meng the young master, the relationship between the two is not like the master and servant.

how to say……

It's more like a couple, especially Chen Yan's occasional gentleness to Mr. Li Meng, which further confirms this.

After wiping the oil stain on the corner of his mouth, Li Meng put down the napkin in his hand.

At this time, Li Yanran on the opposite side also put down the tableware and finished the meal.

With a faint smile, looking at Li Yanran on the opposite side, Li Meng said: "The situation in Kyoto is not very good recently. It is not wise for you to come to see me at this time. Although you and I have personal relationships, it will not decrease. The sensitivity between you and me."

At Li Meng’s words, Li Yanran smiled faintly, and said indifferently: "Although I am a member of the "Li family", I don’t often stay at home and rarely intervene in Wudu politics. Somewhat sensitive, but this is not something to care too much about. This time I met with Mr. Li Meng, who also knew about it. I don’t think anyone would cause a disturbance by my meeting with Mr. Li Meng. "

Nodding lightly, Li Meng echoed: "This is also..."

Although meeting with Li Yanran, Li Meng didn't keep it secret.

However, this matter was obviously done by Wang Yanmei.

Otherwise, if he travels tonight, he won't be quiet behind him.

It's not too late. In the bustling place of Kyoto, those reporters can't wait to point their camera at Li Meng 24 hours a day. Sometimes, even late at night, there will be no lack of peeping eyes out of the window.

Naturally, Li Meng didn’t care about this. Although the situation in Kyoto is a bit chaotic today, this is an internal matter of China, and has nothing to do with him as an outsider. Even if he goes to see anyone as the “ambassador” of the First Army, it is As you can see, other people are not qualified, and there is no reason to make irresponsible remarks.

Speaking of this, Li Meng was quite curious and said: “One thing I’m very curious about is that the unification of China is inevitable from the current situation of Kyoto. Although there is only one city in Kyoto, its strength is better than that of the Twelve Guards. The sum is even higher. In terms of name and prestige, that one is not comparable to that of the Twelve Golden Clan. In the past few months, the Golden Clan that controls the acropolis have remained silent. This is not the solution. Attitude, do you plan to drag it forever?"

Time has passed for a long time. It has been half a year since the grand consul Wang Yanmei issued the announcement to the nation. During this half year, the "Golden Family", the actual controllers of the acropolis, have remained silent. This attitude will not People like it.

With a bitter smile on her face, Li Yanran said helplessly: "It's okay to tell Mr. Li Meng about this. This is no secret. The Li family fully supports the declaration of the founding of the country by the great consul Wang Yanmei. The Li family is a family of martial artists, although Controls the "Wu Capital", but management matters are left to outsiders. As for politics, the Li family is actually not interested in politics. When the consul Wang Yanmei issued the declaration of the founding of the nation, the father intended to be the first to stand up for support, but But it was stopped by the military."


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