Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1308: Change of situation

In this way, the third-generation guards that appeared in Blackstone Fortress were quite intriguing.

Looking at the scale, there are at least more than one hundred, more than one hundred three-generation guards, which is not a small number.

In some human countries, countries that are capable of owning third-generation guards will not have more than two hundred installed, while the small Blackstone Fortress has more than one hundred third-generation guards installed. How can we not make Blair confused.

Could it be that the three kingdoms in the Southwest Theater are united?

There are quite a few defenders in Blackstone Fortress, and depending on the density of personnel, it should not be less than one hundred thousand.

With more than one hundred thousand defenders, undoubtedly greatly surpassed the standing army of three thousand before Blackstone Fortress.

Blair was not surprised by the union of the three kingdoms, because the First Army had heard about this matter earlier, but it was impossible to confirm it.

After all, at this special time, even if the three countries are united against the enemy, they will not make public announcements and will only use actual actions to act quietly.

However, where did those third-generation guards come from?

Even if the three countries entered into a military alliance, their manufacturing level would not be able to produce so many three-generation guards in a short period of time, and the three countries did not have the technology, let alone the industrial ability to manufacture third-generation guards.

In this way, there is only one possibility.

"foreign aid?"

In the helmet, Blair thoughtfully, guessing in his heart.

This is not a possibility, but a fact. Only with foreign aid can the three countries have such a large-scale third-generation guard.

If so, it would be really bad news for the First Army.

If it is foreign aid, who will this assisting country be?

Looking around the continent of Austria, there are only a handful of countries that can help the three countries.


This is impossible. At present, in Kyoto, China, the civil unrest has not been settled and will not interfere with the affairs of other countries. Besides, the relationship between the First Army and China is still good. Not long ago, a series of cooperation terms were signed. It is impossible to trouble the First Army at this juncture.

Kingdom of Barron? Or the Republic of Sharjah?

This is even more impossible. The Kingdom of Barron is to the west of Ogeria. If you want to help the three countries, you must pass through the Ogeria. It is impossible to escape the first place whether you go to the north or the south. The eyes of the Legion, in other words, the Kingdom of Barron could not silently assist the Three Kingdoms under the eyes of the First Legion.

As for the Republic of Sharjah, the possibility is unlikely. First, it is too far, but the route must pass through the sea controlled by the First Corps. It is also impossible to give assistance to the three countries silently.

Next is the Kingdom of Orleans. This country is more jumpy and has great ambitions for territory. It almost clashed with the First Army. Although it didn’t happen in the end, if this country did something, it wouldn’t let it. People are too strange.

However, in this matter, the Kingdom of Orleans is also impossible.

Ability is the second most important thing. Now, around the mainland of Austria, the northern and western waters are under the control of the First Army. If you want to assist the three countries in the southwestern theater, you must take the route between the south and the east.

The South is naturally impossible. The southern part of the Austrian continent is the Aegean Sea, which is a sea area controlled by the devil. No one will venture in this direction. There are no human countries in the south. The Aegean Sea is opposite to the "Southern Continent". ".

In the end, only the East is left...

The eastern part of the Austrian continent is the Pacific Ocean, which is an endless ocean, but there is no powerful country.

This is confusing.

The thoughts in his heart were put away, and Blair stopped thinking about it.

His task is to investigate the situation in the fortress, all he has to do is to report everything he sees.

The superior has his own decision, and it is not his turn to think about it.

Looking up, Blair looked at the Blackstone Fortress in the distance. He had a feeling that in the mainland of Austria, the First Army was afraid that it was about to usher in a tough battle.

The situation in the fortress is already obvious. The purpose of the Sjoonte Kingdom’s fortress is very clear. It is nothing more than to use the Blackstone Fortress to stop the invasion of the First Legion.

As long as the First Army is blocked outside the Courbet Mountains, for a long period of time in the future, there will be a "stalemate" in the war on the mainland of Austria. For the three countries, they will have more Time to prepare.

Without hesitation, Blair then reported everything he had seen to the front-line headquarters in Nibal City.

After receiving a report from Blair, in Nibal City, the front command held an emergency meeting.

Nibal City, this is a medium-sized city. After the First Army captured this city, it set up a front-line headquarters in the City Lord’s Mansion.

Some time has passed since the First Army occupied Nibal City.

In these days, the people of Nibal City have gone from being panicked to now numb and obedient.

There have been many phased changes in the change of attitude, no matter what these civilians think in their minds, today, for a long time in the future, they must obey the rule of the First Army.

The convening of the emergency meeting caused the sergeants at all levels to quickly put aside the things in their hands and rushed to the City Lord's Mansion.

At 4 pm, the meeting was held smoothly.

The location of the meeting: in the council chamber of the city’s main mansion.

"You have also learned from the report from Sergeant Blair. The Blackstone Fortress is a fortress. If the fortress was just a piece of paper before the First Army landed on the mainland of Ogeria, it is no longer paper. It is an iron plate that wants to trip the First Army. Facing this iron plate, whether to kick him away or go around is the theme of this meeting."

After speaking slightly, Wilson sitting on the rostrum looked at the sergeants under the stage, and then said: "You are all old men in the army, and the time for allegiance to the commander is not short. On combat experience, and You all have your own understanding of the control of the situation, and I believe you have a lot of doubts in your mind at this time."

In the Chamber, all the sergeants are almost the same, even Wilson and Warren sitting on the rostrum are no different from the sergeants under the stage, almost the same.

This makes the style of painting in the chamber seem rather strange.

Although it looks strange to outsiders, to the soldiers in the First Army, it seems ordinary.

Although the power combat uniforms on the outside are the same, the factors that distinguish the soldiers' identities are not the appearance, but the information from the power combat uniforms. The power combat uniforms worn by each soldier have a soldier’s identity record and rely on power to fight When two soldiers wearing powered combat uniforms face each other, the identity information of each other will be displayed on the silver screen in the helmet.

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