Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1319: Before the battle

For a long time, Tan Ya has been thinking about how to eliminate the devil more efficiently, and when accomplishing the final goal, she will not lose much herself.

To achieve this is not an easy task, but now, Tan Ya has an idea in mind.

That is to choose a suitable battlefield, from offensive to defensive, using the high walls of Slin City to fight against the demons. Although the war with the demons, the civilians in Slin City will inevitably suffer casualties, but if the demons can be eliminated, some sacrifices are worthwhile. of.

In the forest, Tan Ya's dexterous posture ran with all his strength, and from time to time she rushed out of the forest, across the sky, attracting the attention of the devil.

And in the sky behind Tan Ya, a crimson red figure was stirring its wings to chase, getting closer and closer to the fleeing figure in the forest.

In fleeing and chasing, the two sides quickly disappeared to the northwest.

At this time, in Slin City, Davis also received an order from Ya.

In the Kingdom of Bliss, the First Legion will have a battle with the devil sooner or later. For this reason, the First Legion has made meticulous preparations. Two hundred thousand troops are gathered in Slin City, and they can enter the Kingdom of Bliss with a single order.

The time is short. When receiving the order from Ya, Davis did not expect the battle to come so quickly.

The fighting style is far beyond Davis's expectations.

"If the order is passed down, the eastern high wall of Silin City will be used as the defensive line, and all troops will be ready for battle.

In the front command room of Slin City, Davis gave a clear order.

"Also, immediately order all sergeants above level seven to attend the emergency combat meeting at the command headquarters."

Following Davis' orders, the huge command room suddenly became busy.

Orders were passed on to the army scattered throughout the city, and at almost the same time, all military camps in the city received clear orders from Davis.

For a time, the huge Slin City became a little commotion.

On various streets, armed vehicles carrying officers drove towards the city lord mansion in the middle.

In less than half an hour, out of the 200,000 troops, more than 30 sergeants with rank 7 or above arrived at the city lord's mansion.

In a conference room, an emergency combat meeting began.

"The order is clear. About 300 kilometers away from the southeast of Slin City, the reconnaissance team led by the general stopped here. Just half an hour ago, for some reason, an aerial demon suddenly appeared. At this time, that demon is chasing the general towards Silin City."

On the podium, Davis always stated to the sergeants under the stage, let the sergeants know what happened and the current situation.

"It is expected that within an hour, the devil will arrive in Slin City. Your mission is very simple. Command your respective troops and board the walls for joint operations. The deployment of fronts and the combat strategy. Later, the intelligent AI will release you detailed tasks. Information, all operations are based on AI's instructions."

After the words were paused, Davis emphasized: "Remember, this is an air defense operation. All ministries should strengthen air defense firepower."

After that, in the helmet, Davis looked around at the next sergeant, and finally asked: "Are there any doubts?"

As Davis looked around, a sergeant stood up.

"Sergeant Chief, are there some defensive troops left behind in the city? If it is an air defense operation, it is inevitable that the devil will leap over the defense line and enter the city. By then, the battlefield will not only be in front of the front line, but the entire city of Slin."

This is natural, and the sergeant's worry is not unreasonable.

To fight against the demons on the ground, high walls have an advantage, but for flying demons, tall walls are just decorations. No matter how dense the air defense firepower on the walls is, once the battle starts, the battlefield will not be on the high walls. , But the entire Slin City.

No matter how strong the anti-aircraft firepower is, it is impossible to stop the demon from the front line. After all, flying demons are too flexible. At extremely fast speeds, 100% interception is impossible.

Facing the enquiry of the chief sergeant, Davis replied: "The city wall is the main line. The defense of the city will be arranged in the line deployment. Can there be any questions?"

The sergeant who asked the question sat down, and when Davis asked again, the sergeants did not speak.

Seeing this, Davis said: "This is the end of the combat meeting, and the sergeants at all levels rushed to the front line immediately."


The sergeants stood up together, raising the military salute and shouting loudly.

Afterwards, the sergeants in the meeting room rushed away, left the city lord's mansion and rushed to all sides.

Soon, in Slin City, the army from all over the place was mobilized.

On the streets everywhere, there were fast marching troops everywhere, and the long army formed a long silver-gray dragon, which was so spectacular.

In the strange eyes of the residents in the city, a large number of troops boarded the city wall in the east.

Amid the roar of the "rumbling" engines, Guardian tanks, multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles, and even "bull" armed vehicles all boarded the city wall one by one, arranged neatly on the wide city wall, forming a firepower wall.

In terms of air defense, it is the weakness of the First Army, and there is no special weapon.

However, the problem is not very big. Although the Guardian tank is only a weapon against the ground, it can also fire some inductive shells into the air because it has a larger shooting angle. It can be used for air defense without any problems.

The multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle is even more of no problem. Generally speaking, the weapons of the multi-functional infantry stand are large-caliber cannons, such as 50 mm or 60 mm cannons, but they need to be more powerful. In the case of firepower, it will be replaced with a uniform forty millimeter seven-tube Vulcan cannon, pursuing more pure firepower.

These two armored units alone are sufficient to meet the needs of air defense.

Of course, it's just satisfying. In terms of air defense, when expensive long-range air defense missiles cannot meet the demand, short-range weapons with specific injection speed are a good choice. Not only are they cheap, they are also very practical.

In less than half an hour, the 200,000 troops in Slin City were ready for battle.

Everything is so orderly. Before the army took action, the city of Silin was under martial law and the streets were cleared, which allowed the army to flow unimpeded and quickly deployed to the city.

The First Corps not only made a combat deployment on the wall of the east of the city, but also filled with fire teams on the roofs of the city.

Within one hour, the army in the city moved quickly and effectively.

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