Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1333: Parting day

The dark years have passed. Although the threats in the forest are still there, in the two hundred years, relying on the high walls, human beings are recovering little by little.

Although the existence of pollutants makes the birth rate of humans very low, it cannot bear to have a huge population. As long as the population growth rate continues to rise, the number of humans will only increase. In a hundred years, perhaps The human scale will return to the number before the Dark Age.

By then, with the advancement of technology, the polluting beasts in the forest may no longer be a threat.

If the development of history does not develop in the wrong direction, in another hundred or two hundred years, the polluting beast that has caused endless pain to humans will become an endangered species like the animals before the Dark Age.

Of course, this is only a possibility, an inevitable process of history.

If mankind truly restores the status of the earth's hegemon, this situation will inevitably occur.

"What is the master thinking?"

Seeing Li Meng's silence, Chen Yan asked curiously.

Looking at the dark courtyard outside the pavilion, Li Meng said indifferently: "It's nothing, I just feel that after staying in Kyoto for too long, maybe it's time to leave this place."

Before he knew it, Li Meng had been in Kyoto for almost half a year. Time flew by, and everything changed too quickly.

"That's it!"

Snuggling beside Li Meng, Chen Yan muttered.

She whispered: "Bentley owns General Natasha, Nanlin Island has General Sakiya, and General Tanya personally commands the frontline battlefield in Austria. The First Army is a military organization. As the highest commander, the owner only needs Just guide us wherever we go. There is no need to do everything yourself. In Kyoto, the master can also do something beneficial to the First Army."

Chen Yan's careful thinking, how could Li Meng not understand.

In the future, if nothing else, the Huaxia Club will be the main development target of the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce. As the second in command of the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce, Chen Yan will not leave China. That is to say, once Li Meng leaves Huaxia, she cannot accompany her. By Li Meng's side.

Lowered his head and gently kissed Chen Yan's ruddy lips, Li Meng said softly: "It's not an easy time now. You can't let go of the burden on your body. The long life has just begun. Did you shrink so quickly? "

"Master! Did I disappoint you?"

Leaning on her master's shoulder and staring at the face that was close at hand, Chen Yan whispered.

Looking at Chen Yan, Li Meng whispered, "No, you didn't disappoint me. Although the birth of your clan was just a mistake, it is not a bad thing to have rich emotions. This will allow you to better integrate into human society. , Between feelings and responsibilities, I will not force you, but rather than staying by my side, I hope you can give full play to your talents. You have a good father who has taught you a lot and he needs you. s help."

She can't refuse the owner's request, what else can she do.

With a lazy smile, Chen Yan fondly lifted a strand of long hair on her forehead, and said softly: "Master, the long night, don't you plan to do something, or is the master planning to accompany that confidante?"

This little girl...

Li Meng always has no resistance to Chen Yan's temptation.

This body is still too young. Although it is a little thin, it can't stop the hormones from spreading.

Except for the instinctive desire of the body, Li Meng does not want to be a true "saint."

But tonight, Li Meng still controlled himself.

"Okay, let's go back."

With that said, Li Meng took Chen Yan's small hand, pulled Chen Yan and got up and walked outside the pavilion.

In the past six months, many things have happened in Kyoto. The purpose of coming to "Kyoto" this time, even Li Meng, has forgotten the specific tasks. The situation has changed so quickly that people are caught off guard.

Whether it is the change in the situation in Kyoto or the sudden battle in Ogeria, everything has changed Li Meng's original intention when he came to Kyoto.

Today, Li Meng can only follow the trend and make some changes according to circumstances.

Now the situation has finally stabilized, and Li Meng's trip to Kyoto is perfectly completed.

Of course, there is only one thing.

This matter should have been resolved long ago, but what happened backfired. Whenever Li Meng planned to resolve this matter, he would always be disturbed and procrastinated until now.

In the next few days, Li Meng's life was very ordinary, and it was not lonely to be with Arran during the day.

But the day of parting will always arrive. On the third day, Yalan bid farewell to Li Meng, preparing to return to the Republic of Sofia.

In the early morning, in the corridor of the mansion, Li Meng and Arran walked side by side, communicating while walking.

"In the future, your contact person is Chen Qi. The Republic of Sofia is not within the trade scope of the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce. If you have any needs, you must send someone to contact Chen Qi. You don’t need to worry about transportation issues. I will contact China During the negotiation, the only thing you need to consider is the journey of the Republic of Sofia. Considering the danger, armed personnel will accompany you. In short, after you return to Sofia, you must be careful. You should know the national conditions of the Republic of Sofia best, although you are Martial artist, but there is no chance of survival in the rain of bullets. Don’t risk your life."

Today, Arran is about to leave, and Li Meng is sending off Arran.

The words came out of Li Meng's mouth, and Yalan heard in her ears.

Although there were too many words, Yalan heard the care in the words.

This warmed Yalan's heart slightly. Since the death of her father, she has no relatives and no reason, and she has not heard any words of concern for a long time.

Nowadays, being cared by a man much younger than herself, Yalan has a very complicated feeling in her heart.

Not annoying, but more joyful.

The complicated relationship with Li Meng prevented Yalan from having a good night's sleep in the past few days.

It's not that you feel uneasy about the sudden love, but the instinct of a woman to think more.

Although she doesn't want to admit it, the relationship between her and Li Meng is more or less trapped in interest.

This made her never-before-experienced relationship seem impure, which made Arran more or less concerned about this.

In addition, for the past few days, Li Meng has always treated her as a guest, which made her feel relieved, but also quite disappointed.

And beside Li Meng, there is not only her, but also the beautiful woman, her name is Chen Yan. Arran is no stranger to this one. What is the relationship between Chen Yan and Li Meng, Arlan knows Duming.

It's impossible not to care about it, but Yalan also knows that a powerful person like Li Meng can't have only one woman next to him.

But today, for the first time in her heart, Arran is delighted with the choice she made.

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