Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1336: A meaningful day

South China Sea, Nanlin Island.

Today's Nanlin Island is not an ordinary day, and it is also an unforgettable day for the people in Qingcheng.

The First Corps is about to launch a space launch vehicle. As for the "rocket", ordinary people don't know much about it. The only thing they know is that the thing can leave the earth and reach the orbit of outer space.

For the public, it is enough to know this.

The First Army did not conceal the news of the rocket launch, but publicly released the news to the people of Qingcheng and opened the launch site to the public. In other words, ordinary people can watch the rocket launch.

On the southern coastline south of Nanlin Island, the space launch platform was built in the forest not far from the sea.

Today, when the news was released, some large and small ships appeared on the sea south of the space launch platform early in the morning.

The wind was blowing, making the sea turbulent, and the waves of the sea also made the ships on the sea sway slightly.

In a large area of ​​the sea, there are many large and small civilian ships. On the ship, a large number of figures are lying on the guardrail beside the ship's gunwale, looking with interest at the strange and straight building in the forest on the shore.

The building was not far from the coast, but was erected in an open space.

It is more than 100 meters high and has a T-shape. At the right end of the T-shape, a huge rocket is standing upright.

A trace of white fog is rising from the floor of the building, making people nervous.

Time is slowly approaching 10:20, and people are patiently waiting for that moment to come.

At this time, in the aerospace command center in Qingcheng, as the launch time drew closer, the atmosphere in the command center became more tense.

In the lobby, a large number of staff in white robes are nervously checking various data in front of their computers.

The space here is empty and very closed. For them who came here from the "Ayre" world, it is a good working environment.

But the launch of a space rocket is not an easy task, even if many people in the hall have experience in this area, they will get nervous whenever the rocket is lifted off.

Not afraid, but excited.

"I never thought that there is a planet where humans live on the other side of the universe. This is incredible. This is simply the greatest discovery of mankind. If this news goes out, I don't know how much sensation it will cause."

"Okay, okay, I said Bachelor Enzo, have been in this world for so long, haven't you adapted? What you see is the truth, you must learn to accept it, now, you still have to complete the task at hand Right."

The comfort of his colleague could not calm Enzo. While he kept tapping on the touch-screen button in front of the computer, while staring at the screen, he muttered: "It's just an aerial rocket launch. This is not difficult. Although the success rate cannot be said to be 100%, there is still a 95% chance. If we encounter the 5% chance this time, we can do nothing. The only thing I care about now is the door and how it works. What is it? Man-made wormholes? Or is it something more peculiar and incomprehensible?"

Not only is he curious, but the colleagues beside him are also curious about the door.

"In terms of the theory involved in human beings, it should be similar to a wormhole, but the principle of a wormhole is to turn matter into molecules and then recombine from another place. The transmission process is short-lived, just like passing through a water curtain. In theory, it won’t make people feel any sense, but the door is different. Although the transmission process in the channel is extremely short, only a few seconds, but in those few seconds, our consciousness is clear. It’s also a red world. That kind of feeling is really bad. For some reason, that red channel makes me a little scared."

"Your feeling is right, and I have the same feeling. Okay, let's put it down beforehand. It's not far from the launch time. We must concentrate."

There were a lot of people in the hall, and the discussion between the two did not attract too many people's attention.

Except for the colleagues around them who heard their conversation with their ears erected, most people in the command hall were silently focusing on their work.

On a huge silver screen, the countdown to the launch time was beating every second.

The launch time is getting closer...

Outside the field, in the forest on the edge of the space launch platform site, Li Meng's figure gradually emerged from the branches of a big tree, appearing under the gloomy treetops.

It is not far from the space launch platform, the sea on the left hand side, and the space launch platform waiting for the rocket launch not far on the right hand side.

Li Meng came in time and did not miss the extraordinary moment of 10:20.

The wait was short, Li Meng didn't even have time to look around when a loud "rumbling" sound suddenly sounded.

The flames flashed, the flames boiled, and amid the roar of "rumbling", the tail of the huge rocket ejected billowing flames.

Under huge reasoning, the rocket slowly took off and gradually separated from the space launch platform.

This scene of the rocket's take-off caused waves of exclamations. At this moment, all the people on the large and small ships on the sea focused their eyes on the space rocket that was struggling to break free of gravity.

With a huge tail flame, amid the roar of the "rumbling", the space rocket went straight into the sky as everyone watched, getting faster and faster, and in a short while, it disappeared into the sky, leaving only a little flash of light. trace.

In Li Meng's eyes, the space rocket carrying the satellite rose up and rushed into the field that humans on Earth had already lost.

Taking a blank look at the place where the space rocket disappeared in the sky, Li Meng's figure disappeared without a trace under the shade of the tree.

The launch of a space rocket is of extraordinary significance. Li Meng has never imagined that this launch will cause a sensation among the people on earth.

Sometimes conquering by force is far less than the impact of advanced technology.

The satellite's entry into orbit also had a great impact on the First Army.

Global communications are no longer a problem, and the means of detecting enemy situations are more effective.

Communication satellites, reconnaissance satellites, and terrain exploration satellites, the combination of these three types of satellites, allowed the First Corps to completely enter the age of informatization. The benefits to the front-line military are undoubtedly enormous.

On the same day outside of Austria, on the same day as the satellite was launched, the military on the front line experienced the benefits of informatization firsthand.

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