Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1351: Yue Chu on behalf of

Regardless of the plans of Moban and Emma Bella, the Kingdom of Sjoonte has decided the future path.

On the third day after the end of the Three Kingdoms Conference, the envoy from the Kingdom of Sjoonte arrived in Darwin City without stopping.

From time to noon, today’s pilgrimage has already ended.

The sudden arrival of the Kingdom Envoy of Sjoonter caught Oliana by surprise.

She hadn't heard anyone talk about the news about the envoy from the Kingdom of Sjoonte.

The purpose of the Kingdom of Sjoonte’s envoy is unknown. For the sake of caution, before receiving the envoy, Oriana summoned the three elders for a secret meeting.

In a small parliament room in the palace, a meeting is going on.

On the throne, Oriana wore a golden robe and a crown, sitting lazily and gracefully.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at the three old people sitting around a round table below. She opened her mouth slightly and said calmly: "At this time, the Kingdom of Sjoonter came here, and the purpose is really curious. For a long time, the old guy Hadar has Avoid trouble with the Kingdom of Austria. Although he is not the most cherished one, I am afraid that no one can compare to him in terms of ambition. Among the previous seven countries, this person is what I hate the most."

The corners of her ruddy mouth curled up slightly. Looking at the elders, Oriana smiled lazily: "The elders have got some news? You probably won't keep it from me."

Under Oriana's beautiful gaze, the three elders looked at each other.

The princess's aura is really getting bigger and bigger, even at this moment they can't help but feel some pressure.

Hehe smiled, one of the old people hurriedly said, "No, no, of course not. I'm about to talk to the princess about this matter. We just got the news just now."

Putting her smile away, Oriana said calmly: "Then it is the time, let's talk."

At this time, the three elders would naturally not conceal this. Although they did not confirm whether the information they learned was accurate, but now they had to tell the princess what they knew.

One of the three elders said: "During this half month, many things happened outside. The demons were wiped out and the Kingdom of Bliss surrendered. During this half of the year, the offensive of the First Legion was unstoppable. The kingdom has fallen, and now there are only three countries south of Courbet. Although the American Federation has provided "aid" to the three southern countries, according to an informant report, just three days ago, the Americas The Federation's Sanshen Company began to withdraw from the three southern countries. After losing the assistance of the American Federation, the three southern countries lost their ability to resist the offensive of the First Army. In this case, at the Three Kingdoms meeting three days ago In public, Hadar decided to "surrender to our country, and at the same time, he officially retreated from the three-nation military alliance." "


With a light "Huh", Olianna's face showed a look of surprise, she said unexpectedly: "surrender to the Kingdom of Austria? How could they think of surrendering to us?"

An old man replied: "They should have guessed that we are connected with the First Army. It is better to surrender to us than the First Army."

Frowning slightly, Oriana's face darkened.

Looking at the three elders present, they said in a very unkind tone: "Who leaked this news?"

Olianna deliberately concealed the relationship with the First Legion, although she will officially announce it to the public sooner or later, but not now.

Seeing Oriana became angry, one person quickly explained: "Princess, only a few of us know about this. No one will spread the news. This seems to be hidden. In fact, they guessed it. This is not an order. The surprising thing, did the princess forget that in the port, the fleet of the First Army has been stopped for more than half a year. When the First Army first arrived in Irvine, it also went ashore and mobilized in the forest outside the city. Can't hide it from others, it will be a matter of time before they can guess this."

Oriana accepted this explanation, and her gloomy face gradually returned to normal.

She didn't doubt the three elders, but was angry at the disclosure of the news, but after the three elders explained this, Oriana wanted to go away.

As the three elders said, the arrival of the First Army in Darwin is not a secret, and there is no way to hide it.

Although they couldn't confirm it, they were able to make their guesses boldly. Undoubtedly, their guesses were correct. The First Army's attack on the mainland of Austria did have a lot to do with the Kingdom of Austria.

Her expression slowed down, and Oriana said indifferently: "So what do the three elders think about this matter? It stands to reason that they should surrender to the First Army if they want to surrender. If we accept their surrender, this will be a little bit worse. I don’t want the First Army to misunderstand us about this matter."

Of course, the three elders knew what Olianna was worried about.

Indeed, although the First Army agreed to allow the Kingdom of Austria to rule this continent, the war is not over yet, and the Kingdom of Austria is still the Kingdom of Austria, not the only rule of the continent in the future. In this special period, you must be self-aware of where you should stand.

Regarding what Olianna asked, the three old men bowed their heads and talked.

For a long time, it seems that there was a result of the discussion, one person said: "If we guessed correctly, the other two countries will also send envoys to the Kingdom of Austria. The purpose is the same as that of the Kingdom of Sjont. It should be within these two days. We can wait. Before all the envoys of the Three Kingdoms arrive in Darwin City, let’s inform the First Army about this matter, and see how the First Army responds, no matter what decision the First Army makes on this matter, it’s a good idea for Oji As far as the Kingdom of Leah is concerned, it has no influence."

This is a way...

Oriana affirmed the suggestions made by the elders.

This method is very good. Since you can't make the decision, then hand the problem to the First Army.

In this case, no matter what the result is, the First Army will be involved, which will not cause misunderstanding.

Nodding lightly, Oriana said with satisfaction: "It's so decided. The messenger's affairs will trouble the three veterans. I will contact the First Army immediately."

"Princess, please rest assured, leave those messengers to us."

A four-person meeting ended in this way. It was not long, and it did not last more than an hour.

Leaving the conference room, Oriana returned to the court.

"How is it? Seeing your face on the princess, you seem very happy?"

As soon as she returned to the inner court, Oriana saw Gunia in her office.

Behind the desk, Gunia was dealing with a lot of business on the middle desk for Oriana.

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