Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1356: The missing Tanya

Warren said: "I have reported to the general, but I have not received a reply."

Wilson was surprised that the general was not online. He asked, "Have you asked Sergeant Davis?"

Warren shook his head and said: "Sergeant Davis is already on the front line and is not with General Tanya. I asked the Darran City Command and said that General Tanya left Darran City and went to the front line yesterday. "

Wilson added: "Have you ever asked Ya? It is General Tan Ya's auxiliary AI, and it should be able to contact the general."

Warren still shook his head and said: "It's not online, it's offline."

This is strange...

Wilson was very confused and said: "This is impossible. The main body of the intelligent AI "elegant" is in the data flow of the data terminal. Unless the network of the data terminal is interrupted, it should not be in an "offline" state."

Warren said: "I don't know the specific situation, I only know that the command is analyzing the situation."

It turned out to be so. No wonder Warren had such a plan. This was not a disobedience.

When the generals are unable to contact, they do have the right to act independently as theater commanders.

At this point, Wilson had to say: "Well, since the general can't be contacted, I support you in this matter, now is indeed a good time to attack Blackstone Fortress."

The unification of opinions stopped the two of them from arguing, and now it was time to attack the Blackstone Fortress.

Without delay even a second, under the clear orders of Wilson and Warren, the army began to move.

In the huge frontline camp, there was a commotion due to the offensive order.

Amid the roar of the "rumbling" engines, and amidst the crowded figures, nearly 150,000 troops drove out of the camp violently and headed towards the Courbet Mountains.

The long line stretched for dozens of kilometers, and the army could be seen everywhere on the road in the forest. For a time, the war was about to start.

Just when Wilson and Warren ordered an attack on Blackstone Fortress, Davis, thousands of kilometers away, was beset by something unexpected.

His army has already arrived in front of the limestone fortress, one of the three fortresses in the Courbet Mountains. With a single order, the army can attack the limestone fortress.

Compared with the previous Blackrock Fortress, which had amazing defensive power, the guarding power of the Gray Fortress was somewhat weak.

There are very few defenders in the fortress, and there are not too many defensive weapons on the walls. They are empty, as if the Kingdom of Sjoonte has given up the defense of the limestone fortress.

Limestone Fortress can attack at any time, but Davis must deal with the matter now.

"Missing? Daran City is only two days away from the White Rock Fortress. Can the headquarters send people to search along the road? Also, which team is guarding General Tan Ya, can they be contacted?"

In a command vehicle under the gloomy forest, Davis was in contact with the headquarters of Darran City.

"There is only one road to the White Rock Fortress. Send a frontline army to search along the way back. In any case, you must find General Tan Ya. The general and the intelligent AI "Ya" are offline at the same time. Something must have happened."

Disconnected from the Daran City headquarters, Davis frowned deeply in the helmet.

This is not good news. The mainland of Austria is now within the coverage of the first legion's signal network. It stands to reason that General Tanya cannot be offline no matter where he is.

The offline state can only explain one thing, that is, General Tanya cannot connect with the data terminal.

There is also the intelligent AI "Ya". "Ya" is General Tan Ya’s auxiliary AI. It exists in the form of a data stream in the handheld computer that General Tan Ya carries. If it is offline, it means that General Tan Ya is in A place where the signal cannot propagate outward.

But is it possible?

No matter where General Tanya is, he will only be within the scope of the continent of Austria, and it is impossible for any point on the continent of Austria to escape the scope of the quantum signal.

Even if it is underground, quantum signals can penetrate the ground to connect with data terminals.

Then there is only one possibility...


Only a bonfire is burning in the dark, narrow, damp, and dim environment here.

The vigorous bonfire is the only thing that people in the dark "rejoice".

This means that they don't need to worry about running out of oxygen, and it also means that this narrow and dark space has another outlet, otherwise, they would have died due to lack of oxygen.

There were a few people sitting by the bonfire. There were men and women, old and young, and many more were sitting in the dark behind. It was not cold or hot. The fire was only used for lighting and detection. Is the air flowing?

Looking back at the person leaning on the rock wall, Orson apologized: "Sorry! It hurts you. If it weren't for our recklessness, you wouldn't be stuck here."

Under the shining of the fire, she was dressed in black bloodline armor and a cloak behind her. The wide hood made it impossible to see her appearance. The slightly dark attire made her look very shocking.

In the darkness beside her, blue light spots were shining, and some soldiers wearing silver-gray armors were groping for this space.

What is the use of these now?

In the hood, Tan Ya was expressionless, she was not worried about the current situation, she would find a way out sooner or later, it just took time.

Talking slightly, Tan Ya's cold voice echoed in the darkness.

"You are really reckless, but now, you still want to get out of here."

Orson smiled helplessly to Tan Ya's unceremonious words. It was obvious that this group of people were not easy to get along with.

He glanced at his companion who was sitting on the ground in the dark, and then at the soldier who was groping in the dark not far away. He said to Tan Ya: "This should be the entrance to a certain tomb. Due to the age, the ground changes. , Forming such a cave, we fell from a gentle slope, where it has been buried, if we want to leave here, we must look for another exit, the air here is flowing, there should be another exit."

After the words were paused, Orson continued: "We should cooperate. Only in this way can we find the exit faster. You have advanced equipment and can see things in the dark, while we have "experience". I am an archaeologist. Good at dealing with such an environment."

At this time, a soldier came to Tan Ya’s body and reported: “General! The vehicle we were riding in should have been crushed under the rubble. The signal transceiver should be broken, and we could not communicate with the outside world, except for communication problems. In addition, we have another problem. In a low-consumption state, the battery of the power combat suit can last about three days. Once this time is exceeded, then we..."

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