Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1358: key

Although Tan Ya was not interested in archaeology, she was very curious about what they did. When Tan Ya got off the car and communicated with Orson, she realized the "danger". Before he could stop it, the ground suddenly shook. When there was no reaction, the city ground within a radius of a few miles suddenly collapsed, and Tan Ya and Aosen and his party were instantly buried and arrived here.

It is lucky enough to be able to fall into such a space. If it is buried under the rubble, even if it is Tan Ya, it is not easy to get out of the predicament.

As the people in front passed through the crack, it was Tanya and Orson's turn.

Orson was not polite, and entered the crack first, while Tan Ya followed.

The cracks are very narrow, and a person passing by gives a very crowded feeling. Fortunately, the passage in the crack is not long, only less than ten meters.

When passing through the cracks, what was printed in Tan Ya's eyes was a very strange place.

It's not like the space piled up by building debris outside, this place is very tidy, of course, this is just compared to the outside space.

This seems to be a tomb with a small space, probably less than 100 square meters.

The ground is very smooth, there is a layer of stagnant water, stepping on it "crashing".

"No way, this is a dead end."

In the darkness, someone shouted in panic.

The reason why everyone enters the crack is that there is an exit on the opposite side of the crack.

However, the closed tomb completely cut off everyone's hope.

Compared to his panicked companion, Orson entered the tomb with his eyes brightened and his face was filled with joy.

In the darkness, his eyes stared at the black coffin placed in the middle of the tomb.

The black color is due to environmental reasons, including decay.

There is a woody fragrance in the air of the tomb, which shows that the material used in the coffin is very particular. Only a certain kind of precious wood can still emit a refreshing woody fragrance even after hundreds of years.

Ignoring the panicked expressions of everyone, Orson came to the coffin and quickly said: "Glenn! Quick, open the coffin."

Open the coffin?

Glenn, who was called by Orson, was taken aback, frowned and said: "Dr. Orson! It's not suitable now."

"What's inappropriate. We came to Austria for it. Now it is close at hand. Do you want me to give up?"

Facing Orson’s aggressive gaze, Glenn had no choice but to say to his companions: "Help open it."

Bringing their companions to the coffin, the four of them held the coffin lid in their hands. With the sound of "creaking", the coffin lid was slowly lifted, revealing a little visible space.

At the moment the coffin lid was opened, a cloud of dust billowed, which was very obvious under the light of the beam.

Ignoring the rising dust, Orson's old face came to the coffin with a look of excitement, staring into the coffin.

At some point, Tan Ya also came to the coffin and followed Orson's line of sight to look inside the coffin.


In the hood, Tan Ya muttered to herself.

In the coffin, there is a person lying. Although time has passed, there is only one bone in the coffin, but the clothes on the bone can remind him of his career before his death.

He is a soldier, or a general with a high rank, you can tell from the densely packed medals on his shoulders.

Orson heard Tanya's whisper, and he said with excitement: "Yes, he is a soldier, a general in the industrial age, a famous general in the Republic of Austria, he is money A speculator with a wealth of wealth, he is also a butcher with blood on his hands. He has countless enemies in his life. Thousands of people want him to die, but in the end only he is still alive. At the age of four, he died of all the enemies who remembered him. In that era, he was a legend."

"What's his name?" Tan Ya asked.

Shaking his head lightly, Orson said with regret: "I don't know, the document that records him is incomplete, and the missing part includes his name."

"found it……"

While speaking, Orson's eyes were not idle, and Orson found what he was looking for on the neck of the skeleton.

It was a golden key, tied with a small rope and hung around the neck of the dead.

Obviously, this key is the most precious thing in front of the deceased, otherwise it won't hang around the neck after death.

Carefully removing the key from the skeleton, Orson held it in his hand as if he had obtained the treasure, his eyes were full of excitement.

"This is destiny, the arrangement of destiny, otherwise, how could it be so easy to get it."


Hearing this, Glenn rolled his eyes involuntarily, and angrily reminded: "I said, Dr. Orson, the situation we are facing now is not "easy". I still think about how to leave this ghost. Place it."

After Glenn reminded him, Orson finally realized their unfavorable situation at this time.

With a slight look on his face, Orson put the key in his hand into his waist bag while scanning the tomb.

At this time, Tan Ya had already left the coffin, walking along the edge of the wall, seeming to be looking for something.

Tan Ya is looking for wind, to be precise, the source of air movement.

As a corpse girl, Tan Ya, darkness is not an obstacle. In front of a cracked wall, Tan Ya stopped.

The wall in front of him was cracked, like a spider web, the cracks interlaced with each other, and there was a weak "wind" from the cracks.

There is no doubt that this should be the source of air flow.

The crack spread downward until it was parallel to the ground.

Looking at the cracks parallel to the ground, Tan Ya finally knew how the water on the floor of the tomb came from,

It flows out from the cracks. Although the water flow is very slow and there is no sound, it accumulates from less to more. After hundreds of years of evaporation and accumulation, it finally forms a low-lying area in the tomb.

"found it!"

In the darkness, Tan Ya's cold voice sounded.

This attracted everyone's attention, including Orson and Glenn.

Coming to Tanya's side, Orson asked, "What did you find?"

"Exit!" This is Tan Ya's answer.


As soon as these words came out, everyone in the tomb lit up, and they leaned towards Tan Ya's place.

Looking at Tan Ya and then at the wall in front of Tan Ya, Glenn was a little confused.

And Orson seemed to have thought of something. His eyes lit up and he said with joy: "Yes, the air flows into the tomb from the cracks, and the water on the ground flows into the tomb from the cracks. There should be empty behind the wall. of."

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