Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1361: God?

When he is curious, Orson is also deeply concerned about the danger of the fallen. In the human world, demons are not a legend. Even in the American continent, there are no traces of demons. In the historical records of the American Federation, demons The number of times they have appeared is countless. They are fierce and cruel, killing all living things like locusts, whether it is humans or polluting beasts in the forest, they are their targets.

Whenever they appear, there will always be cruel killings. Before they are eliminated, humans will often pay a heavy price. In the history of the American Federation, during the recorded period of the appearance of demons, there will always be a certain city or a certain town. Completely disappeared on the map.

And the appearance of the devil is always indispensable for the figure of the fallen. In the human world, it is also suspected that the appearance of the devil is closely related to the fallen, but there is no evidence.

In the darkness, Orson said slightly worried: "It is not easy to hunt down the fallen in such an environment. I hope your general can return safely, as well as your comrades in arms."

The soldiers were very confident about what Orson was worried about.

He said very confidently: "I don't doubt this. The general has the power bestowed by the **** of death. The powerful power makes the general invincible and able to face any powerful opponent."

The power bestowed by the **** of death?

The soldier’s words reminded Orson of the first time I saw the general. She was indeed very strong. Facing the five fallen men, she was not only able to easily kill four of them, but the fighting posture was indeed shocking. .

Especially when she appeared, the posture of falling from the sky made people feel a sense of unspeakable oppression. It was the aura and momentum, and it was a mighty power emanating from it.

What kind of power was that? Afterwards, Orson asked Glenn, and Glenn’s answer made Orson even more curious, because the general was not a martial artist. In the human world, only a martial artist’s body is The most powerful, with the blessing of "Jin", its power can even exceed five times, or even ten times, that of ordinary people.

Although the general was a martial artist, his physique far exceeded that of a martial artist. Obviously, this was an unknown force.

But if it was a gift from a certain god, Orson was very skeptical.

In the human world, most religious beliefs are just a certain type of unique thought. Although there are many gods recorded in those scriptures, these gods are all fantasies and are only representatives of certain types of thought. The true gods are not existing.

Although Orson had heard that the First Legion believed in a certain kind of dark god, the "god of death" spoken from the soldiers still made Orson somewhat unacceptable. The **** of death is also the **** of death. How could the First Legion believe in this? Waiting for the dark god?

It is a bit weird to think about it. Although the contact with the First Army is not long, the various behaviors of the First Army are not at all like those cult lunatics, and it can be said that they are more rational than anyone.

"Reaper? This... how can you believe in..."

The words are not finished, not that they dare not, but Orson has scruples in his heart. For most people, religious people are unreasonable. If they refute the doctrines they believe in, they are often regarded as heretics. Usually do some fanatical things.

Orson's hesitation stopped, how could the soldiers not understand Orson's doubts.

Not to mention the outsider Orson. When the commander informed them of the existence of the God of Death, there was a great commotion inside the First Legion. Then, as time passed, after the Dark Iron Warrior appeared among them, They only accepted this fact, and their cognition was completely changed. At this time, they had accepted the existence of the "God of Death" in their hearts, and their beliefs were slowly taking shape in their hearts.

In the darkness, the soldier said calmly: "We are not fanatical, the commander said, it is only our guide, we use the most rational thinking to believe in it, we are believers in the dark, but also the guardian of order."

Rational belief?


Does the "god of death" believed by the First Legion really exist?

Orson deeply doubted the guess in his heart, is there really a **** in this world?

The soldiers didn't care what Orson thought. Since he stayed, he naturally had his own responsibilities.

The soldier said: "Let's go ahead. Since there are fallen people hidden in the sewer, it means that there must be an exit somewhere, and we must find this exit."

The soldier said, let Orson recover from his meditation.

Indeed, the top priority is still to find an exit, and this is what they should do most at this time.

Looking back, Orson said to his companion behind him: "Everyone keep up, we will continue to set off."

Under the leadership of the soldiers, with the help of the light ahead, everyone in the darkness continued to fumble forward.

Just as the soldiers led Orson and his party to move forward, Tan Ya was chasing the prey in the dark far away from the same sewer.

There was total darkness around him, and only the sound of water reverberating in the sewer.

There is no shadow, and there is no visible thing. At this time, Tan Ya has merged with the darkness.

The sewers were unexpectedly long, with no forks or exits to the ground. After pursuing the same sewer for nearly a kilometer, Tan Ya finally felt a breath of subspace, although it was very light, it was slowly dissipating But this fully shows that there are fallen people in the dark sewers.

The appearance of the sub-space breath made Tan Ya's spirit straightened, running faster, and in the darkness, the sound of water was even more intense.

I don't know how long it took, but Tan Ya, who had been pursuing the direction of the subspace aura, stopped at a fork in the road.

This was the first fork in the road that Tanya encountered. It had three lines. The sewer on the right collapsed tens of meters away. Only the sewer on the left and the straight sewer were unblocked.

There was a breeze blowing in the sewers. When the two sewers crossed, the breeze also appeared turbulent. From the two sewers, Tan Ya felt the breath of subspace.

This made Tan Ya not know which sewer to choose to pursue.

Once the wrong choice is made, or the trail of the fallen is lost due to a waste of time, it is not easy to find the fallen afterwards.

Since the fallen one chose to escape, it means that the fallen one has no desire to fight. It will continue to flee until it escapes the hunter's sight. The ruins are so big and the forest sea is even more vast. It is too simple to hide one person.

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