Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1364: Blair

Ra originally thought that the human lady in front of him should be difficult to understand.

After all, the current human cognition is still limited to the parent planet, and the cognition of the universe is blank. It is difficult to believe in things that are beyond common sense.

But "La" was wrong. Although Tan Ya did not fully believe what "La" said, he did not think that "La" was lying to her, because it was unnecessary. In any case, Tan Ya would not treat the meat. If the ball is handed over to "it", even if the "sentinel" is to be destroyed, the first legion must do it.

What Ra said reminded Tan Ya of what the fallen man in Daran City said.

There must be a connection between the day of the Great Purge and the people of the Great Purge.

Maybe the day of the Great Purge referred to by the fallen refers to the Kraken clan.

In the hood, Tan Ya was lost in thought.

If this is true, it is not a good thing for humans on earth.

Now human beings can't even get out of their home planet, how can they deal with the Kraken from the starry sky overlord?

This matter was serious, and Tan Ya didn't make a conclusion without authorization.

Tan Ya said coldly: "It has come to the earth, indicating that the coordinates of the earth have been known by the Krakens. What is the use of erasing it now?"

To this question, "Pull" explained patiently: "The sentinel is only a biological signal transmitting device, and also a navigation beacon. If the "sentinel" is now erased, even if there are Kraken fleets in the neighboring star area, they It can only roughly know the position of the earth, but cannot know the exact location. The universe is vast and vast. If the precise coordinates are not known, even the Krakens cannot find the earth in a short time."

Having said so much, "Pull" was also a little impatient. It said solemnly: "Humans! You have to believe me. This is good for you and me, as well as human beings on earth. If the Krakens find Earth, believe me, the human civilization on Earth will fall into a new cycle again."

At this time, a low voice suddenly sounded, it was very low, as if some creature was roaring.

From the ruins nearby, two huge spherical demons rose up.

They are brown-red, and the surface is a combination of creatures and armor. Although they look hideous, the surface is very smooth.

They are about five meters in diameter. Although they don't look very big, they are just floating in the air, which is amazing.

There are no vents, nor any device to provide lift. I really don’t know how they fly in the sky.

The spherical demon that left the ruins came to the sky where Tanya and Ra were located, floating just above Ra.

Taking a deep look at Tan Ya, in silence, "Pull" jumped up and jumped on the back of a spherical demon.

High above, it said the last word to Tan Ya.

"The sentry must be destroyed. If your First Legion is unwilling to destroy it, I will take it personally. We can perceive the existence of the sentry."

The expression is full of arrogance, and there is no doubt about the language. Is this the majesty of "God"?

In Tan Ya's gaze, the spherical demons were leaving. They went straight to the sky and soon disappeared into the clouds.

"General? General? Can you hear me?"

While Tan Ya was still thinking about the conversation with La, the soldier's call rang from the communicator.

This brought Tan Ya back to her senses and responded: "I am here, what's the matter?"

"Commander Davis sent a third-level non-commissioned officer team to the ruins. It has joined us. The leader is Sergeant Blair. The general can call him on the regional channel."

Arrived in the ruins, that is to say, it was very close to her, otherwise, the communicator would not be able to contact.

After interrupting the contact with the soldiers, Tan Ya opened the regional channel and called out: "Sergeant Blair, please answer when you hear it."

Soon, Tan Ya got a response.

"General! The third-level sergeant "Blair" reports to you."

Without asking what was going on on the front line, Tan Ya directly ordered: "Now your task is to rescue the people buried in the rubble, to see people alive, and corpses to die."

Blair: "Yes, I will start rescue immediately."

Time went by little by little, and when Tanya returned to the meeting point, it was already an hour later.

The scope of the ground collapse was smaller than Tanya expected, and the diameter was about two miles.

The collapse caused a large area of ​​subsidence, a large number of buildings and trees were entangled, and the way to go has long since disappeared.

In the place where they fell into the ground, a large group of silver-gray figures were busy. They were soldiers of the First Army.

The task of finding General Tanya has been completed, and their task now is to rescue the survivors buried beneath the ground.

There is no road or the help of construction machinery, soldiers can only use simple tools to carry out excavation and rescue work.

Tanya's appearance attracted the attention of some people, including Orson and Blair.

Blair hurriedly greeted Tan Ya.

In front of Tan Ya, Blair stopped and shouted with a military salute: "General! The third-level sergeant "Blair" reports to you."


Responding lightly, Tan Ya asked, "How is the situation on the front line?"

If he hadn't encountered this accident, Tanya would have arrived at the front line as early as yesterday afternoon, not far from the front line, and only more than 100 kilometers away from the Courbet Mountains.

Although one night is not long, it is enough for war to happen.

Blair replied: "General! The battle is over. In the Southwest Theater, Commander Wilson and Glenn launched an offensive on Blackstone Fortress at 4:20 pm yesterday afternoon. The enemy troops moved after a wave of long-range bombing. The White Flag surrendered. At 7 o’clock last night, the Kingdom of Sjoonte sent an emergency message to the Blackstone Fortress, expressing its willingness to “surrender” unconditionally. At 5 o’clock this morning, the two commanders Wilson and Glenn each led the army. Start from the Blackstone Fortress and begin to receive the territory of the Sjoonte Kingdom.


Although a little surprised, Tan Ya did not feel too surprised.

As far as the situation on the mainland of Austria is concerned, for the three southern countries, surrender is the best choice. A stubborn resistance will only bring greater killings and casualties, but the result will not be changed.

Those in power are not fools. When things cannot be done, they will naturally think about the future.

And surrender is the only "retreat" for the three southern countries.

Now that the Kingdom of Sjoonte has surrendered, there are only two other southern countries left.

The Kingdom of Bisjonte, the other two countries can be said to have not suffered any loss. The territory is not only complete, but also concentrated in the southeastern corner of the Austrian continent. Although there is no special defense line, it is necessary to solve the last two countries. It will take some time for a legion.

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