Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1377: Three powers

"I know you?"

Ahead, Li Meng's voice sounded and passed into Qin Wei's ears.

Since she appeared, Li Meng always felt that she was a little familiar, as if she had seen her somewhere.

And her performance seemed to know him, her eyes always focused on him, the expression on her face was quite interesting.

Li Meng’s question made her stunned for a while, and then replied: “I had a fate. I was a “hero” in the Heroes Association before. Mr. Li Meng attended a meeting at the headquarters of the Heroes Association. At that meeting, I was also on the scene and naturally met Mr. Li Meng."

Qin Wei's words reminded Li Meng of the meeting in the Heroes Association.

The memory in his brain was quickly dug out, and the process of that meeting quickly swayed through his mind.

The memory freezes, Li Meng finally found her in his memory.

"It is you!"

Li Meng remembered. Although she didn't know her name at the time, Li Meng still remembered her appearance.

When the meeting was held, there was a place similar to the side hall next to the meeting room. During the meeting, some heroes also protected the order of the scene in the side hall. The side hall and the meeting room were separated by a glass wall, and you can see inside. Outside, and the inside can also be seen from the outside. From those heroes, Li Meng saw the existence of Qin Wei.

With a slight smile, Qin Wei said softly: "It's me. Since that meeting, in the following period of time, Mr. Li Meng's reputation can be said to spread throughout China. After returning to the court, I never expected to be here again. See Mr. Li Meng."

Although there was a one-sided relationship, it also brought the relationship between the two people closer, and it was no longer as strange as before.

On the way back to the room, the two chatted with each other.

"Mr. Li Meng came to the court this time because of the teacher, right?"

Looking at Li Meng's back, Qin Wei asked the biggest question in her heart.

This is the palace, the most important place in Kyoto, and ordinary people cannot come here.

As a student of the teacher, Qin Wei knows the strict rules of the palace. In this palace, men are not allowed to enter. Even the adopted children in the Martial Hall are not allowed to leave the Martial Hall without being summoned by the teacher.

Not to mention men from outside.

But today, she was "please" by Xiao Qi to take care of this outsider.

When she learned that the "outsider" was "Li Meng", she accepted Xiao Qi's request.

Nowadays in human society, Li Meng is in the limelight, and she also wants to meet the strongest man in the world.

Li Meng: "Oh? Why do you think so?"

With a heavy expression, Qin Wei said softly: "The teacher's injury has not improved, but it has become more and more serious. Modern medical methods cannot heal the teacher's injury. If you want to say that the whole Kyoto can help the teacher, only you, Mr. Li Meng Got it."

For this answer, Li Meng just smiled.

He said: "Strong strength does not mean that it is omnipotent. I don't want to be regarded so highly. If one day encounters something that even I can't solve, I am afraid that this illusory hat will be put on my head."

Qin Wei couldn't help pursing her lips at Li Meng's words.

With a chuckle: "At least in this matter, "Tara"'s choice was right. She found Mr. Li Meng and solved the source of the teacher's illness. Tyra believes in you, and I also believe in Mr. Li Meng."

Li Meng just smiled at Qin Wei's words, unable to refute it at all.

Unconsciously, in the small chat, the room arrived.

Outside the door, the two stopped.

Standing at the door, Qin Wei said to Li Meng in the room: "It's late at night, Mr. Li Meng should rest early. You can tell me anything at any time. I'm in the next room."

It seems that Qin Wei has done her job as a temporary "maid" to the end.

Li Meng said: "I will!"

After that, Qin Wei left, and Li Meng returned to her room.

Sitting on the soft sofa, Li Meng stretched lazily.

Today's time flies quickly, and one day passed without knowing it.

The passage of time makes people unable to feel it, and the time of a day seems unusually short.

Lying lazily on the sofa, Li Meng was lost in thought.

He can't stay here for long, and must resolve Wang Yanmei's injuries as soon as possible, and then leave Kyoto to do her own thing.

In the starry sky, a powerful force is about to move. In order to let mankind and the First Army have a better future, we must plan for rainy days and cherish every minute and every second.

Although Li Meng can do a lot in Kyoto, he cannot change the status quo of the First Army.

Only by going to the front can the war of the First Army be ended faster. Once the war is over, relying on its vast territory, the First Army can do a lot of things, and a great era belonging to the First Army will come.


With a light breath, Li Meng temporarily let go of his thoughts.

The road has to be walked step by step, and things have to be done one by one, no matter how powerful the enemy in the starry sky is, one day or two days will not change anything. There is no need to worry or pay special attention to that day or two. time.

As soon as the thoughts in his mind turned, Li Meng returned to Wang Yanmei's injury.

Although the First Army has advanced medical technology, it is only half a century ahead of the world. There is a certain limit. Even if Li Meng transports the most advanced medical equipment from Nanlin Island, it will not be able to perfectly cure Wang Yanmei. Injury.

In this case, only unnatural forces can be used.

Today, Li Meng has three powers, one is the power of death, the second is the power of the soul, and the third is the power of faith.

Among these three powers, Li Meng, the power of death and the power of the soul, has enough understanding and can use it flexibly, but he lacks a certain understanding of the power of faith.

What is the power of faith?

In Li Meng’s view, it is a kind of spiritual energy, a force born from the spirit of others. This power is soft and full of kindness. It has very peculiar characteristics. In what way does it exist.

It does not exist in the soul or the body in a certain fixed form. It exists in a higher latitude space. Although it cannot be seen or touched, it has a connection with Li Meng. One thought can call it anytime, anywhere.

Li Meng's use of the power of faith is still very shallow. The only thing he knows is to use it to travel through time and space.

Yes, it is time travel.

Only time travel can explain why when using the power of faith to travel between two places in the impermanent starry sky, it only takes an instant to reach it.

Because in the channel opened by the power of faith, everything is still, but the flow of time is also extremely fast, seemingly instantaneous, in fact, many years have passed.

At the beginning, Li Meng originally thought that the channel created by the power of faith was based on the principle of space folding, but after a careful thought, it was not.

Because even if the space is folded, it cannot reach another destination in an instant.

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