Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1385: Ambassador Bro Ville

These reporters are no strangers to Mr. Li Meng, the ambassador of the First Army.

Every piece of news about "Li Meng" will bring very high ratings, which is no small temptation for any reporter.

The only pity is that Li Meng has rarely appeared since he was discharged from the hospital, which disappointed many reporters.

Now that Li Meng is back again and has a meeting with the ambassador of the American Federation, this is big news for reporters.

Before the car stopped, Li Meng heard the noise outside. From the window, Li Meng also saw the group of people he didn't want to see the most.

Seeing Li Meng’s helpless expression, Qin Wei smiled and comforted: “In this position, you have to adapt to these things. Although these reporters are all annoying, they are necessary in this society. , Don’t forget, you are now a public figure."

Yes, he is now a public figure, and every move is seen by people.

Every sentence and every decision he made represented the attitude of the First Legion.

If you are in your position, you must do your job well.


Taking a deep breath, Li Meng said to Qin Wei: "Let's go!"

At this time, outside the car, some policemen were maintaining order. Although the scene looked a little chaotic, order remained.

As soon as the door was opened, the noisy sound suddenly amplified, and the noisy sound suddenly greeted Li Meng's ears, accompanied by countless eyes.

Surrounded by some uniformed policemen, Qin Wei and Li Meng walked towards the Great Hall.

When Li Meng and Qin Wei appeared, reporters swarmed up and surrounded Li Meng.

Fortunately, the police stopped outside, but the pace did not stop.

"Mr. Li Meng, it is said that the subject of this meeting with you is the ambassador of the American Federation. Can you tell us the content of the meeting?"

"The American Federation has always rarely involved East Asia. Does this contact with the First Army show that the two countries have a common understanding on something?"

"Mr. Li Meng! Mr. Li Meng!"

Surrounded by the police, Li Meng kept smiling. Regarding the reporters' questions, Li Meng naturally chose to ignore.

No matter what the content of this meeting is, at least it cannot be announced now.

To be honest, Li Meng didn’t feel much about this meeting. The purpose of the meeting with the American ambassador was simple and simple. The contact with the American Federation this time, in addition to solving problems on the continent of Austria Apart from the dispute, other things are not in Li Meng's plan.

The noise in my ears disappeared until I entered the Great Hall, and the reporters were stopped outside the Great Hall.

When Li Meng and Qin Wei arrived in Conference Room No. 3, the ambassador of the American Federation had already arrived.

"It's nice to meet you, my name is Brouville, the ambassador of the American Federation to Kyoto."

The meeting between the two parties was fairly polite, and after some politeness, both parties were able to sit down.

Compared to Li Meng's younger age, Brow Will is undoubtedly much older, probably in his forties.

He is dressed in a suit, has a strong professional atmosphere, and always has an official smile on his face.

In this meeting, the numbers of the two sides are not equal. Li Meng has only one person, while Brow Weir has three.

Although the three of them are sitting across from each other, it is obviously Brow Weir who is in charge.

Since Qin Wei is an intermediary, she has no position in her body, and she is not at the table. Instead, she sits in a deputy behind.

Looking at Li Meng, who was sitting on the opposite side with an indifferent face, while marveling at Li Meng's youth, Brow Weir was also watching Li Meng.

Brow Will is no stranger to this one in front of me. Although I have never seen him before, Brow Will knows everything about him.

He also knew that this person in front of him was not an ordinary person, and he could not be treated with ordinary people's eyes.

With a slight smile, Brow Wille took the lead and said: "I have always heard about you, Mr. Li Meng, and Mr. Li Meng's deeds are also widely circulated in various countries. Seeing it today, it really deserves its reputation."

He speaks Chinese, but the voice sounds a little weird and not very pure.

However, the words can be heard clearly and can be understood.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said casually: "You and I are both ambassadors, representing two different countries. Let's get to the point."

Brow Will naturally wouldn't refuse Li Meng's proposal. He nodded and said, "Also!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Brouville turned his head and gestured to the deputy beside him.

The young deputy lowered his head knowingly, opened the handbag, and took out a document from it.

Taking the file from the deputy and putting it on the table, Brow Weir pushed it towards Li Meng.

Looking at Li Mon, Brow Will said: "What happened on the mainland of Austria is just a misunderstanding. If any loss has been caused to you, I apologize. Our country is willing to give a certain amount of compensation. A corps is a big country, and something unpleasant should not happen to these little things."

Regardless of his expression or his tone of voice, Brow Weir was very respectful.

Li Meng didn't speak, just looked at the documents on the desk.

After the words were paused, Brow Weil went on to explain: "Bentley, the outlying of Austria, and Austria. The combined area of ​​these three places is tens of thousands of miles away, with a population of more than 300 million. The territories and huge population are enough to make the First Army a superpower. Our country believes that it is time to appraise a series of diplomatic agreements with the First Army, so that the two countries will become friendly diplomatic countries."

"The document on the table is a diplomatic agreement, which contains a trade agreement that is beneficial to the two countries. In order to maintain the order of the human world and to live in peace between the two countries, our country hopes that the First Army can cooperate with the American Federation in science and technology. shared."

Technology sharing?

With a faint smile, Li Meng said, looking at Brouwer Weir, "It is a good thing to establish diplomatic relations. I have no reason to refuse. The trade agreement on trade is also a good thing. I have no reason to refuse. However, this technology sharing..."

Speaking of this, Li Meng paused and said calmly: "The technology possessed by the First Army is enough to allow humans to enter the primary aerospace era. What does your American Federation share with the First Army?"

The junior aerospace era?

Brow Weier looked slightly stunned, and said quickly: "I wonder what is the definition of the primary aerospace era in Mr. Li Meng's mouth?"

With a faint smile, Li Meng replied in the urgent gaze of Browville: "Basic energy control, with controllable nuclear fusion technology, plasma technology, quantum communication, etc."

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