Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1389: go away

Stretching out her right hand, Wang Yanmei rubbed her double peaks. Although she was behind her shirt, this action was still quite fragrant.

It's just that the two people present didn't care about this. What Li Meng wanted to know now was Wang Yanmei's own feelings, and Wang Yanmei also wanted to know whether her injury was really healed, and kneading was the most direct way.


Frowning slightly, Wang Yanmei let out a muffled hum.

This caused Li Meng's face to change slightly, and he quickly bent over and asked nervously: "What's the matter?"

The slightly frowning brows loosened, Wang Yanmei shook her head lightly, and said softly: "The strength is a little bit stronger, it hurts."

Such an answer made Li Meng laugh bitterly, he thought there was some sequelae.

"I do not……"

When Wang Yanmei looked up, she saw Li Meng's face close at hand, and her words stopped abruptly.

It was too close, the faces of the two of them were almost close at hand, and the warmth of the breath could even be clearly felt.

The pause in the words caused Li Meng to look down at Wang Yanmei slightly, and the contact of his eyes created an unspeakable atmosphere between the two.

The light eyes, the beautiful and soft face, attracted Li Meng all the time.

Although another voice in his heart warned Li Meng all the time, admonishing him that Wang Yanmei was not an object to provoke casually.

But Li Meng couldn't control himself in the end. He lowered his head slightly and lowered.

At this moment, the expressions of the two of them were very calm, and only both sides were in their eyes.

The distance between his face was getting closer and closer, and finally, Li Meng kissed the rosy lips.

The light touch on the lips is unparalleled soft, and there is a body fragrance from Wang Yanmei, that kind of smell makes people fascinated.

Even though lips and lips had already touched, Wang Yanmei still looked at Li Meng quietly, her eyes and expressions were calm.

As if aware of something, Li Meng frowned slightly and left Wang Yanmei's lips in silence.

Glancing at Wang Yanmei who was lying quietly on the bed, Li Meng silently turned her head and looked out the window.

After a long time, a word came from Li Meng's mouth.

"take a good rest!"

Without saying much, Li Meng turned around and left the inner room amidst slight footsteps.

In the outside living room, Qin Wei hurriedly greeted Li Meng coming out of the inner room.

Before Qin Wei had time to ask, Li Meng took the lead and said: "Your teacher is very good. Go and accompany her. My purpose of coming to the court is considered complete. Tell your teacher, I will leave first."

"Uh...Mr. Li Meng is going to leave?"

Qin Wei was very surprised by this sudden farewell, it was too anxious.

Nodding lightly, Li Meng said, "I am the "ambassador" of the First Army. I am in an important position. There are many things that need to be handled, and it is inconvenient to stay for a long time.

This is also...

Qin Wei didn't think much, and said: "I will tell the teacher, Mr. Li Meng, let me see you off."

Li Meng refused Qin Wei's kindness, and said, "No, I'm familiar with this palace. Arranging a vehicle to take me back to the mansion of the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce."

Seeing Li Meng insisted on doing this, Qin Wei didn't force her, she nodded and said, "Understood."

Turning around, Li Meng walked out.

Looking at Li Meng's back, Qin Wei thoughtfully, she always felt that Mr. Li Meng had left too suddenly.

Is it related to the teacher?

Without thinking about it, Qin Wei put away her thoughts, turned and entered the inner room.

Qin Wei who walked into the inner room saw Wang Yanmei sitting by the bed at first glance.

The teacher seemed to be thinking about things, his expression was in a daze, and he was not aware of her arrival.

Stepping to the bedside, Qin Wei said softly, looking at the teacher in front of him, "Teacher! Mr. Li Meng has already left, and he asked me to bid you farewell."

Qin Wei's words moved Wang Yanmei. She looked back calmly and glanced at Qin Wei not far in front of her.

Without saying more, she remained silent.

After looking at the teacher, and then at the bed covered with fragments of bandages, Qin Wei focused her final gaze on the teacher's chest.

Although there is a layer of shirt isolated, the shirt is low-cut, and Qin Wei can see the whiteness.

The wound on the teacher's chest seems to be gone...

"Teacher! This is..."

The teacher was obviously seriously injured, why did the wound suddenly disappear?

If it weren't for the teacher's face with a trace of paleness, otherwise, it would not be obvious that the teacher was seriously injured.

Qin Wei's gaze let Wang Yanmei know what Qin Wei was thinking. She stood up silently from the bed, came to the window, and looked out the window deeply.

She opened her mouth slightly and said: "Don't think about anything, don't ask anything, I'm fine."

Such an answer made Qin Wei more puzzled, but it was the teacher's request, she had to whisper: "Yes!"

After leaving Wang Yanmei's bedroom, Li Meng walked straight out.

Outside the palace, standing on the last stairway, Li Meng stopped, turned and looked back at the palace gate.

He was not expecting anything, but thinking about what happened in these two days.

No matter what, the result is satisfactory. He not only cured Wang Yanmei, but also got Tyra's heart.

For Tyra, Li Meng is more possessive than like and love. Li Meng knows this very well.

But this does not hinder Tyra's position in Li Meng's mind. In any case, Tyra is a woman worthy of his miss.

Perhaps this is a bit selfish, but compared to the unforgettable regret, Li Meng doesn't care about being selfish.

"Big brother! Are you leaving?"

A childish voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

The sound appeared so suddenly, when Li Meng was looking for his reputation, on the road under the stairs, beside the front of the car, a petite figure appeared in Li Meng's eyes.

She is very cute in a blue skirt with white stripes.

It's Xiao Qi...

The thoughts in his heart withdrew, to the next step, Li Meng left the ladder.

On the road under the stairs, a convoy of three cars is waiting.

Undoubtedly, Qin Wei was fully prepared for his departure.

Coming to Xiao Qi's body, Li Meng unceremoniously stretched out his right hand and rubbed her little head.

With a slight smile, Li Meng said, "Yes, I'm leaving."

Xiao Qi just froze for a moment at Li Meng's rude behavior, without much reaction.

This elder brother's name is of course not that indifferent girl, but only gentle and lovely Xiao Qi.

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