Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1427: Met an acquaintance

"Miss! Where are you going?"

Behind her, a young man in black appeared at the door and asked her.

It is Leo, a talented martial artist in the Kingdom of Barron.

Luo Luoxin's footsteps did not stop. Under Leo's puzzled gaze, she waved backwards as she walked: "It seems that I have met an acquaintance, I want to check it, Leo, looking at my brother, Don't let him cause anything."


This is Huaxia, not the Kingdom of Barron. How could the lady meet any acquaintances here?

Looking at Luo Luoxin's distant back with doubts, Leo was very puzzled.

"Boom boom boom!"

The door was knocked...

Li Meng and Long Qiaoer, who had just returned to the box, turned their heads slightly to look at the knocked door

"It should be a train attendant."

Long Qiaoer stood up and walked to the door of the room.

However, Long Qiao'er guessed wrong.

When she opened the door, she found that it was not a train attendant who was standing at the door, but a slim girl.

She was dressed in a blue dress and she was very youthful.

Seeing Long Qiao'er, Luo Luoxin just wanted to say hello, but found that he didn't know the name of the beautiful woman in front of him, which made Luo Luoxin into embarrassment for a while.

With an awkward smile, Luo Luoxin asked, "That...Is Li Meng there?"

Long Qiao'er naturally recognized the girl in front of her. She still remembered a fate and knew her name. Although it was a long time, Long Qiao'er did not forget.

Looking back, Long Qiaoer said to the owner in the box: "Master! It's Luo Luoxin, she wants to see you."

Sure enough, he...

The woman in front of the door asked Luo Luoxin in the box to confirm what he was thinking.

"Let her in!"

From the box, a sound familiar to Luo Luoxin rang, which made Luo Luoxin happy.

With the words of the master, Long Qiaoer naturally knew what to do. She stepped aside and said to Luo Luoxin: "Please come in!"


Taking a deep breath, he patted his tight face nervously, with a trace of anxiety, Luo Luoxin entered the box.

In the box, Luo Luoxin saw the figure that made her unforgettable.

He was sitting on the seat by the window, looking at her calmly.

Looking at Luo Luoxin with a nervous look, Li Meng smiled silently, patted the seat next to him, and said, "Sit down!"

Luo Luoxin couldn't refuse Li Meng's invitation, and carefully sat down beside Li Meng.

At this moment, being so close to Li Meng, Luo Luoxin's heart was very restless, beating fast.

She didn't know why she had to come here to see him, but she couldn't help it. The voice in her heart that had been urging her was like a devil's whisper, and she couldn't resist.

She didn't know why she was like this, but she just couldn't forget the past, the shameful scenes with him.

Although he did nothing and didn't hurt her, she just couldn't forget, and she couldn't help thinking about it, sometimes even thinking about why Li Meng didn't continue.

This is the secret in her heart, the secret that has been hidden in her heart.

At this time, Li Meng looked back at Luo Luoxin beside him.

Looking at Luo Luoxin, who was slightly restrained, Li Meng said calmly: "I remember when you left, I said that there is no connection between you and me. I thought you would hate me and treat me as your life. My enemy, now it seems I was wrong."

To Li Meng’s words, Luo Luoxin shook his head vigorously, and hurriedly said: “How can I remember you, Lord Li Meng, what happened on the Cyclone floater was originally my brother’s fault, our fault, it was Luo at that time. Luo Xin is ignorant and allows his brother to behave. Li Meng tuned... Bullying me is a punishment for me. It is precisely because of Li Meng you that you made me more mature. Li Meng is for me. Life mentor, how can Luo Luoxin hate you?"


Looking at Luo Luoxin, who was enthusiastic and admired, Li Meng finally knew what was going on.

It seems that in the battle with the devil in Kyoto, this reputation has been gained, and Luo Luoxin has become his little fan.

The excitement in his heart made Luo Luoxin involuntarily clinging to Li Meng’s sleeves, looking at Li Meng admiringly, and saying: “At the beginning, we had eyes but didn’t know Taishan. Fortunately, Lord Li Meng woke us up and changed us. It has become more mature. Luo Luoxin will never forget this kind of teaching."

Touching his nose, Li Meng couldn't understand the excitement of Luo Luoxin beside him.

The reason for training "Loloxin" was because of the seduce of Yaner's girl. Although Li Meng stopped in the end, he just didn't make the last step. Li Meng knew that this had caused a lot to Luo Luoxin. influences.

When Luo Luoxin was released, Li Meng was ready to be hated by Luo Luoxin.

But now this situation is completely beyond Li Meng's expectations.

With a faint smile, looking at Luo Luoxin, Li Meng said: "You? I'm afraid it's only you."

Luo Luoxin knew what Li Meng meant, and the excitement on her face disappeared. She lowered her head and said in a deep voice, "I will look at my brother. He is just spoiled. The son is used to it. I will After correcting him, I will let him understand that only those who possess the character of Lord Li Meng are truly noble."

Noble character?

Hearing this, Li Meng had a strange feeling in his heart. In Luo Luoxin's eyes, he was so perfect?

Could this be...

Seeing the youthful and lively Luo Luoxin beside him, Li Meng thoughtfully.

It should be so, she may be aware of it, but she doesn't know how to do it.

"Really young..."

In his heart, Li Meng could only sigh like this.

And Li Meng did not realize that his age was not much older than Luo Luoxin.

Reaching out, Li Meng rubbed Luo Luoxin's little head and said softly: "Well, forget the things that should be forgotten in the past. It will be very hard to hide too many things in your heart."

Luo Luoxin's face flushed from the touch from the head, such intimate contact.

This gave her a feeling of being spoiled by Master Li Meng, which made her very useful. She raised her head slightly, her rosy face staring at the man who was close at hand.

Speaking slightly, she whispered: "Master Li Meng!"

"what's happenin?"

The hand placed on Luo Luoxin's head has been put down, Li Meng smiled faintly and asked.

"That... that..."

She blushed, her face was shy, and she lowered her head, trying to muster the courage to say what she was thinking.

But she finally gave up.

The whole person seemed to be discouraged, and said dejectedly: "No...nothing."

Although he didn't know what Luo Luoxin wanted to say, Li Meng didn't think.

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