Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1459: Shinshi

Aegean Sea, Alcatraz Island.

Since Alcatraz Island was occupied by the demons, the island has become a Sikkim mining base for the demons.

Under the thick clouds, the sky's navigation channel is busy. Every day, a large number of 50-meter-class ball-shaped demons enter and exit the Alcatraz island. They are the transport units of the demons and can also be called transport ships.

When one transport ship after another galloped past the sky, the scene was extremely shocking.

As far as the human laborers in the various mines on the island are concerned, they are numb to the transport ships flying in the sky. Under the scolding of the supervisors, they sweat and dig out a piece of tin ore from the ground with simple tools.

At this time, somewhere on the island, a riot was happening.

On the border of the two mines, two patrol soldiers are facing each other.

Although their outfits are exactly the same, the golden logos on the dog head helmets of the two patrol teams are different.

On one side of the patrol team’s dog-head helmet was a golden sun logo, and the other team had a golden wing logo.

I saw a dog-headed soldier with a sun sign shouting: "This is the territory of my **** "pull". You have already crossed the boundary. Leave immediately."

In response to this, the patrol team with wings on the opposite side was unmoved, and one of them said coldly: "It is you who crossed the boundary. According to the Seven Gods Agreement, the mines "pull" should extend to the north, not to the east. You have violated the Seven Gods Agreement. If you continue to dig, I will declare my **** "Isis"."

"Huh, my **** "Ra" is the most powerful god. Your **** has just awakened. What qualifications do you have to own such a large tin and gold mine? I will immediately retreat, and I won't care about colliding with my god. Guilt."


These words undoubtedly angered the patrol team with the wings logo, they raised their scepter weapons and aimed them at the opposite patrol team.

In this regard, the patrol team with the sun logo on the other side did not show any weakness, and also raised the scepter in his hand.

For a time, the atmosphere on the scene became tense, and no one was willing to take a step back.

The abnormal movement below attracted the attention of a certain line of sight in the sky. Above the mine, a ten-meter-class flying demon weapon was lowering its height and gradually approached the place of disturbance.

On the other side, there is also a ten-meter-class flying weapon of the demons approaching.

There is a slender figure on the ten-meter flying weapon, no, it should be said that it is a burly figure.

It's just that they look slender compared to bloated aircraft.

The movement from the sky attracted the attention of the two patrols on the ground. When they saw who came, the two patrols quickly put away the scepter weapons in their hands and shouted at the figures above the flying weapons above their heads. : "My Lord God Envoy."

Above the heads of the two patrols, two ten-meter-class flying weapons of the Demon Race hovered at ten-meter intervals. Above, two burly red figures looked at each other, and the golden pupils exuded a very dangerous atmosphere. .

They are very big, each with a height of no less than three meters. The red body looks like wearing a red **** armor. The water chestnuts are distinct and the lines are all over. The forehead has the same golden color as the patrol below. The logo is very obvious.

I saw the side with the winged sign saying: "Agreement is an agreement. Since the agreement is signed, we must act in accordance with the agreement, or does your **** "pull" and want to tear up the agreement? If this is the case, I will tell my **** "Isis" "The Seven Gods Agreement does not seem to exist anymore."

"No, this is just a dispute between mortals. Since my **** "pulled" the agreement, I will naturally abide by it. I will let the following servants act according to the rules."

Between interest and agreement, it still chose agreement.

Conflict is conflict, and whoever is wrong is right. If you are wrong, you must retreat when it is time to retreat.

At this time, as the messenger of "pull", it will naturally not let its **** bear the charge of "unbelievers".

After speaking, it said to the patrol on the ground: "Retreat immediately. With this as the boundary, the mine cannot expand to the east."


How dare they not obey the order of the envoy, and quickly turned and retreated.

A conflict was so settled. When the disputes below disappeared, the territory was finally confirmed. In speechlessness, the ten-meter-class flying weapons in the sky slowly went over the sky and returned to their respective territories, patrolling their own. territory.

However, they did not know that as the gods, they had a pair of eyes staring at them from beginning to end.

In the void, Li Meng, who exists in the form of energy, is plunged into thinking.

Seven Gods Agreement?

In other words, are there seven high-level demons?

Looking at the atmosphere of the conversation between the two, the relationship between God and God seems very bad.

This may be a very useful information.

Li Meng, who thought so, set his eyes slightly on the island below.

After a long time, the green vegetation on Alcatraz Island was basically invisible, and the entire island was almost opened by a layer. There were clanging digs everywhere, as well as those laborers who were working hard.

Compared with the busy ground, the sky is also very lively.

From time to time, transport ships land in various mines, and the passages in the sky are very busy.

Seeing all this, Li Meng's face was only solemn.

The Mozu digs tin and gold mines so hard, I am afraid they have extraordinary ambitions.

In order to obtain more information, Li Meng did not hesitate and approached a ten-meter-class Demon flying weapon.

It is called "the messenger of God", as the name suggests, it is the messenger of God. As a messenger of God, you should know your own **** best. For Li Meng, this is another shortcut to obtain information.

In the energy form, Li Meng was invisible and could not be touched. No matter how advanced technology was to discover Li Meng at this time, Li Meng approached the Demon aircraft suspended in the sky in silence.

Behind the divine envoy, I saw a black death force surging, and Li Meng's figure emerged.

As soon as his mind moved, a powerful mental force surged out, instantly confining the envoy sitting on the aircraft.

The body was imprisoned, and it was immediately aware of it.

The golden pupils condensed slightly. It wanted to struggle, but found that it couldn't use it, its body was completely unable to move, and it didn't even have the ability to open its mouth.

Li Meng, who showed up, had no plans to talk nonsense with the divine envoy. He came behind the divine envoy and stretched out his right hand against the hideous back of his head. A stronger mental force swarmed out and got into Make" in the mind.

"this is……"

As soon as he probed, Li Meng's expression was slightly startled, and his face was unexpected.

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