Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1461: Hattor

The more you go up, the larger the space, and the smaller the area. When Li Meng came to the top floor, there was only an empty hall.

The main hall is very large and wide, with columns engraved with carvings and neatly arranged, and there are a lot of symbolic decorations.

As soon as he entered the hall, Li Meng heard Ruoyoruowu's voice.

Although the voice was small, it was still heard by Li Meng.

The sound came from the end of the main hall, and there seemed to be an inner hall on the other side.

As he approached, Li Meng found another door behind the throne at the end of the hall.

As Li Meng entered the inner hall, Li Meng saw two slender figures wearing strange services.

One of them, Li Meng, is very familiar with her waist-length silver hair. Although she wears a lot of golden ornaments on her head, Li Meng has not forgotten that face. Compared to the pure white before, she is now dressed in gold. His long skirt is more solemn and majestic.

As for the other one, Li Meng doesn’t know her anymore. She has long blonde hair and is wearing a loose white gold dress. She is covered with white gold ornaments. She looks quite gorgeous, with a pure white face. It also gives people a feeling of no anger and prestige.

The two sat opposite each other and were talking.

"It is not the time yet. We have only awakened for a hundred years, and we have not yet the ability to rule the world. We ruled the southern continent 40 years ago. This process took a full 20 years. The human beings today are not the same human beings. Now, in the tens of thousands of years we have been sleeping, these primitive beings have developed their own civilization. Now if we want to rule the world again, the difficulties will be beyond your imagination."

With a calm expression, Isis continued: "The contradictions between our seven lords are irreconcilable. In the past, in the war with the Karaken clan, we were not willing to unite and resist foreign enemies together. Hattor, do you think we Can we put aside their conflicts and cooperate faithfully?"

At Isis’s words, Harto’er smiled faintly, and said: “I know this naturally. I naturally don’t believe in other lords. Their ambitions are too great. They have never eliminated their ambition to rule others in these tens of thousands of years. I think there were hundreds of lords of our clan at the beginning, but now there are only seven of us left. The reason for this is not just the war with the Kraken clan. The conspiracy and killings during the civil war are also the chief culprits of the current situation."

Speaking of this, Hattor looked at Isis and said, "But at least I believe in you. We can survive that war and wake up in modern times. We cannot do without our cooperation, you Although it has disappeared for decades, it has returned smoothly. I still hope that the two of us can work together as we did before."

Harto's words reminded Isis of some unhappy things. She looked cold and said coldly: "There is no problem with cooperation, but there is one thing you must help me."

"Is it about you being framed when you reincarnated?"

Harto knows the reason why Isis has disappeared for decades. If Isis asks her for help, this is the only thing.

His expression was slightly sinking, and Isis said solemnly: "Yes, when I was reincarnated, someone moved their hands and feet in my reincarnation host. Not only did the mother and daughter die, but I also had to risk my life. It’s dangerous to find another suitable reincarnation target. With such a sinister and vicious method, I want to see who wants my life."

Perceiving Isis’s anger, Hattor said with no hope: "Decades have passed. It is not easy to find the murderer of the year. At that time, the war on the southern continent had just ended. There are also frequent exchanges. If you really want to say who the murderer is, besides me, other five lords are possible."

In this regard, Isis did not think so, she said calmly: "At that time, it is impossible to be foolproof. As long as we are careful enough, there will always be traces to follow."

"What do you want me to do?" Hattor asked.

Isis shook her head, and the golden decoration on her head suddenly shook slightly. She said indifferently: "No hurry, this must be done slowly. I have just returned now. In the past few decades, my loyal guard has I saved my territory, but my strength has been greatly weakened. If I really knew who the murderer was, it might be desperate, tearing its skin, and launching war against me."

Never underestimate an enemy who is jumping a wall, Harto understands Isis's caution.

Harto's nodded softly, expressing understanding.

Getting up, Hartuoer got up from the seat, and she said to Isis: "Just so, I will pay attention to this matter. Now all lords are concentrating on mining "tin and gold mines", and this is also Let’s calm down for a while for our chance to strengthen ourselves."

With that, Hartuo'er turned around and left, and the slender figure twisted and left the inner hall.

Outside, a platform protruded from the top of the pyramid, and a 100-meter-class Demon warship slowly landed from the sky and docked on the platform.

"You don't doubt her?"

After Hatuo's departure, Li Meng's figure gradually emerged in the position where Hatuo's originally sat.

The sudden appearance of voices and people made Isis a momentary stun, his face changed transiently.


The roar sounded, and from above the inner hall, a huge red figure sprang out from nowhere.

When it appeared, it rushed towards Li Meng, the huge red claws emitting cold light.

Its speed was extremely fast, and when the roar rang, it approached Li Meng.

Seeing that the sharp claws were less than one meter away from Li Meng's forehead.

Abnormal changes suddenly appeared, attacking Li Meng from the air, its body suddenly folded, as if it was slapped fiercely by an invisible force, and its huge body flew out horizontally.


Only hearing a huge impact, its huge body turned into a red shadow and hit the wall tens of meters away.

In the main hall outside, dense and rapid footsteps rang out, and a large number of huge red figures poured into the inner hall. They were all three-meter-high divine envoys. There were more than ten in number. The golden pupils looked angry. Li Meng sitting beside Isis.

In the face of all this, Li Meng was fearless, and looked at the divine envoy pouring into the inner hall with disdain.

Although these guys are strong, they are only relative to ordinary people. They don't have any special power, only power and speed, as well as physical strength. After all, these divine envoys are just some small biological humanoid weapons similar to guards.

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