Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1471: Accident only

Walking along the grass, there is a small lake to the left of the two of them. Li Meng still holds Chen Yuyan's little hand in his hand, and never let it go.

While walking and looking at the shimmering lake, Li Meng said calmly: "I think when we first met, it was two years ago. Time flies so fast, I don't know what happened to Dirty Valley."

For Dirty Valley, Li Meng has a profound meaning. It is the starting point of Li Meng's arrival in this world. No matter how long it has passed, the memory of Dirty Valley will never be forgotten.

At this time, Chen Yuyan spoke, and she whispered softly: "Since China was founded, Dirty Valley has been taken in by the nearby Acropolis. Now there should be no one there."


Looking back at Chen Yuyan next to him, Li Meng chuckled lightly: "It has been two years since I saw you, so don't you look up and show me how you look like?"

Chen Yuyan trembled all over Li Meng's words, but in the end she lifted her head, her face flushed, and she turned her gaze to the side, looking very cute.

Looking at Chen Yuyan's beautiful and lovely appearance, Li Meng praised: "Sure enough, the eighteenth woman has become more beautiful than before."

Li Meng's praise made Chen Yuyan lower her head again, her face flushed even more.

She opened her mouth slightly and whispered: "Yes... I'm sorry."

Although the voice was small, it was still heard by Li Meng.

Looking at Chen Yuyan next to him, while walking, Li Meng said, "Why do you have to apologize."

The footsteps did not stop, holding Chen Yuyan's little hand, the two were strolling on the grass on the lake shore.

Did he forget?

No, he can't forget. If he forgets, he won't come to her after two years.

With her head down, Chen Yuyan whispered: "I left you, and I left without saying goodbye."

Turns out to apologize for this...

I didn’t care, Li Meng said with a smile: "At the beginning, you and I were only one-sided fate. Although the impact on your mind gave you a shadow of me, it doesn’t mean anything. The relationship between you and me has not reached that kind. Degree, you don’t need to care about this."

At the time, Chen Yuyan's choice was correct for any woman.

At that time, he was just a hunter in Dirty Valley, and his identity as a martial artist was very different from Chen Yuyan. Chen Yuyan was able to choose to leave in terms of spiritual suffering, which shows Chen Yuyan's mental determination. .

Although her choice laid the bane for the future, Chen Yuyan's choice at that time was not wrong.

In the days that followed, as the sequelae of the shock of the soul became larger, I missed Li Meng and left Li Meng. The regret in my heart destroyed Chen Yuyan's will and changed her personality greatly, becoming the way she is now. .

Speaking of this, Li Meng emphasized: "Even if you choose to stay at that time, you can't follow me. You will still return to Kyoto and continue your career as a martial artist, so you don't need to regret this matter. "

"Yes... I'm sorry."

Although Li Meng said so, things have already been done, and the regrets of the past two years have penetrated into Chen Yuyan's bones. How could it be so easy to enlighten success.

Seemingly aware of this, Li Meng had to say: "Well, I accept your apology, yes, I was very angry at the time, angry at your departure, also angry at your status as a master martial artist, and even more angry I am just one Hunter, it’s different now. I have become the strongest man in mankind. I am also an ambassador of the First Legion. I am respected by thousands of people."

Speaking of this, Li Meng stopped and stood face to face with Chen Yuyan.

Looking at Chen Yuyan with a proud expression, Li Meng grinned, and mocked: "Now our identities are completely opposite. I am no longer the poor boy you looked down upon. Now I enjoy the highest honor, and you , It’s just a martial artist, it’s not worth mentioning. The reason why I came here is to show you that I, who was once looked down upon by you, have grown to an existence that you can only look up to."


With tears in her eyes, Chen Yuyan murmured to herself as she looked at the fake Li Meng timidly.

He looks almost crying.

Seeing this, the exaggerated expression on Li Meng's face disappeared instantly, and she rubbed Chen Yuyan's little head with a smile, and said softly: "Silly girl, how can I not know your regret for me, but I am right Can you feel your apologies?"


Chen Yuyan looked at Li Meng dumbly with teary eyes, with a puzzled look.

With a faint smile, Li Meng continued to knead Chen Yuyan's noise, and said softly: "Yes, apologies, the whole thing was due to an accident. If it weren't for me, your spirit would not be affected at all, nor Things will happen from below, so, how can I hate you? I only apologize to you."

"Is that right?"

Chen Yuyan muttered to herself, looking at Li Meng with tears.

Nodded, Li Meng said nonchalantly: "That's it."


With her head down, Chen Yuyan responded softly.

But the tears in his eyes still flowed down "swish", and a few crystal tears fell and sank into the grass.

With a slight smile, Li Meng continued to walk with Chen Yuyan on the grass.

This person, once the knot is resolved, some things are not difficult to do.

There is no way to ease it. It is just a wording of Li Meng to Chen Weiyan and his wife. What Li Meng has to do is to let Chen Yuyan make a choice, either forget everything or keep it as it is, and continue working in Wuyi with that unforgettable memory. On the road of the person.

The human situation is very urgent nowadays, but for Li Meng, there is too much time. He can wait until Chen Yuyan makes a choice. When Chen Yuyan makes a choice, Li Meng’s trip to the capital will be completed. Up.

As for the following things, it is not something that the person should consider.

Compared with the spirit body, the human body is too fragile after all, and the power of the mind is not omnipotent. If the large battleship of the Demon Race hits the human body, Li Meng will also be unable to resist it.

Perhaps the AT stance formed by mental power can withstand one shot, but it definitely cannot stop the second shot.

When technology develops to a certain level, the so-called "god" is also fragile.

Of course, it depends on what kind of **** it is.

Li Meng didn't know whether Chen Yuyan's heart knot was untied, but in the following walks, Chen Yuyan was able to face Li Meng calmly, her face was no longer timid, but her expression was a little cold.

Still holding Chen Yuyan in his hands, while walking on the green lawn, Li Meng said, "Tell me about this mansion. Although the place is big, there are few people."

Holding Chen Yuyan's hand along the way, Li Meng didn't even see a single figure, which was too strange.

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