Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1476: What you want (seeking a monthly pass)

Perhaps this body has the blood of the "Li Family", but the soul is not.

He is from the Blue Star, and although his name and appearance are the same as Li Meng in this world, Li Meng in this world is a stupid boy. Without him, this body would have died long ago.

For the "Li" family, Li Meng has no sense of belonging, and never thought about getting involved with the Li family.

Wiping the tears from his face and looking at Li Meng on his legs tenderly, Li Yuhan said softly: "Meng'er, I know you have resentment in your heart, but the blood of the "Li" family is always flowing from you..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Meng interrupted him.

Looking at Li Yuhan with a calm expression, Li Meng said calmly: "If you want to see me in the future, don't say the word "Li Family". I am me. I am the Ambassador of the First Army. My name is "Li Meng". I am alone, now and in the future, I will be alone."

Perceiving the coldness in Li Meng's eyes, Li Yuhan was scared. She hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, I won't say it, I won't say it again, Meng'er, as long as you are happy."

Seeing Li Yuhan's panic in front of him, Li Meng's heart could not harden.

His face slowed down, he sighed slightly, and looked deeply at the dense canopy above.

What should I do tomorrow...

Seeing Li Meng's expression slowing down, Li Yuhan breathed a sigh of relief.

For decades, her heart was already dead, but God sent Meng'er to her side as if to make up for her, and comforted her traumatized heart. If hope is taken away again, she Going crazy.

Meng'er seems to be worried?

From Li Meng's face, Li Yuhan could perceive this.

Speaking slightly, Li Yuhan whispered: "Meng'er, is there something on my mind? When I was young, I also traveled north and south and experienced a lot of things. If Meng'er is confused, I can tell it. I can refer to Meng'er."

Although Li Meng doesn't think Li Yuhan can solve the dilemma he is facing now, Li Meng still uses a metaphor to tell the matter.

In Li Yuhan’s gentle gaze, Li Meng whispered: “There are two countries on a certain continent, namely Country A and Country B. Country A is very powerful, and the country is in a peaceful and prosperous world. Country B is very weak and domestic disputes continue. , The two countries signed a trade agreement. Through trade, country B in the war can trade with country A to get everything it wants, but as the war escalates, country B is no longer satisfied with the way of fair dealing with country A. To get more help at a smaller price, what should Country B do if war against Country A is ruled out?"

Is this telling a story?

Pursing a smile, Li Yuhan thought for a while, thinking quickly in his heart.

After thinking for a while, it seemed that he got the answer. Li Yuhan smiled slightly and said softly: "Equivalent exchange is the fairest trade. It is not easy to break this rule. What Country B wants is nothing more than a smaller existing interest. In exchange for greater benefits, in this case, does country B have something that country A wants but has not owned?"

Something you want but never had?

As if thinking of something, Li Meng's eyes lit up slightly, and his thoughts instantly became cheerful.

Yes, for "Ayre", everything that the First Army has is optional, and the only thing that makes Ayer's eyes hot is only one, that is "technology", advanced technology.

Technology is not a material benefit, but it is what "Ayre" needs most.

And the technology possessed by the First Legion was what Al wanted but never had.

What to do, Li Meng already had a perfect plan in his mind.

Once things are figured out, the problems will naturally cease.

With a faint smile, Li Meng thanked Li Yuhan from the bottom of his heart: "Thank you, your remarks made me think about a lot of things."

Although I don't know what happened, Li Yuhan just shook his head gently.

If her words can help him, Li Yuhan feels very happy.


Taking a deep breath, Li Meng moved on Li Yuhan's knee and found a better and more comfortable position.

Seeing the position of the moon in the sky, Li Meng realized that time was gone.

Looking at Li Yuhan's beautiful face, Li Meng said, "It's getting late, go back early. If he finds out, he should come to you."

Of course Li Yuhan knew who he was in Meng Er Ke.

She shook her head and said softly: "He hasn't entered my room for decades. He hasn't been in my room before. Now, in the future, I won't let him enter my room. Meng'er, how long do you want to stay? I'll be with you."

I don't know what happened between the couple. They are obviously a couple, with a talented and beautiful appearance, but now they have become enemies. I really don't know where the "hate" came from.

Li Meng did not want to go into the matter of this couple.

Although Li Yuhan's gentleness made Li Meng very useful, Li Meng would not spend the night alone with Li Yuhan.

Soon, in Li Yuhan's perseverance, Li Meng and Li Yuhan returned to their residences.

Back in the guest room, sitting on the soft sofa, recalling how Li Yuhan was when he was separated from him, Li Meng fell into deep thought.

From Li Yuhan's eyes, Li Meng could feel that Chen Yuyan's mother had always had a very special affection for him.

Similar to family, but with something else.

Although Li Meng didn't hate him when he got along with Li Yuhan, he felt an unexpected relaxation in his heart.

But Li Yuhan's unclear feeling for him made Li Meng a little concerned.

No words...

Nanhai, Nanlin Island, Qingcheng.

In the empty temple hall, a group of guards gathered together, plus Sakiya and Natasha.

Bentley was very close to Nanlin Island. When she was ordered to be recalled, Natasha rushed to Nanlin Island in the first time.

Of the three generals, only Tan Ya is still on the way home.

Sitting on the throne aloft, looking at the figures in the hall below, Li Meng said calmly: "Al is the world you used to live in. This time I am going to "Al" for a clear purpose. Who among you There is no need to follow. I will return in two days as fast as possible, and three days as slow as possible.

With his gaze shifted slightly, Li Meng looked at Natasha and Sakuya, and said: "After Tanya comes back, you will immediately proceed with the military reform. Other things will not be considered for the time being. First, we will rectify the internal affairs. Complete the goal within one month."

Although the threat of the demons is imminent, the reform of the army is related to the combat effectiveness of the First Army. Only when the interior is full of order can the First Army exert its maximum combat effectiveness.

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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