Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1481: Memory transmission (seeking monthly ticket)

"Is it too direct?"

Seeing Sophia who was so gagged in his arms, Li Meng muttered to himself.

In order to let Sophia better understand the devil, Li Meng transmitted all the memories of the devil to her.

In other words, Sophia had experienced all the experience of Li Meng's contact with the devil.

For Li Meng, although the devil is terrifying, he is used to it, but Sophia is different. Although she is the queen of the Kingdom of Suville, she is also a daughter in her thirties. She may be mature enough to be When facing the feared devil, she naturally did not have the indifferent mentality of Li Meng.

With the beauty in his arms, Li Meng had to embrace Sophia's soft body and patted her shoulders to comfort him: "It's just a memory, no matter how terrifying the devil is, it can't hurt you."

Facing Li Meng's comfort, Sophia was unmoved, her face pale, and only the gentle embrace of the man in front of her could bring her a sense of security.

It was terrible, as if she had experienced it herself, she saw a hideous and terrifying demon.

She saw the demons and Li Meng fighting the demons. She saw the ruins of a dilapidated city, saw the huge demons up to five meters high, and saw the swarms of swarms in an endless forest. Scarlet figure, is that a creature? No, that is a monster, a real demon.

After a while, Sophia gradually recovered, and her pale face gradually returned to a trace of blood.

"It... where did they come from?"

Sofia gently leaned against Li Meng's chest and opened her mouth slightly.

Although knowing that it was inappropriate for her to stay in Li Meng's arms at this time, Sophia did not want to leave, at least not now.

The movement in his hand has stopped, and Li Meng said calmly: "Subspace, a dimensional space closely related to the material world, know the gate of subspace. The gate of subspace realizes the mutual transmission between two places through subspace. ."


This is an area she doesn't know, but Sophia, the gate of subspace knows.

Sophia did not understand and was very confused. How could there be such terrifying creatures in the world, completely beyond her cognition. She couldn't help but think that if those terrifying creatures appeared in "Ayre", it would be a What a terrible thing.

Thinking of this, Sophia couldn't help but tighten Li Meng's hand tightly, and her delicate body was more thoroughly integrated into Li Meng's arms.

Are you so scared?

Li Meng couldn't understand how Sofia reacted.

However, Li Meng can clearly feel Sophia's fear, which is a kind of psychology close to "fear".

It is not appropriate to hold Sophia, and it is even more inappropriate to break free. Li Meng can only wait until Sophia recovers completely.

After a long time, in an awkward silence, Sophia finally recovered.

With a slight red face, Sophia left Li Meng's arms rather embarrassed.

She blushed and whispered to Li Meng shyly: "Sorry, I...I'm too nervous."

Seeing Sophia's shy appearance, Li Meng just chuckled and shook his head, and said, "It's my fault. I didn't consider that you are a woman with limited ability to accept things like the devil. Don't talk about you. Now, when an ordinary male adult sees a demon for the first time, they will not react much better than you."

Sophia quickly denied Li Meng's initiative to take the wrong place: "No, no, it's what I want to know. How can I blame Mr. Li Meng, although the demon's horrible form really frightened me, but I also know Some things that I cannot understand exist, I am very grateful to Mr. Li Meng."

Speaking of this, the two looked at each other and smiled, and there was no need to say something.

Perhaps it was the close contact between the two, and then the conversation between the two seemed very relaxed.

Sitting dignified and elegant next to Li Meng, with a pair of beautiful eyes looking at Li Meng smartly, Sophia whispered: "How is Natasha?"

Speaking of Natasha, Li Meng smiled slightly and said softly: "She is fine. She is now a general of the First Army. You gave her to me. I have to thank you very much."

"Thank me so much?"

Looking at Li Meng unexpectedly, Sophia pursed her lips and said softly: "Although Natasha is a soldier, she is also a beauty, you won't eat her."

Regarding this, Li Meng seemed very indifferent, leaned back slightly, and said nonchalantly: "This is natural, she is now my woman."


Sophia just said that, but Li Meng did not expect Li Meng to actually admit it.

Sophia was quite surprised: "In my impression, Natasha is not very interested in men. How did Mr. Li Meng catch up with her?"

With a faint smile, Li Meng only said two words.


Although there are only two words, these two words left Sophia speechless.

Indeed, although Mr. Li Meng's appearance is somewhat ordinary, he does have a unique charm.

Thinking about the memory of the devil, Mr. Li Meng's posture in fighting with the devil, Sophia's face turned red for some reason.

The man in front of him is obviously so thin, but there is an unimaginable power hidden in his body.

Such a powerful and terrifying demon could not escape his sanction.

He should be the "hero" in that world.

"what's happenin?"

Seeing Sophia's face suddenly reddened for some reason, Li Meng asked concerned.

Li Meng was a little worried about whether there was a problem with the previous memory transmission, although this possibility is very small.

"No...nothing, it's late, I won't bother Mr. Li Meng to rest."

The shyness in her heart gave Sophia an idea of ​​fleeing here. She hurriedly bid farewell to Li Meng, and walked to the door in a panic.

Looking at Sophia's back, Li Meng looked confused.

Li Meng shook his head helplessly until Sophia opened the door and disappeared in his eyes.

The woman's thoughts are really confusing, and she behaves strangely.

Li Meng thought of Sakuya, Tanya, and Natasha. In Li Meng's eyes, the three girls are all well-behaved. They don't have too much thoughts, and a heart can be said to be put on him wholeheartedly.

His word, any request, is a must for them.

Although there is a factor of "families", Li Meng believes that even if the three daughters are still humans, their hearts will not change.

"Don't think about it?"

At this time, the voice of the main brain rang in my mind.

"Considering what?" Li Meng's words were somewhat inexplicable.

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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