Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1493: Fu Zhu

"Devil, monster."

Although they are Hu Yong’s dead men, they have undergone strict training, but they are still human.

When the companions around him fell one by one, those who were still alive were finally terrified.

They were pale and looked at Li Meng in the corpse pile in horror, as if they were looking at a "Reaper" who was about to harvest their lives.

The guards collapsed. They threw down their rifles and fled outside the temple in a panic, their faces full of fear.


The strong wind blew up, and a black light flashed past the guard who was fleeing.

At that moment, the escaping guards stopped moving, their bodies split in two, and they fell to the ground weakly.

From the beginning to the end, this was an unfair battle. This is the palace. The guards are not regular troops. They are only guards of the palace. They will not be equipped with heavy weapons, but will only be equipped with symbolic "rifles." , And the power of the rifle is limited, and it can't cause much damage to Li Meng at all.

"Kill, kill!"

The battle did not end. Outside the hall, intensive footsteps sounded again, and a large crowd of figures burst into the hall amidst shouting.

They were numerous, and the guards poured into the hall continuously.

However, the shouting stopped abruptly. When seeing the corpses on the floor in the hall and the black figures standing among the piles of corpses, the guards who poured into the hall stopped, horrified and vigilant. Looking at Li Meng standing among the corpses.

It was too cruel, the ground was full of debris, and the scarlet blood stained the floor of the hall.

Among the corpses, some guards were not dead yet. They were wriggling miserably, dragging half of their bodies towards the entrance of the hall, vomiting blood bubbles in their mouths, and their eyes were numb.

Not to mention the guards, even Wei Xian and Yuriko looked at Li Meng who was standing in the pile of corpses with horror.

They never thought that Li Meng, who seemed thin and kind, would have such a cruel scene.

"Kill, kill...Kill him."

Seeing the reinforcements arrived, Hu Yong yelled at the guards with a pale face, his hands trembling.

But the guards were unmoved, they just looked at Li Meng in fear, not daring to approach.

Although the previous battle did not know what was going on, the **** scene of the corpse in the hall was not fake.

On that black figure, the guards felt a kind of pressure that they had never had before, a gloomy feeling that frightened them, facing the unknown and terrifying power, the guards were afraid.

Ignoring the guards in front of the main hall, Li Meng stepped on the debris on the ground and turned and walked towards Hu Yong step by step.

"You... don't come over."

Seeing Li Meng approaching him, Hu Yong backed away in terror, until he reached the huge column before stopping.

As he walked, Li Meng's slightly dull and cold voice sounded in the hall.

"We live in a world full of monsters. In order to survive, we have to fight. Our values ​​are more cruel and **** than yours."

When he came to Hu Yong and looked at Hu Yong with cold eyes, Li Meng said, "Become my enemy, are you ready..."

With that, Li Meng stretched out his left hand, grabbed Hu Yong's neck in horror, and lifted him from the ground.

In Li Meng's hands, Hu Yong was struggling, but his old body was so weak.

Death, Hu Yong felt the feeling of death. He had never thought that death would be so far away from him today.

At this moment, Wei Xian who was not far away said aloud.

"Li...Mr. Li Meng, Hu Yong can't die yet. Now that the situation is under control, please hand him over to us."

Although his face was strangely pale, Wei Xian defeated the fear in his heart and pleaded with Li Meng.


To Wei Xian's request, Li Meng responded to him with actions.

With a crisp sound, the struggling Hu Yong was like a broken string puppet, hanging weakly.

A generation of heroes died in Li Meng's hands like this. It has to be said that the fate is changeable, and no one knows what will be waiting for their fate next moment.

After all, there are only a few people who can control their own destiny, and Yang Xian and Hu Yong are undoubtedly not in this rank.

With a quick throw, Hu Yong's body was thrown out by Li Meng, and fell in an arc in front of the guards in front of the hall.

The allegiance had been killed. Looking at Hu Yong in a pool of blood, the guards couldn't help taking a few steps back again.

Seeing Li Meng turned and approached the guards, Wei Xian on the side quickly yelled at the guards: "The rebellious person has been put to death, what are you waiting for? Those who confessed their sins will be taken lightly, and they will not die.

There are two thousand guards stationed in the palace. Wei Xian does not know how many guards are loyal to the prime minister. But the only thing Wei Xian knows is that the killing is no longer necessary. There are enough people dead today.

The fear in his heart, coupled with Wei Xian's assurance of being gentle, caused the guards to collapse.

They threw away their rifles one after another, and the sound of the rifle landing in the hall suddenly sounded.

In speechlessness, the guards in front of the palace knelt down in unison, one by one, it was so spectacular.

At this point in the matter, Li Meng would naturally not continue to kill, and the figure who was walking towards the guards turned slightly and walked in the direction of the throne.

From beginning to end, Zhu Yixuan on the throne was watching.

She saw the **** scene in the hall, and also saw the cruel battle just now, and also saw the splattered blood and broken limbs, everything was impacting her young heart.

Her face was already pale and colorless. When the familiar figure approached her, there was no joy or joy in her heart, only fear.

Yes, she was afraid of him, she was afraid of him.

In her heart, he was no longer the gentle big brother, but the existence that made her feel terrified.

Li Meng is sensitive, how could he not see the fear of him in Zhu Yixuan's eyes.

Li Meng stopped when he was five meters away from the throne.

Turning to look at the **** and hideous hall, Li Meng said calmly: "Xuan'er, you are the lord of a country and the emperor of the Shenglong Empire. If you want to become a great emperor, you must not only gain the respect and love of the people, Also make your subordinates fearful enough to be afraid of you, and the most important thing is "wisdom."

After speaking, Li Meng walked down the stairs step by step. The power of death surged, the armor disappeared, the mask disappeared, and the cloak disappeared. When the power of death disappeared, Li Meng returned to that body. The gesture in black.

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