Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1496: go away

Hearing Li Meng's clear conclusion, Li Yuhan and Li Yuyan breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Yuyan's changes over the years have broken their hearts. Although they understand the situation now, they still make people feel uneasy. Until now, the worries in their hearts have truly disappeared.

Looking at the two people who were relieved, Li Meng smiled and said, "Now you should rest assured."

At Li Meng's words, Li Yanran rolled her eyes to Li Meng, and said in a very annoyed manner: "You are not the stinky boy who caused all this."

Faced with Li Yanran's beautiful face and resentful eyes, Li Meng had to sneer.

Although it was just an accident, Li Yanran was right. He was really responsible for all this.

Li Yuhan on the side pursed his mouth and said softly: "Well, the third sister, Li Meng didn't mean it. You and I all know what kind of abilities a mindful person has. Sometimes it’s normal to lose control. Let’s talk about it. Without the daughter, Li Meng would not be here anymore."

This is also...

Li Yanran agreed with the second sister's words.

If there was no such thing as a niece, perhaps they would never have met him.

Life is so peculiar, a small event will trigger a series of changes.

Looking at the three people in the pavilion, his daughter, the third sister, and him, Li Yuhan smiled and felt a sense of satisfaction that he had never had before. It would be great if time could stop at this moment.

But this is impossible, Li Yuhan knows this well.

Today’s weather is really good, the temperature is right, and the sun is full, making the green garden look so beautiful.

Especially in the small lake by the pavilion, the fragrance of vegetation and the smell of water greet the nose, which feels very good.

Looking back at the small lake, Li Meng said calmly: "I have been here for more than ten days. Now that Yu Yan's problem has been resolved, it is time for me to leave."

For Li Meng's words, all three people in the pavilion changed.

Li Yanran's face was okay, she had been mentally prepared for the news.

Only Li Yuhan and Chen Yuyan were a little abnormal.

Chen Yuyan looked at Li Meng nervously, holding Li Meng's sleeves with both hands pitifully, like a little girl abandoned by others, while her mother Li Yuhan was reluctant, with a sad look on her face.

Looking at Yu Yan, and then at the second sister who looked abnormal, Li Yanran was thoughtful.

With a faint smile, Li Yanran suggested to Li Meng: "You are the ambassador of the First Army. There must always be some accompanying guards by your side. Yu Yan is 19 years old and has reached the age of independence. Let her follow Li Meng. By your side, although you are hailed as the strongest man in mankind, you do not need to be protected, but you can let Yuyan handle some tedious things for you."

Let Yuyan follow her?

Looking back at Li Yanran, and then at the pitiful look beside him, Li Meng shook his head and refused, saying: "Follow me, Yu Yan's mental state will not get better, but will get worse. Besides, as the ambassador of the First Army, I also have to abide by some rules. The identity of this ambassador is only temporary. I will leave Kyoto soon."

Speaking of this, Li Meng patted the back of Chen Yuyan's hand and said softly: "Yuyan, your martial artist career has just begun. This is your life. You must learn to use your talents. Climbing to the top of the road, this kind of life is meaningful."


Chen Yuyan bowed her head in disappointment to Li Meng's words.

If possible, she certainly hopes to be by Li Meng's side, but this is Li Meng's request, and Chen Yuyan cannot refuse.

Seeing Li Meng had persuaded Chen Yuyan, Li Yanran would not speak much.

Although she hopes that Chen Yuyan can be with Li Meng, as Li Meng said, Yuyan is still young, and her martial arts career has just begun, and Li Meng’s identity allows Chen Yuyan to accompany Li Meng. Meng's side is very inappropriate, Li Yanran can understand.

"When are you leaving?" Li Yanran asked.

Li Meng didn't think much about this, and said, "Tomorrow."

So fast?

The three have different expressions, and they don't know what they are thinking.

Although the current world situation is tense, the situation within the region is relatively stable.

The Southern Territory is connected to the Antarctic and is located at the southernmost tip of the earth. It is a remote place, separated by the four seas. Except for the neighboring Austria, the threat of the demons to humans in other regions is the same. Out of reach.

Humans don’t know that the demons have the ambition to conquer humans. They just arrogantly believe that the demons will remain in the southern continent, because in the eyes of most humans, humans are powerful and there is no need to fear the demons.

But this situation will soon be changed. For Li Meng, his purpose in Kyoto afterwards is to let all countries know about the huge threat of the Demon, so as to avoid leaving the First Army fighting alone.

Although Austria is close to the Southern Continent, looking at other directions, the Austrian Continent is not the only human world that is close to the Southern Continent. On the other side, the "American Federation", the most powerful country for humans, is also at the same distance. The South Continent is very close, and the First Army is in action, actively preparing to fight the demons. Naturally, Li Meng cannot let the powerful country of the American Federation sit idle.

The purpose of Xiangdu has been completed. Although Li Meng did nothing from the beginning to the end, it does not mean that there is no need for this trip to Xiangdu. Some things are the most important.

If you have a decision in your heart, you can act quickly.

Early the next morning, Li Meng said goodbye to the group of people in the Chen family's old house.

At the gate of the old house, the four of them were silent as they watched the passing vehicles on the street.

Chen Weiyan was relieved, "he" finally left.

Because of his special status, Chen Weiyan can be very uncomfortable these days, and he must treat this special guest well both in public and in private.

But Li Yuhan, Li Yanran, and Chen Yuyan were in a trance and each had their own thoughts.

Until the vehicle disappeared at the end of the street, the four people silently retracted their sights.

Just when Chen Weiyan was about to say something, Li Yuhan turned around and said to Li Yanran next to him first: "Sister, this time I will return to the "Li's house" with you. I miss my father."

Second sister going home?

Regarding Li Yuhan's decision, Li Yanran was taken aback for a moment, and then she was delighted and said very happy: "Okay, my father will be very happy, my second sister, you haven't returned for decades since you married to the Chen family Up."

Although I don't know why the second sister suddenly figured it out and let go of the conflict with her father, Li Yanran didn't think much about it, only happy in her heart.

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