Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1498: Bold Rose (see monthly pass)

Taking the minibus, Li Meng went directly to the train station in Xiangdu.

As the mainstream long-distance transportation of China Land, the railway station is undoubtedly prosperous and lively.

Before arriving at the railway station, the roads next to the railway station were full of large and small buses, and a large number of figures were surging in the square of the railway station, and they filled the railway station one by one. .

Among them are martial artists and civilians.

Of course, the number of civilians is still the largest, and there are only twos and threes of martial arts in the crowd.

Due to their different dresses and holding various cold weapons, the martial artists are still very conspicuous in the crowd.

Although Li Meng is a man of mind, he is very ordinary in dress.

However, when Li Meng walked into the chin, his simple dress did not allow Li Meng to be in the crowd.

From the moment he got off the minibus, all kinds of eyes were cast at Li Meng, and the owner of the eyes was surprised, curious, and excited.

Walking on the square, the people in front of Li Meng consciously stepped aside, and cast more eyes on Li Meng.

People's discussion also sounded around.

"That's not Li Meng-sama?"

"Yes, Master Li Meng is really young."

"Too handsome, I have always heard that Master Li Meng is in Xiangdu, but I didn't expect to see him here today."

The crowd effect is still quite terrifying. When the people on the square gather in one direction, everyone will subconsciously gather around, because the curiosity in their hearts prompts them.

Although knowing that his appearance would definitely cause a considerable sensation, Li Meng was still a little uncomfortable when looking at the dense crowd around him.

Can only keep calm while speeding up the pace and walking towards the platform.

"Where are you going, sir?"

At the ticket gate, Li Meng didn't line up at all. When the crowd came over in black, the people who had lined up to buy tickets at the ticket gate quickly dispersed, including many martial artists.

After all, the power of the people cannot be underestimated.


The conductor who concentrated on selling tickets didn't realize anything. When she looked up and looked out the window, she discovered the abnormality outside.

Looking at the people outside the window and the noisy onlookers outside, she was taken aback for a moment, her hand trembled, and all the tickets in her hand fell.

She smiled awkwardly, instead of picking up the ticket on the window sill, she exchanged for a new ticket.

She held the ticket in both hands and said respectfully: "Master Li Meng, this is your ticket, please keep it."

It was Mr. Li Meng...

She was very excited and her hands were shaking.

With a slight smile, Li Meng didn't say much, and took the ticket from the conductor.

He smiled...

She actually smiled at me, her face turned rosy with a sigh, and only excitement in her eyes.

With the ticket, Li Meng entered the train station, and the journey was unimpeded.

When entering the train station, the ticket inspector did not check Li Meng's ticket at all and let him go.

This is probably the function of fame. Under the effect of worship, Li Meng's status among civilians is quite high.

Li Meng thought that after entering the train station, he would be better off being watched, but Li Meng was wrong.

There were indeed a lot fewer people watching him, but when he was sitting in the car area, the people around instantly dispersed and looked at him from a distance.

Li Meng was helpless when this situation appeared, and had to sit quietly and wait for the train to arrive.

"Isn't this little brother Li Meng? What a coincidence."

Just as Li Meng was waiting for the train to arrive in all kinds of boredom, a lazy and light voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

A slender figure walked towards Li Meng. She was dressed in a black tight-waisted dress, and she was very tall and graceful, especially the waist-length hair, which swayed slightly behind her as she walked, looking at her. The whole person exudes a charm that makes people unable to refuse.

She approached Li Meng boldly, and sat down gently beside Li Meng, the towering twin peaks lightly leaning against Li Meng's left shoulder.

In Li Meng's ear, she whispered: "Master Li Meng, I haven't seen you for many days, you won't forget me."

The breath exhaled from his mouth hit the back of Li Meng's ears, making Li Meng feel itchy.

Really a bold woman...

With a slight smile, Li Meng completely ignored the very charming gesture of the woman beside him, and said: "Naturally not, Miss Qiangwei will not come to fulfill her promise."

Li Meng's words made Qiangwei's beautiful face stunned for a moment, then smiled and said coquettishly: "Little brother Li Meng is really understanding, sister, that's what I meant."

With that, Qiangwei lay down on Li Meng’s shoulders intimately, and spit out a scent to Li Meng’s neck, bewilderingly said, “Then what does Li Meng want my sister to do?”

With a slight smile, Li Meng raised the ticket in his hand and said calmly: "This alone is quite boring. Why don't you come and be with me during the two days of returning to Kyoto."

These words made Qiangwei narrow her eyes and said lazily: "Little brother Li Meng knows what I am called by others? Being with me, especially a man, is very dangerous."

Although the tone was plain, there was a hint of danger in the words.

With a faint smile, Li Meng put down his hand and said nothing more.

Qiangwei was dissatisfied with Li Meng’s reaction. She hugged Li Meng’s left arm, looked at Li Meng bitterly, and said softly, “Well, why did I agree to Li Meng, these two? Let my sister meet you every day."

This woman...

Feeling the softness on his arm, Li Meng also had to admit that Qiangwei was powerful.

This is the first time Li Meng has encountered such an open and bold woman.

It seems that he doesn't shy away from the many eyes around, flirting with him in the public, and seduce her with coquettish looks.

However, she is indeed very powerful. For men, her lethality is huge, even Li Meng has some speculations in his heart whether his casual request is wrong.

Li Meng never expected to meet Qiangwei here. His request was just a joke. Li Meng never thought that Qiangwei would agree.

After all, Qiangwei's promise was just casual, Li Meng did not take her words seriously.

"Woo, woo!"

At this time, a whistle sounded from afar, and the sound entered the station with great strength.

The horn of the station also rang someone's voice.

"Passenger train No. 291 is about to arrive at the station, and the terminal is "Kyoto". Passengers who are on the train, please prepare to board.

Three times in a row, after three times, the waiting area finally returned to normal, their eyes no longer focused on Li Meng, they all stood up one by one and walked to the platform.

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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