Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1500: Succubus power

Seeing that the person in front of her was always cold and cold towards herself, Qiangwei's eyes narrowed slightly, and she lightly touched Li Meng's left shoulder again.

He said softly: "Am I not beautiful?"

Li Meng didn't lie either. He looked back at the woman close at hand and said calmly: "It's beautiful."

At this, Qiangwei smiled slightly and said lazily: "Then Li Meng doesn't have any thoughts about me? It's dark now."

This woman is simply playing with fire...

Fortunately, Li Meng was very calm. He just smiled faintly and asked, "What do you want me to think of you?"

Gently exhaling on Li Meng's face, Qiangwei said with a bewildered face: "What do you mean?"

With such a clear and straightforward seduce, how could Li Meng shrink back, hold Qiangwei into his arms with a backhand.

Qiangwei was stunned for Li Meng's sudden move, then smiled lazily, and was held by Li Meng honestly, but did not resist.

Looking at the rose in his arms, Li Meng said in a low voice: "I'm still young. If you draw my fire up, it won't be easy to extinguish it."

Qiangwei just smiled at Li Meng's words, stretched out her right hand, and stroked Li Meng's face with tenderness in her eyes.

In the box, a warm breath reverberated.

Seeing such obedient Qiangwei, Li Meng's hands began to become dishonest, and he slowly slid down Qiangwei's waist, stroking all the way.

The caress from her thigh made Qiangwei's face slightly rosy, her eyes were like silk, her other hand stretched out, and both hands stroked Li Meng's face.

Looking at the man in front of her softly, she opened her mouth slightly and said softly: "Have a good dream, a dream that belongs to me and you."

When the words fell, a vision appeared on Qiangwei.

Her skin became abnormally rosy, red, and a faint pink gas slowly rose from the skin, and soon enveloped the entire box.

"what is this?"

Seeing the pink gas floating around, Li Meng was puzzled and immediately thoughtful.

When the pink gas is inhaled into the nose and feeling the unique fragrance, the body seems to be even hotter, and then there is a mental touch, a drowsy impulse.

Looking down at the rose with glamorous eyes, Li Meng's mouth turned slightly, and he said with a smile but a smile: "Don't forget that I am a mindful person. How can this mental influence work on me?"

Li Meng's words made Qiangwei a little startled, the laziness on her face disappeared, and she became a little panicked.

With a slight force in his hand, Li Meng hugged Rose tightly, staring fieryly at the person in his arms, and suppressed his voice: "Aphrodisiac, making people fall into hallucinations, have a spring dream, what do you say now?"

What should I do?

Qiangwei knew that the man in front of her was like a volcano about to erupt, and the strange touch behind her reminded her all the time.

While this made her shy, she was also more flustered.

She had never thought of this situation now, and she had never thought that the man in front of her would not be affected by hallucinations.

"You... you let me go."

She was struggling and wanted to escape, but she found that the hand holding her was so powerful that she couldn't get rid of it.


Qiangwei's struggle made Li Meng directly lower his head and kiss her.

Very arrogant and domineering. Under Li Meng's attack, Qiangwei's eyes opened wide, and she lost her helmet and armor along the way.

The resistance was weak. Li Meng successfully captured the final defense, and the pink gas gradually disappeared. The two people hugging each other on the sofa kissed deeply and spoke each other.

Qiangwei's two weak little hands lightly hit Li Meng's chest, but they were of no use.

The impulse from his body made Li Meng more rough, and his hands were hard.

Li Meng's brutality caused Qiangwei's brows to frown, and a muffled snort in her mouth.

The strange feeling made Qiangwei's whole body tremble, only shyness and helplessness in her eyes.

Li Meng was not satisfied, he pulled Qiangwei's dress from his shoulder with a slight force.

The scented shoulders were bare and the white skin was unobstructed, which made Li Meng's eyes even more fiery.

She seemed to know what was about to happen, Qiangwei stopped struggling, as if she had accepted her fate, and a few tears flowed from her eyes and down her cheeks.

Qiangwei knows her own ability to fascinate, and she also knows that pink gas is aphrodisiac. She knows that once the man in front of her can't enter the hallucination, she in the box is the only target he can vent.

The warmth of the corner of the mouth made Li Meng's pupils gradually larger, and he noticed the tears on Qiangwei's face.

Li Meng froze, and any movement stopped abruptly.

For a long time, in Qiangwei's slightly startled gaze, Li Meng calmly left his slight lips, and his hands gently pulled Qiangwei's dress on.

After all this was done, a faint pink gas came out of Li Meng, like the wind rushing out of the narrow cracks in the window.

The hand that hugged Qiangwei was also released, no longer binding her.

Qiangwei took advantage of the trend and quickly got up from Li Meng's arms, sat aside, bowed her head and sorted out her slightly messy clothes.


With a light breath, Li Meng calmed down his inner impulse.

Looking at the dark night scene outside the window, Li Meng said calmly: "Don't do such dangerous things in the future. Not everyone will be confused by you. Although you have the blood of a succubus, you are also a human being. Don't let the power of blood. Make you lose your mind."

Qiangwei has the blood of a succubus, and what is a succubus? It is a representative of lust. Li Meng originally thought that Qiangwei should be very mature in terms of "sex", but Li Meng was wrong. Judging from Qiangwei's performance just now, Qiangwei is obviously not good at this matter.

As for the name of the "Black Widow", it seems that many men have fallen into her hands.

The psychedelic ability of that pink gas is quite strong.

The words of Li Meng in the ear made Qiangwei's heart slightly warm. She didn't expect this little man beside her to have such a gentle side.

She knew her ability to fascinate people, and in the face of temptation, he was able to resist with willpower.

This will, Qiangwei can only admire.

The panic in her heart finally dissipated, and Qiangwei smiled slightly before returning to her infinite amorous appearance.

At this time, Li Meng said again: "Go back to your companion. As for the promise, neither you nor I took that casual sentence seriously and don't care."

These words made Qiangwei very dissatisfied. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and she said in a bitter voice: "Little Brother Li Meng is driving me away?"

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