Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1506: meeting

The power of death is a very magical power with the ability to shape matter. Just take the big sword in the hands of the ghouls. The ghouls were soldiers of the First Legion before they died. After death, they were eroded by the power of death. , The power combat uniform on his body was shaped and transformed into a black armor, and the gun in his hand was transformed into a big sword.

Although this violates the laws of physics, what are the laws of physics? It's just a narrow thought in the scientific and technological knowledge that humans understand, let alone the vast and boundless universe, there are many things that humans cannot understand on Earth alone.

According to Li Meng's estimation, the three generals in the First Army who were given the Mark of Death by him, if they return to their true form, they should be a huge existence.

Of course, Li Meng didn't want to see the three generals regain their real bodies, because this is a one-way ticket. Once they regained their real bodies, they would not be able to change back to the "human" form, and would always exist in their real form.

White skin, beautiful curves, and a seductive picture appeared in Li Meng's eyes.

Chen Yan didn't care about her master's peeping, and she put on a very attractive short skirt and pajamas for herself calmly.

After doing all this, she climbed onto the bed and lay in Li Meng's arms.

With the tender body in his arms, Li Meng naturally embraced Yan'er's soft tender body.

Lying in the arms of her master, Chen Yan said softly: "Master, Yan'er will return to Kyoto with you. Father said, the headquarters of the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce on Nanlin Island will be expanded, and the headquarters of Nanlin Island will become the soul The center of the Chamber of Commerce, in order to better complete the plan for the industrial zone of the municipality directly under the Central Government, the Chamber of Commerce needs to be reorganized and expanded. My father gave me this task."

Li Meng would naturally not refuse the small request of Yana.

Stroking the soft hair behind Yan'er, Li Meng said softly, "Then let's go together."

Lifting her head slightly, Chen Yan looked at Li Meng with tenderness, and leaned forward and dipped on Li Meng's lips.

Li Meng's provocation against Yan'er couldn't bear it, turning over and pressing her under Chen Yan's exclamation.

After the long night, what will happen next, this blushing and embarrassing thing naturally need not be said.

Time is passing, and the night is long and short.

Early the next morning, Li Meng got up early, ready to go.

At this time, Chen Qi's father and daughter had already left. When Li Meng woke up, Yan'er by his side was no longer there.

After some freshening up, after breakfast, Li Meng slowly set off to the Great Hall.

The City Hall in the First Ring City is not far from the mansion. Li Meng arrived at the City Hall in about forty minutes.

Since the "ambassador" meeting was an ad hoc decision, it was a secret meeting, and the public did not know it. There were no paparazzi and no reporters. The outside of the hall seemed very quiet.

In the parking lot, only the convoy of ambassadors from various countries was so eye-catching, and Li Meng knew that many ambassadors from various countries rushed to his front.

"It seems that some people had insomnia last night."

Walking on the stairs leading to the Great Hall, Li Meng looked sideways at the caravan in the parking lot, muttering in his heart.

Compared to the teams of other ambassadors, Li Mengke was much more monotonous, alone.

It is not too late for Li Meng to come. Not far away, an ambassador of a certain country is coming here, surrounded by a large group of people.

"Mr. Li Meng, Mr. Li Meng, please wait a moment."

As soon as he entered the Great Hall, there was a shout from behind Li Meng in the corridor.

This made Li Meng's footsteps pause slightly and turned and looked behind him.

At this glance, Li Meng saw Selman who had just entered the gate.

Li Meng felt a headache when he saw him, and Li Meng naturally did not forget the agreement with the Order Empire, but the current situation, the agreement with the Order will undoubtedly be invalidated.

It's fine for the agreement to be invalidated, but the 200 billion crystal coins is not a small amount. If it is just returned, Li Meng really feels a little bit painful.

Seeing Selman who came in front of him, Li Meng smiled slightly: "It turned out to be Mr. Selman, the ambassador of the Order Empire, let's go together."

Evasion cannot solve things, and Li Meng has never thought of evading.

Selman nodded lightly and walked side by side in the corridor with Li Meng.

Looking at the young man beside him, Selman said as he walked: "Since I received the report from the First Army yesterday, I haven't slept all night, Mr. Li Meng, what is going on?"

When asked by Selman, Li Meng said calmly: "I will explain at the meeting, Mr. Selman does not need to worry."

Seeing that Li Meng did not want to tell him in advance, Selman did not continue to ask.

He asked about another matter again, saying: "Mr. Li Meng should have not forgotten the agreement between the First Army and the Order of the Empire? One year has passed, and the country is asking about the progress of this matter."

How could Li Meng forget the agreement with the Order Empire?

Knowing that Selman would ask about this, Li Meng pretended to regret: "Mr. Selman, I am afraid that the result of this matter will disappoint you. For some reason, the agreement between the First Legion and the Order Empire is only Can be voided."

The agreement is voided?

Selman was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly said, "Mr. Li Meng, what does this mean? Sylillin is of great significance to our country, and the First Army can't be so rebellious."

Li Meng could hear the anxiety in Selman’s words, and he soothed: “Mr. Selman, it’s not that the First Legion is unwilling to complete the agreement with the Order Empire, but the situation is compelling and the last resort. Don’t worry. The first legion of 200 billion crystal coins will be returned since the original number."

Selman doesn't care about crystal coins, nor does the religious empire care. Compared to money, Selman cares more about the agreement and Sirierlin, but the current situation is that the First Legion has invalidated the agreement.

What happened?

The First Army will not invalidate the agreement for no reason, and Mr. Li Meng has also said that it is forced by circumstances.

This made Selman thoughtful and asked Li Meng: "Mr. Li Meng, is it related to that report."

Li Meng didn't say much, just nodded lightly.

Although it was just a nod, it also made Selman understand a lot of things.

At this time, the meeting room where the "ambassador" meeting was held arrived, the 312 council room.

It was not early. When Li Meng and Selman both entered the meeting room, the ambassadors of all countries were almost there in the huge meeting room.

On a round table, more than a dozen figures gathered together, some of which were raw and familiar.

Upon entering the meeting room, Li Meng looked at a slim figure on the round table.

It's "Wang Yanmei", and Tyra standing behind her.

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