Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1508: Cognitive subversion (seeking monthly pass)

Alien life, if this is true, then human perception will be completely subverted.

Brow Ville's words made everyone look at Li Meng, they wanted to know what the young man would say.

Facing the eyes of everyone, Li Meng smiled faintly, and said: "I had contact with a "god" in the demons. Although her body is a "human", but here..."

Li Meng pointed to his head and said: "But consciousness is not. This kind of life form is very strange. It can be hosted in the human brain. It is a very strange host life."

Speaking of this, Li Meng's words paused, and he said calmly: "It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, but what the First Legion will do next is the most important thing."

At this time, the image on the screen changed again, and it became an island.

Those who are familiar with this island will not be unfamiliar with it. It is "Alcatraz Island".

Li Meng said, "This is Alcatraz Island. A year ago, the demons occupied this island. The reason why the demons occupied Alcatraz Island was not the city of Sirilin, but the unique and rare mineral "Sikkim" on Alcatraz Island. This is a precious metal mineral. It is the main material for the Mozu to manufacture sub-light engines. Without "it", the Mozu cannot even leave the earth. This "Sikkim" is also a necessity for the Mozu to manufacture large space battleships. "

The words paused, and Li Meng continued: "For the past six months, the First Army has been collecting some intelligence about the Demon. The existing intelligence shows that there are now five 200-meter-class space battleships in the atmosphere. The weapons of the Demon Race are unknown, and their number will not be too small. In order to cut off the source of the Demon Race "Sikkim" and prevent the Demon Race from continuing to build space battleships, a few months later, the First Legion will launch an "action" on Alcatraz Island. "

Speaking of this, Li Meng glanced around at the crowd and said meaningfully: "You have to be prepared."

get ready?

Everyone looked at each other. The facts that Mr. Li Meng said were so peculiar. Up to now, they have not escaped from the chaotic thinking.

At this time, Kenan, the ambassador of the Barron Kingdom, said solemnly: "If the demons are really like what Mr. Li Meng said, the first legion’s attack on the "Alcatraz Island" is likely to anger the demons. This is really risky. ."


With a slight smile, Li Meng looked at Kenan and asked, "Ambassador Kenan, do you think the demons will let the humans go?"

Speaking of this, Li Meng looked around at the people on the ring table and said profoundly: "Your countries have all the legends about "gods" in the history, maybe that's them."

What does this mean?

Li Meng's profound words made many people frowned and fell into contemplation.

What Mr. Li Meng said today had too much impact on them. Alien life, space battleships, everything is so incredible, as if a door opened for them, and Mr. Li Meng is this. The door opener, while curious about the world outside, they are also very afraid.

In the silence of everyone, Li Meng waved his hand gently, and the disc on the central platform of the round table retracted the light, turned into a phantom and fell into Li Meng's hands.

Mr. Li Meng is the most powerful thinker, and everyone is no stranger to this scene.

The disc was put away, looking at the silent people, Li Meng said calmly: "The reason why I sent you those photos is for today's meeting. The theme of today's meeting is to let you know something you don't know. The most important thing is the ultimate goal of the First Army, which is to warn."

"Our First Army is not a certain country, nor is it a certain race. The First Army is an armed organization composed of different races and races. Therefore, we have no sense of national superiority or the pleasure of conquering others. We There is only one goal, and that is to lead mankind out of the earth and into the starry sky."

With a faint smile, Li Meng couldn’t deny it: “Of course, in order to achieve this goal, resources are indispensable, and resources are indispensable for territory. Although our First Army has ambitions, this ambition is not on the earth. The First Army still hopes that your countries can embark on their own path. Of course, the premise is that you can survive the upcoming turmoil."

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, this is your own business, what the First Army should do, what can be done has already been done, and the future end depends on the fate."


This is too childish, how could the future of mankind be handed over to the destiny?

But everything Li Meng said silenced everyone. At this time, they didn't know what to say or what to do, and what could they do?

Said it is a reminder, this is simply annoying them.

Because what Mr. Li Meng said was beyond their ability to deal with.

At this time, Keos, the most stable ambassador of the Republic of Sharjah, spoke. He asked: "Mr. Li Meng, can the First Army really be sure that the demons have the ambition to rule the earth?"

Li Meng couldn’t comment on Keos’ question and said indifferently: “This is natural. If there is no certainty, the First Army will not be so anxious. They will launch a war against mankind. This is a matter of time. What the first legion has to do is to advance the war so that the strength of the demons will not exceed the capabilities of the first legion."


This remark made Keos' eyes dim, and it also surprised the ambassadors who heard Li Meng's words.

Hearing what Mr. Li Meng said, the First Army seems to be sure to defeat the demons?

Is the First Army so strong?

Kaios asked immediately: "Listening to Mr. Li Meng, the First Army has the confidence to defeat the demons?"

Li Meng shook his head and said indifferently, "Let's open three or seven."

37 open?

Everyone was very disappointed, the probability was too low, which meant that the First Army did not have the confidence to defeat the demons.

Everyone doesn't care if it's true or false now. The First Legion won't say something that doesn't exist. If the demons really launch a war against humans, how should they deal with it?

This is what the ambassadors are most worried about.

It is true that the demons have space battleships, because they have seen them in the photos.

At this time, Keos said loudly: "Everyone, even if the demons and humans have a war, we humans may not lose. Now humans have a population of nearly 2 billion, and the territory accounts for seven-tenths of the entire land. The clan has only one Territory Southern Continent. When it comes to fighting, whoever wins may still win. As long as we are united, we will be able to defeat the demons."

It's easier said than done, but unity is not easy.

Asia is too big, and the strengths of various countries are uneven. With the current level of science and technology of various countries, there is no such ability to unite.

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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