Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1514: End (see monthly pass)

When they came to the ambassadors, the bodyguards put the suitcases in their hands on the table in front of the ambassadors.

After doing all this, the bodyguards left quickly.

In the eyes of everyone, Xiao Nan explained: "This is a laptop computer with a Chinese operating system. You can contact the First Army anytime, anywhere without delay. There is a list of munitions in the system. Any need you have You can tell the First Army through your laptop."

Looking at the silver box in front of him, with curiosity, ambassadors from various countries opened their laptops.

Although the language doesn't work, as an ambassador, how can there be no translator around him?

Ambassadors of various countries have undoubtedly never seen such high-tech things.

In the multimedia industry, although all countries have developed to a certain extent, they have remained at the most basic stage.

Although TV is common, the resolution and content are very poor, and the live broadcast industry is still active. After all, the live broadcast content is very rich and the ratings can be guaranteed.

Considering that human beings on the earth have limited understanding of advanced digital products, when designing the operating system, the First Army deliberately used a fool-like interface to ensure that people who know Chinese characters can easily operate the laptop.

It's natural to be curious about advanced equipment. It took a while before the ambassadors of various countries stopped fiddling with the laptop in front of them.

Those who can be the "ambassador" are undoubtedly old fritters.

Even if you lose your mind, you will soon recover.

Settling down, Brow Weir looked at Li Meng and Xiao Nan behind Li Meng, and said in deep thought: "Mr. Li Meng, according to our country’s estimation, three months is not enough. Our country hopes first. The Legion can move the time back a bit, and don't start an action against the demons prematurely, half a year, at least half a year."

Bro Ville’s remarks undoubtedly resonated with many ambassadors, Keos said: "Ambassador Bro. I agree with what he said. There has been no war in the Republic of Sharjah for a long time, and the armament is really weak, even now. More than two months is too late to produce targeted air defense weapons with all-out efforts. If the full-scale war can move some time back, Asian countries will be more fully prepared."


At this time, "Charles", the ambassador of the Kingdom of Sidu, also said: "Not only Asia, countries in other regions can also get more preparation time. They are too far away from Asia. When they get the "Devil" The news, even if they have to rush to Kyoto, it will be ten days and a half months later. Time is too rushed, and they have no time to prepare for war."

This one……

Facing the eyes of everyone, Li Meng pondered slightly.

Li Meng can understand the opinions of several ambassadors.

Time is indeed too hasty. Not to mention Asia, the deployment of electromagnetic railguns in the American Federation and the Order Empire will take no less than two months. If it is implemented as planned, when the war with the demons begins. , The electromagnetic railguns from the American Federation and the Order Empire are probably still in transit.

You must know that the electromagnetic railgun is still being tested, and Al has just made a sample. To put it into use, it needs to be tested hundreds of times. This will take time.

Thinking of this, Li Meng raised his head and said to everyone: So, let's take one year as the time limit. During this year, the First Army will meet with the aircraft. If the First Army plans to start operations, you will be notified in advance. "

Although I don’t know how many space warships the demons will launch this year, the power of the demons has increased, and the strength of human beings has also increased accordingly. If the electromagnetic railgun on the earth can be deployed in various places, it may not be without The ability of the Mozu to fight.

Moreover, in this year's time, even if the Demon Race will launch multiple space battleships, the number will not be too many, and it will still be within the control of the First Army.

Human beings have just learned of the threat of the demons, and it needs a certain buffer time, Li Meng can understand.

Therefore, the time has been relaxed so that countries have more time to prepare.

Li Meng's words undoubtedly made many people breathe a sigh of relief, and the expression on his face was much more relaxed.

Originally, the meeting ended relatively late. After the meeting, ambassadors from various countries gathered together for a small meeting. After the small meeting, it was dark outside.

With mixed feelings, the ambassadors of various countries left the Great Hall, and Li Meng also took Xiaonan on the way back to the mansion.

In the dark, on a busy street, a black car followed the traffic.

"Master, why should I take up the position of "ambassador"? Isn't there a better candidate in the Chamber of Commerce?"

In the car, Xiao Nan and Li Meng sat side by side, looked at the owner beside him a little puzzled, and asked softly.

At Xiao Nan's words, Li Meng just smiled faintly, and withdrew his gaze from the window, looking at Xiao Nan beside him.

Looking at Xiao Nan's beautiful face, Li Meng said calmly, "Did you not do very well today? This is enough. Go on in this position. You will not be as leisurely as before. ."

The master's words echoed in his ears, and Xiao Nan was silent.

Speaking of this, Li Meng said: "Tomorrow you will be stationed in the "Embassy" and formally serve as the "ambassador" of the First Corps in Kyoto. You have to work hard."

The master said so, what else could she say, Xiao Nan could only nod lightly.

It was late at night when Li Meng and Xiao Nan returned to the mansion.

As soon as he walked in, Li Meng saw Yan'er's slim figure in the hall.

"Master, you are back."

The movement outside the door made Chen Yan quickly get up from the sofa, and when Li Meng came in, she greeted her.

Looking at the master with a smile, Chen Yan said softly: "Master, get hungry."

He was indeed hungry. During this day, Li Meng also ate a little bit when he left in the morning. After so long, Li Meng's stomach screamed "Wow".

Listening to Yana's question, Li Meng smiled and said, "Why? What delicious food was prepared?"

With a soft smile, Chen Yan stepped forward and held Li Meng's arm, pulling Li Meng to walk like a restaurant, and said softly: "I bought some ingredients, and I will wait for the master to return."

Speaking of this, Chen Yan looked at Xiao Nan behind her, and shouted, "Xiao Nan, you can help me too."

Xiao Nan was slightly taken aback at the young lady's cry, then reacted, and hurriedly followed.

After arriving at the restaurant and taking Li Meng to the table to sit down, Chen Yan said to Li Meng: "Master, you sit for a while, and Xiao Nan and I will go cooking."

With that, Chen Yan led Xiao Nan into the kitchen.

The kitchen is on the other side of the dining room, not far away. If you listen carefully, you can hear the movement in the kitchen.

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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