Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1527: Maternal society (seeking monthly pass)

The arms trade, domestic industrial development, and the threat of the demons are many things. Li Meng must keep his eyes on these things.

Especially with regards to communications assistance, countries today are establishing their own communications networks with the assistance of the First Army. On Nanlin Island, one or two space rockets are launched almost every day to deliver quantum communications to various countries’ scheduled orbits. satellite.

When the satellite was launched into the sky, the "quantum communication tower", a backup communication link on the ground, was also stepped up by merchant ships to various countries.

It can be said that the First Army has spared no effort in solving the communication problems of various countries.

The mode of communication has changed, and all nations can connect online, and communication among nations will become easier.

As more and more countries purchase quantum communication satellites from the First Army, a communication network is covering the entire earth.

In the same incident, more and more countries opened their own communication channels to the First Corps online, making communication more convenient.

Whether it is the purchase of weapons, the replenishment of ammunition, or after-sales service, the First Army can receive a large number of trade lists from various countries of mankind every day.

As the highest commander of the First Army, Li Meng does not need to deal with related matters personally, but he must always pay attention to these matters and occasionally put forward his own opinions in certain places.

Li Meng seems to be very leisurely, but with the influx of a large amount of information, Li Meng is very busy, holding his laptop almost every day to browse various new messages in the data terminal.

Time just passed day by day, and soon came the day when Princess Kuniya of the Kingdom of Austria succeeded to the throne.

However, Li Meng, who had originally planned to go to the Kingdom of Austria to participate in the Queen's Enthronement Ceremony, suddenly changed his decision temporarily and handed the task to Tan Ya and Natasha.

Yunan mainland, in the goddess of life temple.

In the hall on the top floor, above the throne, a small slender figure is sitting upright.

She frowned, as if thinking about something.

Below the throne, in the smooth, mirror-like hall, a number of guards stood in two rows. Their huge figures were mighty and majestic, guarding their gods.

With a little white hand stretched out, Isis looked down at the ring on the ring finger of his left hand.

It is dark, so delicate and beautiful.

"Will he come?"

In his heart, Isis thought to himself.

It has been several months since I saw him last time. Where he is now, Isis doesn't know what he is doing, Isis also doesn't know, but now, she wants to see him and has very important things to say.

Just as Isis lowered his head to think about it, a hand stretched out from the side and gently squeezed her extended left hand.

The sudden appearance of the hand made Isis a momentary stun. He raised his head and looked to the side. What he saw was the familiar figure.

It's Li Meng.

Regarding the sudden appearance of Li Meng, the guards in the main hall became nervous, their golden eyes fixed on the human beings who suddenly appeared beside the throne, but they knew the identity of the humans in their eyes and did not act rashly.

"Li Meng?"

With a whisper of surprise, Isis smiled slightly, and his light pupils looked at the man beside him gently.

He really came...

Standing up gracefully, Isis took advantage of the trend, took Li Meng and walked towards the inner hall.

On the sofa in the inner temple, the two sat side by side.

Looking at the gorgeously dressed Isis next to him, Li Meng smiled slightly and asked: "I'm so anxious to find me, but what happened."

On the way here, Li Meng felt Isis's call many times.

In order to appear faster by Isis's side, Li Meng completely ignored the consumption of the power of death, and traveled tens of thousands of kilometers in less than an hour to reach Isis's side.

Looking at Li Meng next to him, Isis nodded lightly, a pair of beautiful eyes and said softly: "Some things have indeed happened these days. Lord Amon has sent invitations to the lords to hold a meeting of the seven lords. It's a rare thing. Because the bodies used by the seven lords are fragile, they don't have too strong power. To protect the safety of the body, the seven lords generally don't gather together."

"Do you know the content of the meeting?"

Looking at Isis beside him, Li Meng asked.

Isis shook his head and said softly, "I don't know, Amon didn't say it clearly."

"You agreed?" Li Meng asked again.

Isis replied: "Before Amon came to see me, I received the news of "Ra". No one can be absent from the Seven Lords Meeting. Ladu said that. This Seven Lords Meeting should be very important. "

Very important meeting?

Li Meng was thoughtful, thinking about the content of this meeting.

At this time, Isis said again: "Although I don't know the specific content of this meeting, it should be related to humans. You have a very special ability and you can join the meeting with me. Then, we will know Amon's purpose. "

This is a way. Li Meng in the spiritual state can't be discovered by anyone, and he can join this meeting with Isis.

However, Li Meng realized one thing.

At this meeting, all the senior members of the Mozu will gather together. This is a god-given opportunity.

For a long time, Li Meng had the idea of ​​destroying all high-level demons. He had this ability.

The only thing lacking is intelligence, and other lords are not as often in their temples as Isis.

It is not easy to find them, but now, this meeting of the Seven Lords is undoubtedly a good opportunity.

An opportunity to destroy all high-level demons.

Li Meng, who thought this way, did not hide Isis, and muttered: "Can you use this opportunity to eliminate other lords?"

At Li Meng's words, Isis was slightly taken aback, and looked at Li Meng in surprise.

She shook her head slightly, and whispered: "You have this ability. I don't doubt it, but it is useless. We are immortal. Even if you successfully destroy our body, our body can escape. , Even if you have the ability to trap and destroy our being, we can also gain a new life with the help of the unified guard"

The discourse paused, Isis explained: "Our society is a system centered on the mother body. The mother body splits consciousness and produces new individuals. There is a spiritual connection between the mother body and the individual. Once the mother body accidentally perishes, Through the spiritual connection with the individual, the mother body can transmit consciousness to an individual. This individual containing the mother body consciousness will become a new mother body with all the memories and knowledge of the mother body. As long as there is another individual, the mother body will be It won't really die."

(Seeking comments, seeking monthly tickets, seeking recommendation tickets, vigorously updating)

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