Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1531: City (see monthly pass)


What to prepare, Isis naturally knows.

Mozu has advanced biotechnology and is very good at cloning and gene fusion technologies.

If the demons are willing, they can use the earth's rich ecosystem to create various powerful monsters.

Using biotechnology to create a powerful host is naturally not a problem for the demons.


Isis shook his head lightly, indicating that he had no preparation for this.

She just woke up and returned not long ago, and in some respects has fallen far behind other lords.

With a faint smile, Hartuo'er said softly: "There is no need to worry about these things. Now the lords are just making some preparations. If you really want to implement this plan, I am afraid that you will have to wait until after the unification of mankind. In order to collect the genes of all kinds of creatures on the earth, we can cultivate a perfect and powerful host."

Discard the human body?

Isis never had this idea.

Although the demons have been on earth for tens of thousands of years, they have been dormant for most of these tens of thousands of years, and only a few thousand years have used their identity to walk in the world.

Although the human body is fragile, it also brings great benefits to the demons.

One is the emotional fullness, which invisibly evolves the devil's originally decadent consciousness.

The second is the convenience of rule. If the "god" of humans has a human appearance, it will make the faith of mankind more firm, even if it has a demon appearance, under the will of the "god" Can also be accepted by humans.

Isis did not approve of the plan of the lords to enhance their own strength.

Isis does not want to abandon his identity as a human being. Instead of strengthening the lord’s own power, he might as well use his brains on the guards. No matter how strong the lord, he will not go to the front. If he has stronger power, it is only for his own sake. Guarantee, this is not necessary.

If the commander cannot protect the safety of the lord, no matter how strong the lord is, it is in vain.

Thinking of this, Isis said indifferently: "I am not prepared to give up my identity as a human being. I will not do it now, and I will not in the future. For thousands of years, the demons have been verified in human beings. Only faith can better rule mankind. , The rule of terror will only bring resistance and hatred."

To Isis’s words, Harto’er just smiled, and said: “How big is the universe. There are not only human beings. The eyes of the demons should not only be on humans. For us, the earth is just one The starting point, it is not indispensable."

"But the human potential is also the highest, Harto, don’t forget how human ancestors exist. If they are still there, let alone the Kraken clan, the real demons can only shrink in the subspace. Stay in the middle of it."

Harto's refutation of Isis cannot be denied. Although she admits the strength of human ancestors, it is already a thing of the past.

How long is the existence of the universe? Perhaps hundreds of millions of years ago, there existed races more powerful than ancient humans. However, even the most powerful races will eventually disappear in endless time.

This is the law, no race will truly get "eternity".

The universe seems peaceful, but in fact it is extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, it will usher in complete destruction.

Take the demons, if there is no temptation from the consciousness of the demons, their family may only exist in a form of energy forever, drifting aimlessly on the planet until they completely disappear.

Danger does not only bring destruction, sometimes it also becomes an opportunity, an opportunity from weak to strong.

"Okay, okay, let's not argue about these things, let's talk about future things in the future."

Harto would not want to argue with Isis anymore, which would destroy their precious friendship.

This is not the result that Hatuo wanted to see.

With a faint smile, Harto’s changed the subject, and said: “Let’s talk about this meeting. Amon called us together. It’s certainly not a trivial matter. It must have something to do with the captured human warship. A human battleship, this doesn’t mean anything. We must know that on Alcatraz Island we had a fight with the First Legion. In that case, it’s more important not to capture a human battleship. In the end, didn’t we do nothing? "

After the words were paused, Hartuo'er continued: "Now the demons need time. Once we have enough Sikkim, after the engine is modified, all combat units can fly into space. At that time, the demons can Controlling the Earth’s orbit in the true sense, which is like now, clearly has the ability to enter deep space, but still allows those human satellites in the orbit to exist, which makes us have to distort the magnetic field over the southern continent and let the detection domains The human satellites in the southern continent are out of function."

Why Amon summoned the lord, Hattor didn't know, and Isis naturally didn't know.

However, as Hartuo's said, capturing a human warship is not surprising.

After all, in the Aegean Sea, battleships of the First Legion can be seen everywhere.

What unexpected situation will a warship that does not belong to the First Army arise?

Thinking of this, Isis said calmly: "We can't guess what is going on. When we arrive at the Temple of Amon, we will naturally know everything."

This is also...

Only to Isis’s words, Hattor agrees very much.

Discussing the meeting now is just making some speculations about it, and only in the meeting will the real answer be obtained.

At this moment, Harto's expression was slightly taken aback.

From the spiritual connection, Hattor received a reminder from the warship consciousness.

Looking back at Isis beside him, Hartoe whispered: "We're here."

At this time, outside, under the **** of hundreds of sentries and archers, and more than a dozen small warships, the warship that Hattor and Isis were on came to the sky above a huge city.

There are no walls around the city, and densely packed buildings stretch into the depths of the forest.

There are no tall buildings, nor any electronic equipment, only low tower buildings and a low and neat two-story civilian house.

Looking from the sky, the city with a literary and artistic atmosphere in yellow color seems to have entered the medieval era.

Wooden boats can be seen paddling on the river, and walking figures can also be seen on the street, a peaceful scene.

A huge pyramid stands in the middle of the city. It is like a big mountain. The whole city looks so small in front of it, and its height is probably more than one kilometer.

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