Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1537: Where is the confidence?

"There is no possibility of victory for the demons?"

To Li Meng, Hartuoer doubted it very much.

Putting down the hand caressed on Isis’s face and gently covering the soft waist, Li Meng said calmly: “If there is no First Legion, the demons can unite the earth, there is no doubt about it, this is the fate. The fate of human beings is also the fate of your demons. Because of the existence of the First Legion, many things will change."

This is not Li Meng's self-confidence, but a fact.

Although the demons are strong, they have a more powerful and advanced foundation in science and technology than human beings. Only because of the lack of earth resources, the demons' civilization has just entered the age of aerospace.

Although the demons in this era have a huge advantage over mankind, this advantage is not out of reach.

The First Army was the biggest unexpected factor in this war.

If the First Legion does not exist, facing the offensive of the demons, the defeat of humans on the earth is undoubtedly a matter, but the First Legion appears, everything will change.

Looking at the human man in front of him, Harto was silent.

Harto didn't know where his confidence came from, but it was hard to doubt what he said.

The speed of demon warships is still very fast. Although warships of this level do not have the ability to escape the earth's atmosphere, the speed of flight can still be guaranteed.

But within an hour, the mighty demons battle group appeared above the temple of Isis.

On the outer apron at the top of the pyramid, the large warship slowly landed.

As the hatch opened, Limon, Harto, and Isis walked out of the battleship and stepped onto the ground of the apron.

Behind them, a hundred-meter-class battleship slowly lifted into the air, and the thrust generated by the blue coil blew a strong wind.

Leaving the apron, the three entered the wide, bright, smooth corridor, walking side by side.

"Isis, let those belongings of mine stay in my territory first. Once the biological incubator has landed, it is not easy to relocate. If it is too concentrated, it is easy to be destroyed by one blow. I will stay in the future. Just go here."

Thinking about living with Isis, Hattor was a little excited.

Looking at Isis with twinkling eyes, looking forward to it.

Facing Hattor's hot gaze, Isis seemed very uncomfortable. Her hand subconsciously grabbed Li Meng's arm and said helplessly: "Let's do it with you."

Since he had promised Hattor before, Isis would naturally not regret it.

In a short while, the three returned to the inner hall.

On the soft sofa, the three sat opposite each other.

Isis and Li Meng sat together, they were tightly attached, while Hattor sat alone opposite.

Harto's eyes have been wandering on Li Meng and Isis, and the closeness of the two makes Harto's very tasteful.

"How much time do humans have?"

This is what Li Meng said to Isis and also to Hattor.

Naturally, both of them knew what this meant.

After a little pondering, Hartuo'er replied: "A few months, not less than a month. Even if they give up their current body, the new host needs time to adapt. During the period of adaptation, they will fall into A short sleep state."

A short sleep state?

Hearing this, Li Meng thought thoughtfully: "In other words, in the next one or two months, the demons will be in a state of no commander?"


As soon as he finished speaking, Hartuoer felt something was wrong, and she gave Li Meng a suspicious look.

He wouldn't want to take advantage of this buffer time to do something unfavorable to the demons, would he?

Hatoer has confirmed that the humans in front of him will definitely take some actions for this, and quickly reminded: "Although the lords have fallen into a short sleep, there are still guards in the demons. They are not stupid. They are not only close attendants of the lords. It is also the commander of the foreign war, the demons will not fall into chaos due to the dormancy of the lords."

This is a trouble...

Hartuo's reminder is still useful. Although Li Meng did not let Li Meng give up his thoughts, he became more cautious.

Thinking of this, Li Meng got up from the soft sofa.

Looking at Isis in front of him, Li Meng exhorted: "Isis, you two should not show up in the future, just wait for the situation to develop."

In the temple of Amon, in order to prevent other demons from suspicion of Isis, Li Mengyi included Isis as the target of attack, and suffered Li Meng's attack like other demons.

If Isis and Hattor appeared intact in front of other lords, they would definitely be suspected.


Isis knew what Li Meng's words meant, nodded softly, and responded.

He is leaving, Isis has already guessed this.

This is his exhort before leaving.

With a faint smile, Li Meng rubbed Isis’s little head and said softly: “Okay, I should go too. It’s still the same as before. Just call me if anything happens. Come here."


Isis responded softly again.

Without saying more, he turned his head and took a deep look at Hato'er. In the eyes of the two women, Li Meng's figure turned into a black mist and disappeared without a trace.

For this scene, Isis is used to it, but for Harto, it is so incredible.

"Is he a "ghost"?"

Looking blankly at the place where Li Meng disappeared, Hattor muttered to himself.

Although the voice was small, it was still heard by Isis.


After taking a faint look at Harto, Isis retorted calmly: "No, he is "God", the **** of mankind."


Looking at Isis with a calm face, Hattor asked suspiciously.

Isis shook his head and said softly: "I don't know, it should be a similar existence."

Does something similar exist?

In Hartuo's cognition of life in the universe, each of several races has an incredible existence, and this kind of existence often becomes the guardian of the race, protecting the race to survive in the endless starry sky.

This made Hartuo'er think of the demons and the former guardians of the demons.

When the Demon Race is still ignorant and ignorant, there is also a powerful guardian in the Demon Race's home planet.

It has a stronger consciousness than any of its kind. It is the most powerful and perfect matrix. It protects its race from being invaded by foreign objects.

But one day, the demon consciousness came and everything changed.

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