Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1549: Battle of the Island

Under a clear order, the soldiers on the beach were divided into three, divided into three small teams and poured into the forest behind the beach.

This is just a small piece of forest, about a few miles behind the forest, there is an endless wasteland.

"Captain Monvi, I need air support to clear out the only remaining air units on the island."

While walking briskly in the damp forest, Blair asked the fleet for air assistance.

In the gloomy forest, the tranquility is no longer there. Footsteps, shaking figures, and the sound of machinery are already flooding the forest.

By Blair's side, a large number of soldiers followed, as well as the sickle mecha with a larger body.

As an all-terrain combat weapon, the Sickle Mech, although the terrain in the forest is a bit uneven, it is not difficult to reach the Sickle Mech driver.

The four-legged mechanical legs not only ensure the off-road performance of the Sickle Mecha, but also the speed.

If the speed of the infantry is not taken into account, the Sickle Mech can be even faster.

After a short silence, the fleet's response came from the communicator.

"The enemy's large air unit has been evacuated. No air assistance is needed. The fleet is approaching Alcatraz Island, and the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft will be launched soon."

The enemy large flying unit has evacuated?

This is good news for Blair.

The team he was carrying could not effectively deal with the air raids of the demons. To complete the mission, they must ensure air supremacy, otherwise, they would be unable to do so on Alcatraz Island.

As discovered by the advance fleet, the large flying units of the demons on Alcatraz Island have been evacuated.

Seemingly realizing that stubborn resistance will only be destroyed, the small warships on Alcatraz Island that did not participate in the air combat took off after the air combat ended.

The evacuated did not hesitate.

Undoubtedly, this is an approach full of wisdom.

Although the UAV group of the First Army has left, the advance fleet may have a UAV carrier.

There are only a few small battleships on Alcatraz Island. No matter how strong they are, they cannot be the opponent of nearly a hundred Sky Knight unmanned fighters.

Moreover, the 50-meter-class aircraft of the Demon Race seems to be just a transport unit, and it does not have too strong arms or the ability to face the enemy.

What happened?

There was a roar from a distance, like thunder, but also like the sound of battle guns.

This puzzled the civilians in the mines on Alcatraz Island.

They saw a large number of flying monsters lift off, and they also saw the departure of small battleships.

I also felt the tension of the guardians of the gods, they were gathering.

"What happened?"

"I don't know, who seemed to be fighting with those monsters."

"Is it here to save our humans?"

"How could it be, it's been more than a year, if they have the heart to save us, how can they wait until now."

The unknown situation caused the civilians in the mine to put aside their work and talk about it.

They don't know what's going on, they only know the roaring sound from a distance not long ago, and the tense soldiers leaving with their heads.

"Bang, bang!"

Just when the civilians were puzzled, there was a sudden intensive gunfire not far from the north, and there seemed to be fighting over there.

This changed the faces of the civilians, their expressions became complicated, and they looked at each other.

"Kill, annihilate the desecrator, charge, charge."

At the edge of the forest, Blair was blocked.

A large number of koo-head soldiers appeared in the wasteland outside the forest and surrounded the forest.

They wear armors and dog head helmets, and the number is no more than a thousand.

Under the command of the commander, they charged into the forest fearlessly.

From the scepter in their hands, blue rays continued to shoot out, forming a rain of bullets covering the forest.

In the sky, an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft was hovering in the sky, which let Blair know their tracks in advance.

"Attack, destroy them."

With a roar, the soldiers hiding in the forest launched an attack.

I saw the fire flickering in the dark and evil forest, the intensive gunfire "suddenly" sounded, and the fiery rain of bullets covered the kobold soldiers.

In the burst of sparks, a large number of kobold soldiers in the charge were hit and fell down.

In the exchange of fire between you and me, the Sickle Mech emerged from the forest facing the enemy's barrage.

One after another, its multi-barreled machine gun began to roar.

In the unique tearing sound, in the fire tongue, the dense bullets formed a string of fire dragons to attack the enemy, and all the targets hit were shattered.

"Left wing, right wing, attack immediately and surround them, we must end the battle as soon as possible."

Under Blair's clear instructions, the first company on the left and the second company on the right rushed out of the forest, and under the cover of the sickle mecha, attacked the kobold soldiers outside.

For a while, gunfire became more intense.

Under the attack of the first company and the second company, the koo-head soldiers appeared at a disadvantage.

They no longer charge forward, but are embarrassed to deal with the enemies on both sides, and tend to retreat.

"go ahead!"

Seeing this, Blair gave an order to move forward.

The third company that faced the enemy head-on began to attack, with the Sickle Mech taking the lead, and the team rushed out of the forest.

The blue and red bullets interlaced in the sky.

You come to me on both sides, and soldiers on both sides fall from time to time.

The scepter weapon in the hands of the koo-headed soldier is powerful. A sickle mecha has withstood too much firepower, and its four-legged footsteps staggered and fell to the ground.

Looking to the body, the weak armor was full of flaming craters, and some places were even penetrated.

After all, the Sickle Mech is a light armored unit, and its defense is somewhat weak.

Enemy weapons can penetrate the armor of the Sickle Mecha, not to mention the soldiers.

As long as it is hit by blue rays, it will basically be penetrated.

Fortunately, the rate of fire of the enemy’s weapons is not as fast as the rifles in the hands of the soldiers of the First Legion. In terms of firepower, the First Legion is more powerful.

Although the enemy has powerful weapons, it is very inefficient when it comes to protection.

Those armor-like equipment can't effectively withstand the lethality of bullets at all, which caused a lot of casualties to the dog-head soldiers.

"Retreat, retreat."

Seeing that the enemy is coming fiercely and the soldiers on their side have suffered heavy losses, the commander of the dog-legged soldiers issued an order to retreat.

This caused the Kotou soldiers who had been fighting hard to evade in a panic, and rushed to the rear in a hurry, and the entire line collapsed completely.

Although they are believers of God, they are also human beings with their own consciousness.

Although his faith is firm, he still feels fear of death.

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