Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1553: Red swirl

"Okay, let's go!"

With that said, Darvi turned and pushed open the heavy door.

The door was not locked, and Darvi slowly pushed it open amidst the creaking sound.

Outside the order, a group of soldiers stayed behind, while others followed Darvi into the church.

As soon as they entered the church, the soldiers broke up and turned into teams to search the church.

The church is still very large. Behind the gate is a prayer hall. Rows of benches and seats can be seen in the hall. On both sides of the hall, there are steps leading to the upper floor. Looking up, you can see on the wall. I saw some religious murals.

With the arrival of the First Legion, the tranquility in the church was broken, and there were waves of abnormal sounds everywhere.

"Ensign Darvi, Ensign Darvi!"

Soon, the communicator in Darvi's helmet rang out from a group of soldiers.

"Received, I am Ensign Darvi, please speak."

Did you find something?

Darvi in ​​the prayer hall thought to himself, if so, that would be great.

If he really finds something in the church, he can talk to the commander.

"We found a room. There was a strange thing in the room, something unknown..."

Is there really something weird?

The subordinate's report surprised Darvi.

Darvi didn't think there would be anything unexpected in the church. He just gave the commander's instructions with the idea of ​​having a try and coming to search.

Unexpectedly, there are really strange things.

It seems that the commander knows something.

Without thinking about it, Darvi hurriedly said: "Wait, I am here."

The team that found the strange thing is behind the prayer hall. In the area on the lower level is the warehouse area.

Because it is on the bottom floor and there is no sunlight, it is very dark. Fortunately, the passage is wide enough and it is not difficult to move forward with the help of night vision equipment.

In the depths of the warehouse area, Darvi found the team that found the strange thing and entered a fairly spacious room.

This room seems a bit peculiar. In the warehouse outside the room, the walls are gray, while the walls in the room are black, as if they were made of some black stone.

In the room, Darvi saw the twelve-man team and a disc platform beside them.

Seeing Darvi was coming, one person hurriedly greeted him and said with a military salute: "Ensign Darvi."


Responding softly, Darvi came to the disc platform.

"This is what you found? Have you ever touched it?"

Seeing Darvi's question, the soldier who saluted Darvi just now replied: "No, it's been here all the time, we haven't touched it."

what is this?

Looking at the disc platform in front of him, Darvi muttered to himself.

The material should be stone, like a stone table, but the disc is slanted with some crystals on it.

There are three circles of crystal, and each circle has a different color. In the innermost circle is a fiery red diamond-shaped crystal. It is large, half the size of a fist. Look at the gap under the diamond-shaped crystal...

Darvi thought so, reaching out and grabbing the diamond-shaped crystal, applying a slight force...

It's useless, Darvi used a little effort, but the diamond-shaped crystal showed no signs of loosening.

"Is it the commander looking for?"

Looking at the disc platform in front of him, Darvi secretly guessed.

It should be...

"Carry it out, this should be what we are looking for."

Darvi gave instructions to the soldiers in the room.


The squad in the room immediately took action, and the four of them worked together to lift the disc platform, which was about 1.5 meters high, and walked out.

Fortunately, the disc platform and the ground are not connected together, which avoids some unnecessary troubles.

However, what everyone didn't notice was that when they left the room carrying the disc platform, the crystals of various colors on the disc gave off a slight brilliance.

It just happened in a flash, which made everyone not notice the change of the crystal

Although the disc platform was found, Darvi did not give an order to end the search.

Whether the disc platform is something the commander needs is still unknown. Only after a thorough search of the entire church can Darvi be assured that he has completed this mission.

About half an hour later, the scattered search teams returned to the prayer hall one by one.

When the last team returned, the search for the church was finally over.

Except for the disc platform, nothing else of value was found.

"Go, evacuate Sri Erlin!"

Under Darvi's order, the soldiers in the prayer hall began to evacuate.

They left the church door and walked outward along the stairs.

On the street outside the stairs, there are soldiers who stay behind, and can see six sickle mechas.


At this moment, there was a thunderbolt in the sky, and a huge thunder rang through the sky and the earth.

The proximity of the sound shocked the soldiers in front of the church, and they all looked up to the sky.

The weather today is very good. Although there are always clouds over Alcatraz Island, there is no sign of heavy rain.

The soldiers just in front of the church thought it was just a thunder, but the sky changed strangely.

Over the city of Sirillin, the clouds suddenly stirred up strangely. In an instant, the clouds were covered with lightning and thunder and thunder resounded through the entire Alcatraz Island.

In the thunder and lightning, the entire dark cloud layer flowed and gradually formed a huge vortex.

From the thunderbolt of the blue sky to the formation of the vortex, it seemed a long time, but in fact it only took less than a minute.

Originally the sky was clear, but in an instant dark clouds filled the sky, and the whole world was darkened.

Not only that, when the dark clouds in the sky formed a spectacular vortex, a red color suddenly emerged from the center of the vortex, and the entire surging vortex became a weird red within a few seconds.

The thunder was louder and denser, the red lightning almost tore the sky,

This weird scene is being watched by everyone on Alcatraz Island.

The strange vortex in the sky appeared too suddenly, and it could be clearly seen anywhere on the island.

"what is this?"

Looking at the weird and ferocious huge red vortex over the city in a daze, Darvi had a bad premonition in his heart.

"what is that……"

With an exclamation, the sky suddenly changed.

From the whirlpool in the sky, huge burning fireballs descended from the sky, and they were falling towards Siril Forest City.

Amidst the roaring sound, a meteor shower suddenly appeared in the sky, and countless fireballs appeared from the vortex, and densely fell towards Siril Forest City.

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