Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1555: Canine Demon

"Break through the siege, immediately break through the siege, and leave Silil Forest City quickly."

As soon as the urgent order was received, the video flashed suddenly and the picture was lost.

"The reconnaissance drone has been shot down, and we have lost the picture of Sirilin City."

In the command room of the flagship of the advance fleet Thunder, Mengwei walked back and forth anxiously.

Suddenly, the demon's reality was unexpected, and it left the First Legion without any reaction time.

"When will the main fleet arrive?"

At this time, Mengwei can only rely on the main fleet.

At present, the situation in Sirillin City is unknown, and the First Army needs to increase its military strength.

"About three hours or so."

How to do……

In the helmet, Mengwei looked solemn and thought anxiously.

There is no time to hesitate, Meng Wei solemnly said: "Connect to the helmet video of Lieutenant Darrei and send out all the miniature scout robots. Without our guidance, they would not be able to escape from Sri Erlin.

"Also, let the drone carrier be ready for battle. Once an order is issued, it must be on the battlefield within five minutes, regardless of the cost."


At this time, Darvi in ​​Sirlin City also had a bad feeling.

When the demon descended from the sky, he subconsciously gave the order to withdraw to the church, but then Darvi reacted, staying in the church will only be caught in the urn, he only needs one company, six sickle mechas, and more than 100 soldiers. No ability to fight demons.

"Lieutenant Darvi, the micro drone has been launched. We have planned a reasonable and safe evacuation route. Please evacuate as soon as possible. A large number of demons have appeared in the city. Some demons are approaching the church. You must leave as soon as possible."

The communication from the advance fleet gave Darvi a sigh of relief.

Although the current situation is very dangerous, the fleet at least has not given up on them.

After confirming the evacuation route in the helmet, Darvi hurriedly said to his companion: "Evacuate, evacuate immediately, and follow me."

With that said, Darvi rushed out of the church first.

A group of soldiers followed closely, and the sickle mech was broken.

On the back of a sickle mecha, the disc platform was tied to it. Even in the face of the crisis of complete destruction, Darvi never gave up the mission.

Leaving the church, Darvi led the company into the alley to the left of the church.

Just above their heads, several small reconnaissance drones were hovering in the sky, watching closely the movement in the city.

Although flying demons hover in the sky, the smaller body makes the demons ignore the existence of miniature surveillance drones.

"There are a lot of demonic activities in the street on the left of the exit, Lieutenant Darvi, you must be careful and try not to be discovered by them. Now the city is full of demons. Once attracted by the gunshots, they will gather, which will increase the evacuation. The danger of it."


In the alleys, the Hundred People Company is moving fast, running and shutting in the alleys.


With a warning, Darvi stopped at the intersection.

The soldiers leaned against the wall to hide, to minimize the possibility of being spotted by flying demons.

Leaning against the wall, Darvi stretched his head slightly and looked towards the street on the left.

Just as the fleet warned, on the street not far to the left, a group of huge red figures were walking in groups.

They are huge in size, more than two meters tall, their skin is dark red, and there are some red lava scales. They seem to be burning. They also have two black horns on their heads, and they hold a huge Blade knife.

This is the first time Darvi has seen a demon with the same size, the same characteristics, and such a scale.

After waiting for two minutes, their figure finally disappeared, disappearing on the street.

This made Darvi let out a sigh of relief, and quickly waved to the soldiers behind him.

Taking a deep breath, Darvi took a step and rushed out of the alley first, ran across the street, and entered the alley opposite.

The soldiers hurriedly followed and quickly crossed the road.

"No, you have been found. There is a large canine demon approaching you. It is on the roof on the right, approaching you quickly."


The warning from the fleet caused Darvi to curse secretly and hurriedly turned back and ran towards the street.

At this time, the soldiers were crossing the street.

As he hurried to the street, Darvi shouted "Bazooka!"

A soldier took off the bazooka behind him and threw it at Darvi.

After catching the bazooka, Darvi rushed to the street, carrying the bazooka on his shoulder, and aimed it at the roof on the right.

He said at the same time: "Continue to evacuate, the third and fourth teams will follow me."

With an order, some soldiers hurriedly left the team and came behind Darvi.

Above the roof, hearing only the sound of shattering tiles, a huge red figure suddenly jumped out and suddenly appeared in the eyes of the soldiers.

As soon as it appeared, Darvi nervously pressed the trigger of the rocket launcher on his shoulder.

Hearing a "shoo" sound, the rocket with the tail flame attacked the canine demon.

Without hitting, the rocket passed by the canine demon and disappeared into the distant sky.


The huge canine demon fell heavily on the street, and the ground under its four feet suddenly cracked.


The canine demon that fell on the street let out a huge growl.

Sparks flickered in the mouth of one of the skulls, and suddenly burst out orange flames.

The target is the largest sickle mecha.

The scorching flame rushed towards you. In the orange flame, the sickle armor melted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Attack, kill it."

With a roar, the soldiers finally reacted and pressed the trigger of the rifle in their hands.

"Da da da!"

Intensive gunfire suddenly sounded, and countless bullets attacked the canine demon, hitting the red body.

But it was useless. The bullet hit it, leaving only a string of sparks on its body, which could not destroy its scales and skin.


Two sickle mechas with shooting angles opened fire, and the large-caliber rotary machine gun spewed a fire dragon and swept toward the canine demon.

Upon contact, the canine demon retreated steadily by the dense bullets, and stopped breathing flames.

Under the attack of the sickle mecha, it seemed to feel pain, and suddenly jumped on all fours, and rushed towards a sickle mecha.

Its huge body directly pressed on the body of the sickle mecha, using the sharp claws of the forelimbs and two sharp teeth to bite the sickle mecha frantically.

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