Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1559: Ground melee

How many are they?

No one knows this, because they are small in size and cannot be effectively captured by radar. The number can only be calculated visually.

If you have to give a definite number, the number of red figures surging in the sky above Sri Erlin is at least between 30,000 and 50,000, not less than this number, only more.

In the sky outside the city west of Sri Erlin, the two sides exchanged fire.

In the flash of fire, and amid the screaming of "shoo," densely packed missiles rushed towards the demon battle group in the distance.

The flying demon group in the direction of the demon also shone fire. Numerous fireballs of half a meter in size appeared from the sky, and rushed to the drone group of the First Army like magic. The number of them almost covered the entire sky, and the brightness they emitted Almost the entire sky is red.

In the sky between the two sides, the missile and the fireball met.

At that moment, the flames swelled fiercely, and a series of explosions happened immediately.

The flames soaring into the sky, the continuous explosion sound suddenly filled the entire sky.

When the explosion fell and the flame was still on, the two sides made contact.

The unmanned fighter plane in front of the aircraft group directly fired all the missiles, fired on the cannon, and rushed into the demon group in a decisive manner.

As soon as the two parties contacted, there was a continuous explosion in the sky, accompanied by dense flashing flames.

In the vast airspace, the two sides are entangled together.

The flames flickered, the thunder "boomed", and for a while, the sky was so lively.

Countless burning debris fell to the ground, and the sky was like a meteor shower.

When the drone group was entangled with the enemy air demons, the ground forces of the First Army also began to act.

A large number of heavy armored units were running on the road connecting the city of Siriel, approaching the city of Siriel.


Outside the west city of Sri Erlin, the armored army of the first legion appeared and launched an attack on the west city gate.

Seeing the enemy coming, the demons on the wall roared.

Amid the roar, the demons on the streets behind the city became crazy. They swarmed out of the city and rushed towards the incoming first legion ground armored army.

A large number of canine demons jumped off the wall, like a phantom rushing towards the ground armored army of the First Legion not far away, at an extremely fast speed.

On the city wall, some weaker demons also appeared, their bodies were thin, and they were holding a bone scepter in their hands.

They appeared on the wall and began to wave the scepter in their hands, muttering words in their mouths.

In the air at the top of the scepter, a ball of flame appeared, condensing and becoming bigger.

When the condensed flames became unstable, the scepter demons on the wall made a strong wave.

Fireballs one meter in size flew into the sky and fell towards enemies not far away.

A large number of burning fireballs crossed the sky and fell into the ranks of the First Army.

The violent explosion sounded immediately, the flames surged, and the powerful shock wave swept everything around.

In the screams, countless soldiers were swallowed by the flames, and were extinguished in the flames.

Many more Guardian tanks were hit by rear **** falling from the air, the entire turret was lifted, and the entire car body burned.

"Fire and destroy them."

Seeing the demon rushing out of the city, a black swarm rushed towards the army, and the First Army launched an attack, and intensive gunfire suddenly sounded.


The Guardian tank at the forefront of the charge fired its gun. The barrel slammed, flames spewed, and the air flashed. An explosion occurred in the distant demons group. Several demons flew up into the sky and scattered across the mud.

On the one-mile front, the distance between the two sides was rapidly approaching, and no one took a step back.

Bullets flew horizontally, fireballs danced wildly, and rumbling explosions and flames occurred simultaneously on the ground and in the air.

"Second Lieutenant Darvi, the demon ground forces have been attracted by the army outside the city, please withdraw from Sri Erlin immediately."

In the city, Darvi, who was listening to the fighting outside the city, received an urgent message from the advance fleet.

Without hesitation, Darvi hurriedly issued an order to evacuate the company.

"Go, evacuate Sri Erlin immediately and follow me."

From the bungalows in the hiding place, a company of more than one hundred people hurriedly rushed out and approached the edge of the city with Darvi.

They did not leave the alley, but ran to the other side of the alley in the opposite direction.

Outside the alley is a straight avenue that connects the city gate. Once you go out, you will be spotted by demons flooding towards the west city gate. No matter how stupid, Darvi will not choose this evacuation route for death.

From the other side of the alley, Darvi led the company around a big circle, and came under the city wall not far from the West Gate.

"Rakka, Rakka!"

The company was discovered...

On both sides of the street below the city, a large number of red figures appeared, waving their swords and rushing towards the company.

"Withdraw, withdraw immediately, don't fall in love with war."

With a loud roar, while running, the soldiers climbed the stairs leading to the wall and ran towards the top of the wall.

"Rakka, Rakka."

At this moment, at the end of the stairs, a thin demon wielding a scepter appeared.

A little flame is condensing above its head.


Darvi ran at the forefront, only he had a shooting angle.

"Second Lieutenant, then..."

A soldier following behind threw the bazooka in his hand.

The bazooka fell over Darvi's head in a beautiful arc.

With his right hand stretched out, Darvi accurately caught the rocket launcher.

Quickly put the bazooka on his shoulders and made an attacking posture.

Seeing this, the soldiers in the rear quickly avoided the flame spray range.

"call out!"

Darvi pressed the trigger.

Hearing only a screaming sound, a white mark flashed in the air in the surging tail flames, and the demon at the end of the stairs exploded.

In the powerful explosion sound, the demon was directly torn most of his body, and crashed to the ground along with the rising flames.


Throwing away the bazooka in his hand, Darvi rushed towards the wall.

In the pursuit of the demon in the rear, Darvi led the company to the wall.

On the wall, the company encountered a large number of weak demons.

"Da da da!"

When they saw the demon on the wall, the soldiers rushing up to the wall subconsciously fired.

Unexpectedly, the effect was obvious. Under the company's attack, a large number of thin demons were hit by bullets and fell on the wall.

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